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Mental Health Use this forum to share your mental health concerns and to seek advice.

View Poll Results: Do you have/Have you had a mental illness?
Yes, I have been diagnosed with a mental illness 444 50.06%
No, I have not been diagnosed with a mental illness 59 6.65%
I think I may have a mental illness, but I have not been diagnosed 384 43.29%
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  (#361 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - February 20th 2013, 11:45 AM

I've been diagnosed with Bi-Polar, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Dissociative Identity Disorder ( I think it is in the same catagory as BPD, not sure).

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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - February 20th 2013, 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by Debaser View Post
I have been diagnosed with Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
When i was 11 i was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa (in remission) or moreover displaced.

I also suffer from Insomnia, but this has yet to be diagnosed professionally.
Lastly, Dermatillomania which is compulsive skin picking (also un-diagnosed)
Thought i'd update!
Since seeing a couple more shrinks, i do have Major Depressive Disorder, the OCD is pretty much all gone, although i believe those compulsions have gone into Social Anxiety Disorder instead.

Awesoooomesss xx


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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - February 20th 2013, 03:42 PM

I have many..... many things wrong with me. But the only one that can diagnose you is a real doctor remember, so I haven't been diagnosed. Because I quit going to my therapist who was going to get me a diagnosis, and I'm only 15 so personality disorders have to wait until 18.... and frankly that's too long for me....
  (#364 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - February 27th 2013, 05:17 AM

I have Borderline Personality Disorder that leans toward the impulsive/self-destructive traits of the illness.

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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - March 1st 2013, 10:31 AM

I've just got back from the psychiatrist and in addition to the depression and borderline personality disorder, I now have a diagnosis of generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia.
  (#366 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - April 9th 2013, 10:19 PM

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (Apparently).

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  (#367 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - April 9th 2013, 11:07 PM

Diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and anxiety disorder
  (#368 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - May 25th 2013, 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by RetroFresh View Post
self diagnosed with: Bipolar II, (Social)Anxiety, PTSD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and maybe GAD and Borderline. I'm a mess..
I need the official diagnosis, three months to go, yay.
I posted this three and a half years ago. Turns out: depersonalization and anxiety naturally followed by depression haha. I have recovered pretty well since then. I only get really mild symptoms every now and then, but nothing like it was before, feeling good has become normal for me again. Just sayin :')

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The pain is pain, pain is to be
The remedy is on its way it will relieve

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If I were you won't you want me or is in my head.
Or is it in my head
Or is it in my head"

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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - July 28th 2013, 03:38 PM

Update: Diagnosis according to my files from the psychiatrist
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Social Anxiety

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  (#370 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - July 28th 2013, 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by FixYou♥ View Post
I have many..... many things wrong with me. But the only one that can diagnose you is a real doctor remember, so I haven't been diagnosed. Because I quit going to my therapist who was going to get me a diagnosis, and I'm only 15 so personality disorders have to wait until 18.... and frankly that's too long for me....
Update... Severe Depression and Severe Anxiety and Paranoia have been diagnosed.... I went to my therapist but now I'm not again....
  (#371 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - October 14th 2013, 04:40 AM

I'd bet money I have a LOT of things I could be diagnosed with. But, when I brought up mental illnesses in the past, my mom shot me down. She refuses to even think that her children could ever have anything wrong with them. Let's just say though, if a doctor watched me...my actions and thoughts...for one month, he'd most likely make a diagnosis for something.

One illness I'm certain I have, though technically its 'not a real illness' because its 'not been tested enough or proven'. I've had people even call it an overactive imagination. LOL. It's not an overactive imagination. You can stop yourself from imagining things, and you don't make facial expressions, gestures, or anything to your imagination. I have Maladaptive Daydreaming.
Google it if you care enough, but basically its where you never outgrow your imaginary friends. You know they're not real, but you nod, smile, laugh, frown, and a lot of other stuff towards your imaginary friends. I believe I developed it from being homeschooled for way too long and not having any friends. Now, whenever I'm alone, I daydream.
In no way, however, is it a burden. It helps pass time...gives me something to do...and gives me friends who I know will never leave me. It helps me cope with real life crap, and helps me make decisions too. However, I find that when I daydream, I'm in some sort of foggy cloud. Can't think or see straight. I'm trapped in my dream, and find myself pacing around the house with no intentions of going anywhere. Everywhere I go, there they are. Everything I do, I consult them. Sometimes, I even act out books that I'm writing, and it helps me develop characters. So yeah. That's my retarded life. Hope you have a great day too.
If you got any questions on my stupid illness just pm me I guess. I don't mind answering questions about my flaws. No problem.

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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - October 14th 2013, 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by Jess~ View Post
I have Maladaptive Daydreaming.
I swear I was the only person on the planet with this . . . until I saw this post. I'm not the only one! You have no idea how happy this makes me haha

I've learned to accept that this is the way I am, I mean, normal 16-yr-olds don't do this sort of thing. But I've long since come to the conclusion that I'm not normal.

As for how I developed it, my aunt thinks that it probably stemmed from either a) how I was forced to be mother to my 6 younger siblings when I like 10 (ya know, growing up too soon and such); b) the abuse I endured; or c) (my own theory) I'm just weird
  (#373 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - October 16th 2013, 05:17 PM

I voted yes, because its the closest. I have been diagnosed with 3 that I can think of, and I suspect another one, but when I went to be tested, I was told not to bother, I had enough labels, and one more was not going to make a difference, especially as they are kind of related. I usually do not talk about them, especially in public, but in a PM? ... maybe, idk, but if your interested, feel free to try.

I like to help, and give advice, but I can be brutally honest. Feel free to PM me if you want, for any reason. I have yet to find a topic that I will not talk about, regardless of how much, or little I know about the topic.

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