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Mental Health Use this forum to share your mental health concerns and to seek advice.
[SIZE="a"]Today marks 3 years since I moved out of a dysfunctional home environment. I was 24 years old at the time and thought it was never going to happen. In December 2017 I went to something called Respite Care for 2 weeks and then stayed with a friend for another week. During that time I was working with social workers and peer specialists to find a place that would be a good fit. Many places were either not a right fit for my needs or had an eligibility criteria that I did not meet. I was told by a staff member who picked up the phone of a well known mental health service agency that has supportive housing programs that I must've done something wrong to have my family treat me so poorly. He accused me of coming home late and other such things that would justify what I was going through. Thankfully, the peer specialist who was sitting next to me and was listening to the conversation on speaker, chimed in and said that I was experiencing a mistreatment as opposed to being given consequences for misbehavior.
At the end of the 2 weeks, the social worker of the respite care program communicated to me and my therapist that there is a transitional shelter that he knows of that collects some monthly rent but it may be worth a try.
Back in summer 2017 I went with my case worker to a public shelter to "check it out" and we learned that there were 7 beds per a room, people can have their belongings stolen, there's 1 cubby to keep your things. It just would not make sense for someone who wanted to and was able to work part time but needed support along the way. Things like showering and brushing your teeth in the morning seemed to be unnecessarily difficult and even to get to the therapy program I was attending, I would have to take 3 trains and a bus.
In February I met the family I wanted to work for and by April I got hired by the agency and began working. By the time I went for the interview for the transitional shelter in February and again in March, I was feeling so scared for the future. In late April I was told I can move in 2 weeks into May. Then different things came up on both of our ends and I did not move till June 10th.
It was one of the scariest things I had done. I still struggle with mental health things but when I think about how I had this opportunity I am filled with gratitude because I truly do not know where I would be had I not been given a chance to get my life back.[/size]
Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us about everything that you have been through. I am so sorry that you had to go through all of this and I hope that you will be okay soon. When something horrible happens to us it can be hard to be okay and know how to keep going. I am so glad that you are not in this situation anymore. It does not matter how old we are, we always want to be able to live anywhere and never get hurt or have to worry about something horrible happening to us. It is not a good feeling to have when we have to worry about who is going to hurt us or when will it happen. When we are away from this we can still think about what happened or we can remember when it happened to us around the time and it starts to get to us. When this happens try to find something to help you get you're mind off of this for a while so that you are not thinking about it and doing a little bit better. For example putting on a funny movie or TV show or grabbing a book to read for a while or drawing or painting or calling a friend or something else that you enjoy doing. I hope that you will be okay soon, sending you hugs to help you.
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"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat,
It’s the rhythm
of your life.
It’s the expression
in time and movement,
in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
-Jacques d’Ambroise''
Sorry this is late but I'm really glad to see how your life has improved since you have been able to move out (even if it has taken some time and effort to find the right place for you!)
It makes sense though that moving out from a bad environment and into other environments that aren't the best would be very scary and I'm glad you made it through that period of your life and hope that things keep on improving for you!