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View Poll Results: Do you have/Have you had a mental illness?
Yes, I have been diagnosed with a mental illness
444 |
50.06% |
No, I have not been diagnosed with a mental illness
59 |
6.65% |
I think I may have a mental illness, but I have not been diagnosed
384 |
43.29% |
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Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 05:29 PM
Poll: Do you have/Have you had a mental illness?
What is mental illness?
- Mental illnesses and severe emotional disturbances are biologically based disorders. Mental and emotional disorders disrupt a person's ability to think, feel, and relate to others.
One in four people around the world will suffer from mental health problems at some point in their lives.
- Have you had a mental illness?
- Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
- Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 05:36 PM
I voted no. I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness and I do not feel like I have one.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 05:42 PM
i have
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 05:51 PM
I have been diagnosed, so I voted yes.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 06:05 PM
I know there's quite a few things wrong with me but...have never been diagnosed with anything.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 06:07 PM
- Have you had a mental illness?
At points, I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (recurrant episodes), Social Anxiety Disorder (which is in remission), General Anxiety Disorder (in partial remission) and Bulimia Nervosa.
- Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
Nothing blatant or huge.
- Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
Mhm. It's made me spend a LOT of effort in improving communication lines with everyone around me and I've benefited a lot from that. I've also met people that I wouldn't otherwise meet from all walks of life and have made some very very good friends because of our shared experiences and struggles.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 06:42 PM
Voted Yes [severe depression? ...apparently that's a diagnosis.]
But... think there might be more.
Last edited by FrozenUnicorn; February 22nd 2009 at 07:06 PM.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 06:49 PM
- Have you had a mental illness?
I've been diagnosed with severe depression with suicidal tendencies & social anxiety disorder along with a few potential other things. I'm still waiting for an official psychological evaluation (long story)
- Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
i've been fired from jobs, had school counselors basically laugh at me, my family doesn't accept it and makes that very clear.
- Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness
patience, tolerance
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Last edited by aloharocker; February 22nd 2009 at 10:26 PM.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 06:53 PM
Yes, I've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and psychotic major depression. These are my current diagnosis' and they seem to have a tendency to change depending on the mood of my current psychiatrist.
I have experience discrimination because of this, from the people I've chosen to confide in and people who don't even know. Whether they catch on to slight cues, or they just don't understand why I act the way I act, it happens in school, at home, and even in the hospital. Fortunately I've learned something though, you can really tell who your real friends are and who is deserving of your time and effort by the people who choose to stick around and help during difficult times.
As hard as it can be to be mentally ill, I don't think I'd want to be any different, because then I'd have probably chosen a different group of friends other than the ones I have now.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 07:09 PM
I have depression and separation anxeity disorder, not serverly, but badly enough that they effect my life. I have never suffered any discrimination for this, as people don't know, and I don't dress different or anything, so people wouldn't know. However, some people are less sympathetic than others, and some seem to think I should just 'pull myself together'. Like you Stephanie, I also feel that depression in particular has made me a better person. Not only has it taught me more about myself, but it has also really helped me with people. I have always been an empathetic and I think compassionate person, but now I always try to look past the facade of a person. I now know that just because a person appears one way doesn't mean that they don't feel a different way inside.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 07:34 PM
There's obviously something wrong with me, but last time I was evaluated nobody could find anything wrong with me. So even though I have tried to kill myself three times I am apparently perfectly healthy and sane. And anyway even if someone did tell me I had a mental illness I would probably not believe it.
I do agree with the people who say being depressed makes you a better person. My experiences have certainly made me more caring and they've really opened me up to the suffering other people face in the world. I mean, if I'm not even "depressed" and I feel this bad, how must it be like for the people who've been depressed for 30 years, have driven away all their friends, are unemployed and broke?
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 08:07 PM
I've been diagnosed with Severe Clinical Depression and Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder.
I have faced discrimination and it really upset me. I'd always be known as the "wrist-slitter" that never talks to anyone or the one who would "freak out and scream" when she heard a loud bang. People used to walk past me and snigger, tease me about it, even make loud bangs on purpose, knowing that I'd go into a flashback.
Having mental illnesses has totally changed my life. Part of me wishes that I'd never had them, but a stronger part of me is sort of glad that I've been through them. I'm a much stronger person now that I can deal with my depression and flashbacks, I can look back and realise how awful I've felt and how far I've come. I know that I'll be much more likely to deal with stressful situations later in life because I've learnt how to cope and keep myself going.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 08:14 PM
Have you had a mental illness?
I put 'I think' because I was diagnosed with social anxiety and agorophobia in 2006, so I don't know how long a diganoses lasts.
Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
Yes, from my own family. Any fight my sister and I ever get in (since she found out) she brings it up, along with my history of self harming. With non family who know, and there are few, they just avoid the subject because they don't understand the agorophobia or panic attacks.
Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
How to face problems, with the possiblity of having a panic attack I mean.
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Last edited by Tara.; February 22nd 2009 at 08:19 PM.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 08:16 PM
Clinical depression.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 09:03 PM
i think I have several..I'm just told im too happy to recieve the help i desperately need!
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 09:11 PM
Have you had a mental illness?
I had anorexia a few years back. I was never diagnosed but I can say with much certainty that I had it. I also think I may have minor OCD. I'm not sure about others but I've often thought I have bipolar but I'm not really sure.
Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
When I mention my fears and concerns about the possibilties of having these illnesses, I get told I'm stupid and laughed at.
Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
Not to judge. To realise that people will mental illnesses are just normal people.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 09:36 PM
I am diagnosed with severe clinical depression. Oh the joy.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 09:41 PM
I voted yes. In the past, I was diagnosed with severe depression and an eating disorder. I don't think I have faced any discrimination because of it.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 09:47 PM
Yes, first I was diagnosed with depression, then realized that I'm bipolar, but I fit in both Bipolar I and II so I'm medically "Mood disorder NOS" Technicalities ftw.
Yes, I have been harassed for it, and kind of the symptoms of it I have been discriminated against in school? If that makes sense.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 10:11 PM
I have been diagnosed with depression, a few years ago. I was put on medicine and this past summer was taken off the medicine. (yay!)
The closest to discrimination that I have gotten was during German class, some people were calling my best friend emo. (Oh, I had/have a problem with cutting) She decides to say, "I'm not literally emo. If you want to call someone emo who really is emo, then you'd call Emily emo." Needless to say, I was pretty damn pissed and left class.
Once I started high school, I became a heck of a lot more talkative. I am pretty much non-stop talking now. And I think that's because my depression made me scared at my grade school to talk and now that I'm somewhere different, I'm not afraid to be myself because it's easier to find people who are like me. (Not in the depression way, more personality-wise) I do relate this to learning from my depression because if I hadn't had depression, I probably never would have been willing to talk because I never found the need to until I was in high school and wanted to find something there that I enjoyed. However, that would have been hard if I had never talked.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 11:10 PM
I have never been diagnosed with anything, because my parents do not wish for me to seek mental help.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 11:50 PM
- Have you had a mental illness?
Yes, I have and do have a form of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
- Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
Not discrimination but for me it is extremely embarressing if I go into an anxiety attack in public. I'm normally around people who realize whats happening and get me someplace quiet to deal with it but it's still rather humiliating. I tend to have issues with breathing, and controlling the movements of my hands when I have an attack.
- Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
I've learnt who I can trust, and who is there who can help me. Also that I don't have to deal with it completely on my own.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 11:55 PM
I'm a Schizo... cool huh? Yep, that's how great my life is.
Any time something gets too good to be true, I turn and run the other way back to the shit.
Although I'd like to say I'm somewhat getting better - I can't ever really know because I can never truly tell when I'm just self-sabotaging myself unconsciously which is really, really strange. It's some serious "I'm my own worst enemy" territory here. It's a blast.
Don't know if it's helped per- se, but part of it is having a self-hating sense of sarcasm, kinda like Griffin in 'Jumper' so I guess there's a good and bad side to that. Sure it sucks, but I can have some scornful sarcasm at least, that's always a plus.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 22nd 2009, 11:59 PM
I voted yes... schizophrenia, personality disorder not otherwise specified (anti-social personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder), sadism (not sure if this is but whatever), insomnia (not diagnosed but I don't need a genius to figure it out for me).
I've had some discrimination against me for some of it but nothing that's too severe or a good threat or such cant resolve. Several friends did leave me but I've made plenty new ones, a few older ones got closer, and in the end, they weren't of much use to me anymore, so good riddens for them to leave me, saved me the trouble.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 12:01 AM
I've never been diagnosed, but after doing research and talking to other people im pretty sure i have a mental illness
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 12:03 AM
severe depression...but i think there might be more to some type of social anxiety
i try and help people who look upset more..i think that's a positive thing that's happened
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 12:59 AM
I have been diagnosed with clinical depression and PTSD [post traumatic stress disorder]. I [luckily] haven't faced any [noticeable] discrimination from people. I have been in situations where people have 'mocked' depression/self harm/people who are suicidal, so to some degree I have experienced it, but never physically directed at me. I think being diagnosed with such illnesses has made me research them more, which has given me a wider understanding and in turn makes me more understanding to other people and their possible struggles.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 01:07 AM
I'm undiagnosed bipolar. My mother suffers from the same thing, so I'm pretty sure it's what I have, but we can't afford treatment or anything. I've never received discrimination because I'm not open about it. I do get jokes about looking sad[emo/cutter], or acting odd/hyper[weirdo/freak]. I really can't think of anything good that’s come out of this, I have a number of problems and I'm not sure how to deal with anything. I guess I could be corny and say it has made me stronger.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 05:58 AM
I'm diagnosed depression and general anxiety. Definite confirmed phobia of sharp objects and needles. We're also looking into whether or not I'm bipolar (my sister suggested it and now I just can't get it out of my mind), but my doctors won't really give me a straight answer.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 07:03 AM
Never diagnosed, but I think I have depression, as well as possibly some form of anxiety disorder.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 11:45 AM
- Have you had a mental illness?
Yes, I have been diagnosed with OCD.
- Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
No, because I only tell my friends and understanding people so I know they won't be mean to me about it.
- Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
The good days are amazing, they make you feel so strong. Also it has helped me learn who my true friends are, who are willing to listen and be there even if they don't fully "get it".
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 23rd 2009, 08:14 PM
I said "I think..." because I have not been diagnosed. I am pretty sure I have some form of depression and this runs in my family, which makes me even surer. I also think I have an anxiety disorder, and OCD, which gets worse when I'm stressed/nervous.
I don't face any form of discrimination because only a few people know and they're all very supportive.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 24th 2009, 06:19 PM
I answered yes.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 24th 2009, 07:17 PM
- Have you had a mental illness?
Yup. Depression and Social Anxiety Disorder.
- Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
Only slightly. (Not that I tell people upon meeting them that I've been diagnosed with mental disorders.)
- Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness?
I now understand what it means to have true empathy for other people.
I'm learning how to be honest with myself.
I've learned to look at religion and spirituality as two separate entities.
I've learned that I truly am privileged and lucky, and that I should not take my life for granted.
I've learned that I can impact other people's lives in ways I never imagined before.
Truly, dealing with my depression was the healthiest thing I ever did. I'm so grateful to have experienced it, even though it was the most scarring experience of my life. I came out on the other side feeling so unbelievably happy just to be alive and to be as lucky as I am.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 24th 2009, 07:29 PM
Never been diagnosed with anything like this but i do (ADHD, ASpergers, dyspraxia and discalculia) but people have told me that i might possibly have ptsd, i do s/h but wehter that counts as mental problem i dont know. I was bullied at school for the way i am, mainly because of adhd ect they thought i was weird and odd and different and not normal so bullied me for it.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 24th 2009, 09:51 PM
Yes I have depression and anxiety.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 25th 2009, 12:15 PM
yup.. but it hasnt been diagnosed. synesthesia... and well... alot of other things.. that need naming...
people just go you are fucking weird then label me weird... as if i were a product of some sort
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 25th 2009, 03:59 PM
I have been diagnosed with Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
When i was 11 i was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa (in remission) or moreover displaced.
I also suffer from Insomnia, but this has yet to be diagnosed professionally.
Lastly, Dermatillomania which is compulsive skin picking (also un-diagnosed)
Last edited by Debaser; February 25th 2009 at 04:06 PM.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 26th 2009, 12:10 AM
I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I have to take meds for it. I haven't told many people at all. I recently told a friend and she was like aww poor achava and gave me a hug so I know i have one more person I can count on.
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? -
February 26th 2009, 12:47 AM
nope, i don't have any mental illnesses.
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