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Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 4th 2012, 04:38 AM
I'm suffering from Non-Purging Bulimia, otherwise known as the binge starve cycle. Does anyone know if their are health risks to constant binging and starving?
When I look it up I only get stuff about purging, or only binging, or only starving.
So just wondering if anyone has an idea of what could happen to my body if this continues. And is anyone else suffering from it?
It sucks. Everyday I say "I'm going to eat a normal amount today"
but then I realize I don't know what a normal amount of food is.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 4th 2012, 10:05 AM are not alone!!! I have that too! God. It feels so good to have finally found somebody who is suffering from this too....however, I know nothing about the physical consrquences...Feel free to shoot me a PM!
If you're looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight, this is it. "May the odds be ever in your favour" "A strong person is one who can smile this morning like they weren't crying last night." Your never alone, I'm always here for you. Shoot me a VM or PM.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 4th 2012, 01:23 PM
Hey .
Really, the health effects of eating disorders depend on the symptoms. Wether that is restricting, binging, or purging. I'm not a doctor, but I'm guessing you will have the health risks of constant purging, restricting, and binging. The risks basically come with the actions...
for example: when I was primarily relying on purging to keep my weight low, i had an extremely low potassium, low protien levels, cavities, etc. But when I switched back to primarily restricting, i had low bone density, no periods, blue tinted nail beds, was always cold, etc. all the health risks are there... I mean, i really don't know its just a guess based on my experiences, but i hope it helped!
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 4th 2012, 06:39 PM
I am not a doctor, so I can't say for sure! But I would talk to a doctor about this. Explain to them your ED cycle, and talk about getting help for it and what they risks are going to be if this continues.
There ARE going to be risks, as for any ED. Althought I'm not sure "exactly" what they are, I know there are some because this isn't healthy.
I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are able to get help. You are NOT alone, I totally understand, so message me anytime.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 4th 2012, 07:12 PM
Thank you guys!
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 4th 2012, 09:42 PM
For sure.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 5th 2012, 03:28 AM
Sorry, I had to get over the excitement that somebody ACTUALLY has this disease too.....I felt so incredibly alone. Anyways, won't have the physical consequences of purging, unless you do that every now and again like I do, but you have the consequences of the yo-yo weight gain/lose from the bingeing and starving. Sucks, I know.
I don't really know what a normal amount of food is either. I've always eaten a lot, even before the ED, and now it's like, I'm trying to eat normally, but I don't even now if I'm doing it right...? Oh well.
Lauren, we will get through this together, promise. <3
Stay strong, and keep your head up high. 
If you're looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight, this is it. "May the odds be ever in your favour" "A strong person is one who can smile this morning like they weren't crying last night." Your never alone, I'm always here for you. Shoot me a VM or PM.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 5th 2012, 04:11 AM
Hey Lauren, I actually dealt with non-purging bulimia for many years, in fact for the majority of the time I have suffered with eating disorders it was by far the one that took up the most amount of that time. It started when I was 9 up until I was 14, so I know how hard it can be, I've had eating disorders of some kind or another for nearly half my life, and as I said, the majority of that time was undiagnosed non-purging bulimia. As for the risks, your metabolism can and very well might go absolutely insane. I gained massive amounts of weight during that particular eating disorder, and then it lead to more issues with it, which then developed into Purging type Bulimia. It can be awful, but basically with non-purging bulimia you face nearly all the risks of the starvation AND the binge eating. It also depends on how long the time between starve and binge is, for me, it was relatively a week of each. But for some, they go through both in the same day. But in general it can make your metabolism very slow, because over eating can make it slower, and starving yourself also makes it slow down and preserve fat.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 6th 2012, 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Tigerlily.
Hey Lauren, I actually dealt with non-purging bulimia for many years, in fact for the majority of the time I have suffered with eating disorders it was by far the one that took up the most amount of that time. It started when I was 9 up until I was 14, so I know how hard it can be, I've had eating disorders of some kind or another for nearly half my life, and as I said, the majority of that time was undiagnosed non-purging bulimia. As for the risks, your metabolism can and very well might go absolutely insane. I gained massive amounts of weight during that particular eating disorder, and then it lead to more issues with it, which then developed into Purging type Bulimia. It can be awful, but basically with non-purging bulimia you face nearly all the risks of the starvation AND the binge eating. It also depends on how long the time between starve and binge is, for me, it was relatively a week of each. But for some, they go through both in the same day. But in general it can make your metabolism very slow, because over eating can make it slower, and starving yourself also makes it slow down and preserve fat.
Good to know we are not alone, and you are struggling like us. Yeah, my metabolism is officially fucked (sorry). I mean, I could probably eat lettuce and gain weight. -.- mine was like 1 binge=2-4 days of starving, and so on. :/ Oh, and yeah. I gained a lot of weight too. Like a lost a certain amount of weight, and gained that (which was a lot) back, plus extra. But, I hate purging with a passion, so I doubt I'll develop Purging Bulimia.
If you're looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight, this is it. "May the odds be ever in your favour" "A strong person is one who can smile this morning like they weren't crying last night." Your never alone, I'm always here for you. Shoot me a VM or PM.
Last edited by escape♥; July 6th 2012 at 03:29 AM.
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Name: Lauren
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July 7th 2012, 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by xDarkMagicx
Sorry, I had to get over the excitement that somebody ACTUALLY has this disease too.....I felt so incredibly alone. Anyways, won't have the physical consequences of purging, unless you do that every now and again like I do, but you have the consequences of the yo-yo weight gain/lose from the bingeing and starving. Sucks, I know.
I don't really know what a normal amount of food is either. I've always eaten a lot, even before the ED, and now it's like, I'm trying to eat normally, but I don't even now if I'm doing it right...? Oh well.
Lauren, we will get through this together, promise. <3
Stay strong, and keep your head up high. 
I feel very alone as well. But we have each other.  I've purged once, and I think about it a lot, but when I want to try again someone is always close by. YES, THE WEIGHT GAIN, WEIGHT LOSS. CONSTANT. IT SUCKS.
I feel pathetic because I'm 15 and can't feed myself right. I'm so ashamed.
Thank you, you too.
Originally Posted by Tigerlily.
Hey Lauren, I actually dealt with non-purging bulimia for many years, in fact for the majority of the time I have suffered with eating disorders it was by far the one that took up the most amount of that time. It started when I was 9 up until I was 14, so I know how hard it can be, I've had eating disorders of some kind or another for nearly half my life, and as I said, the majority of that time was undiagnosed non-purging bulimia. As for the risks, your metabolism can and very well might go absolutely insane. I gained massive amounts of weight during that particular eating disorder, and then it lead to more issues with it, which then developed into Purging type Bulimia. It can be awful, but basically with non-purging bulimia you face nearly all the risks of the starvation AND the binge eating. It also depends on how long the time between starve and binge is, for me, it was relatively a week of each. But for some, they go through both in the same day. But in general it can make your metabolism very slow, because over eating can make it slower, and starving yourself also makes it slow down and preserve fat.
Yes, my metabolism is so screwed up! One time I starved for a day and gained like 2 pounds and another time when I binged I lost weight.
I didn't know that I basically have all the risks or starvation and binge eating, either though that's what I'm doing constantly, but still that is a scary thought.
During the school year I would starve for a week then binge on weekends because it was easy to not binge because I was at school for most of the day but now it's summer. I've been going through both throughout the day.
Sometimes I binge in the morning then I don't eat for the rest of the day and lately I'll have about 1000 calories during the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) but after dinner I eat everything I can. I think I do this because I read somewhere that your body expects the same amount of calories a day, basically the same amount of food.
Originally Posted by xDarkMagicx
Good to know we are not alone, and you are struggling like us. Yeah, my metabolism is officially fucked (sorry). I mean, I could probably eat lettuce and gain weight. -.- mine was like 1 binge=2-4 days of starving, and so on. :/ Oh, and yeah. I gained a lot of weight too. Like a lost a certain amount of weight, and gained that (which was a lot) back, plus extra. But, I hate purging with a passion, so I doubt I'll develop Purging Bulimia.
So is my metabolism!!!!!!!! Hopefully one day we can regulate it again!!!!
Last edited by Coffee.; July 7th 2012 at 06:03 AM.
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Re: Non-purging Bulimia? -
July 7th 2012, 12:56 PM
hah i know how that feels ... being alone ... I have anorexia binge-purge subtype... I'm mainly restrictive but , yeah ... So i kinda have a weird one too i guess. It's like I'm not quite anorexic enough to JUST be anorexic, but i'm way too underweight to be considered bulimic. Anyways... it sucks.
I'm 15 too.. and i dont know what a portion size is... haha wow thats... that's interesting.
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
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