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Eating Disorders If you or someone close to you is struggling with an eating disorder, reach out here to ask questions or to receive support for recovery.
Bad Bulimia,suspicious of anorexia, and suicide threats. -
August 20th 2009, 05:55 AM
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My girlfriend (yes I am back with her...I don't feel like explaining. Best I got is that I don't give up on something or someone I'm passionate about) has very bad bulimia! She has had it for probably a year or two now, but it's been 8 1/2 months since I've known her and she still won't stop! She also is telling me lately she won't eat and that she wants to kill herself! I keep trying to convince her otherwise, but she continues all of the above! She has a doctor and is on meds for her bulimia, but what's going on?! She won't stop and I'm terrified! I don't want to loose her. Help somebody pleaseeee!!!!
Re: Bad Bulimia,suspicious of anorexia, and suicide threats. -
August 20th 2009, 02:47 PM
Hey there Rachael,
I can hear how nervous and scared you are. What a terrifying thing for you to be enduring and witnessing. People with eating disorders often think that they are in control with their food and weight, but in reality, the eating disorder is in control. They put the eating disorder first, before everything else. They can't see a life without it, and they feel as though they need it to survive. It can be really tough on loved ones, like you are experiencing, to have to witness it.
Have you talked with your girlfriend? Not just told her that you're worried, but truly sat down with her and had a real conversation about how this is impacting your relationship and how it's impacting you and your life? For a lot of people, the true wake-up call comes when loved ones are honest about how they are being impacted.
I'd encourage you to be as honest as possible with her, even if it's hard for her to hear.
Remember to take care of yourself, too! Reach out to TH, to other people you like and trust, to anyone. You need to take good care of yourself as well. Let me know if you ever want to talk, okay?
"Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Re: Bad Bulimia,suspicious of anorexia, and suicide threats. -
August 20th 2009, 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Jen
Hey there Rachael,
People with eating disorders often think that they are in control with their food and weight, but in reality, the eating disorder is in control.
She keeps saying she has to fight it by herself, so it does sound like she thinks she is in control.
Originally Posted by Jen
Have you talked with your girlfriend? Not just told her that you're worried, but truly sat down with her and had a real conversation about how this is impacting your relationship and how it's impacting you and your life? For a lot of people, the true wake-up call comes when loved ones are honest about how they are being impacted.
I'd encourage you to be as honest as possible with her, even if it's hard for her to hear.
I haven't done that that and unfortunately right now we can't physically see each other. But over aim and on the phone I have told her I was really worried. I was so helpless for so long, but it's really gotten too bad now and I don't want to sit back and do nothing. I told her that I was going to call someone if she didn't, but she kept saying "please don't" and one time she responded "if you do that I'll kill myself right now." I don't know whattt to do.
Originally Posted by Jen
Remember to take care of yourself, too! Reach out to TH, to other people you like and trust, to anyone. You need to take good care of yourself as well. Let me know if you ever want to talk, okay?
Thank you. I'm glad their are really good people here. This really is a great fourm.