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Mental Health Use this forum to share your mental health concerns and to seek advice.

View Poll Results: Do you have/Have you had a mental illness?
Yes, I have been diagnosed with a mental illness
$BACON$, (Insert Name Here), *AbbyRoad, *x.Kathryn.x*, *~Circus Clown~*, .Brittany., 2hot4u, 50ShadesOfBlack, aaaaaaaa, abbya, Aberrant, ac135453, actingpassion123, Adam, Ajmurnane, Ajroe, Akito, Alex xox, AlexanderWelch, alibear101, Alice_99, Alicia, alixthetree, AlmostHeaven, aloharocker, Always *, amandajustine, AmberS9109, Amélie, AmiFey, amy2929, Anatica, Anatidaephobia, Anduriel, Angelan, Anonymous19, Arcenciel, asdfghjkl, a_girlsdreams, a_soldier_of_orange, B707, banging-for-rainbows, Banksy, Banshee Prince, Barbed Lungs, Batman., BbyBr, bcforpeace, Beautiful Disaster, Beautiful-Self-Hatred, Beautifuldreams13, Beautiful_Disaster, beckie, bellatink, better-than-ecstasy, Bibliophile, Biohazard320, bipolar, bitesize, bjm_caa, bluewishe, BlueWolf, BlurrySunset, boob_s, bookishnerd, Breathe~me, BreezeOracle, Briana, Brighter.than.sun, broken-inside, brokensmilexx, Bubbly751, ByTheKilowatt, C0co, Caleb, Camisado, CANDLEJA-, CaptainCastle, Caro, Casey., CaterToMadness, Catharsis., catherine_rose, Catsrmything, Chadwiick, ChloeBean, ChrisB, Chromata, Cisko, CitizenErased, CognitiveDissonance, collegegirl, CollegeStudent19, Commiseration, CompassionateSoul, cookiesamilk, Coreless_Serenity, countrykidd, Crazy_Achava_lovesmusic, CrimsonLines, cupcake110, Cutie7519, daisyduck, dani99, DanniHeartsU, darkinnocenteyes, Dark_Night, dawtango, DAY, Debaser, DedeTHESeed, degraved, depressedcatlover, Desolate, DoesThisLookInfected?, DrawingBreath, dredear, Drey, drowningangel, Dyl123, Dzio, EatenByAGrue, Electronic Paint, Ella.x, Ellie, Elohim, ElsatheDepressionSlayer, Em..., Em0ti0nallyUNSTABLE, emma17, EmNZ, Emy Bug, EndureEmo, Erti, escape_thereal_world, Eternal, eunoia, Euphoria, Evanescent, everylastbit, Exodus-, Fabrication, FairyPoppins, Fallen Angel, Fenzy, fightorflight94, Finding-Hope, Firesong3, floatingangel, forever_hannah, forfrosne, ForgetMeNot9, Fronybony, FrozenUnicorn, Gemma =], Gemma., Ghost On The Highway, ghost_16, Gidig, GirlsOnTV, Glamzo, Grapefruitlife, Greenie, Grizabella, Gypcer, hannahrosex3, Hawkest Sevrae, heather2010, herecomesthesun, Hiraeth, hocus pocus, Hollers89, hoongirl, Hyde, I Am No Hero, Icantstopsighing, icecold, idamareex, IfYouOnlyKnew, ilovecountrymusic, imissyou, ink-knight, innocentlyangelic, InSovietRussiaORGASMGotU, inthebelljar, Into.the.Mirror, Invisible..., ithinkabouteverydaylife, its_not_goodbye, i_am_darrien, i_am_me_again, i_like_black, J-man, Jacey, Jas, JenniferxMarie, JonahIzPotato, josbo45, Just a nobody, Just Peachy., just-me, JustARandomGirl, justlikeme0, kadyCHAOS, Kathey, katink, KaylaSue, keb926, keep.calm.and.carry.on, kelly2011, keo, Khadra, kiddepue, Kimberley, kimvia, Kindred, kittyhugs, KoKoEm, Kristen♡, Kuraku, kyliegurl, L'espoir, la fille de l'ombre, LastRedAppleStanding, lauri, Legion, Lejon, Lennie, Life17, lifeislost, lilies, Liq, Lisa111, little.seeker, littlered, llamasliketoparty, Lokaylee, lonelylies, Lorelei, Lost in Thought, lostandalone, LostInsideofMe, Lottie, lovatoac, Lumos., lurkalot, LuxLisbon, M..., Mad Mel, MadiB, MadPoet, Magical Forest., Malibu2013, Mandylion, mare, Marshki, Max_99, mckennahh, MegaMadness, Mell., Memories, michy7x, Michy_Blackrose, MidnightMay, milliebug, Mindfulness., Miranda., Misery, Miss brightside, MissAmy(:, MissHoran, missing you, missy mel, Mixtape91, moffittn, Molz2015, MostlyHarmless, Ms Kayotic, MsNobleEleanor, Music, Music is my Life, musicalbeds, musicislife13, MyDarkerHeart, myra1994, MysteryGirl, Ngikhona, nightmare_anatomy, nobody123, noise94, notwhoithinkiam, Novah, obelus, oceanlover, Odyne, ohhmy, oldaccount, olivecrayon, omnomnom, OneWhomWishes, outofbreath, Oxytocin, Parr, Peanut~, Penguin Queen, peppermintpenguin, PerObscurumVox, Persephone, Philosophia, Phoenix Enforcer, pick1, playpretend, Prayer, Prozac, PsyGwendok, Purple♥Sky, Purple-rain, Quantum, R.K., RabbitOfNegativeEuphoria, Rach, Rainbow Ninja, Reality-In-Distortion-xXx, ReasonsForRecovery, rebecca110109, Redangel1992, Redeemer, Resurfaced, ReverseThisCurse, rhapsody, ridiculousness, RiseFromTheAshes, rizz, roe, ryo88, sacofumd, Sadistic Cannibal, Santeria, sarahelizaabeth, savannahdarling, SaveMe, scallensworth, secretsandregrets, semiunbalanced, SexySquirrel, shaddowdaisy, ShAtTerEd HeaRt, shaytaan, shikari, shnitzellove589, Shopaholic, Sin, skaterveau, skittlezann, Skribbles, Slowly_Losing_Control, SM13, Sneezebanana, solost10, sonic, soul, Sox, Special-Agent-Gibbs, Speckled Gecko, Spellbound, Spontaneous Smile, SS x Vengeance, Stacey, StaceyB1992, Stargazed., stars, Steffy, Stormtail, Storyteller., strawberryfields, stupidity, sturmeskind, suzzylovesbobby, swimmer92, Sy3ney, Symphony., S_e_a_n, Tab, Talinn, tangledupinyou, tears_of_the_sun, temmy, Terry, That Girl Who Likes Glee, That Sullen Piñata, The Darkness, theatre=life, TheBabyEater, TheBeautyBelle, thefirstlady, thegirlnextdoor89, thelostyears, thelovelysquirrel, Thereishope, thexlastxnightx7, thisbkatie, Through-Glass, Tigerlily., TiredBrownEyes, tortured soul, trinityoflove, Tuesday, Turquoise, Turtle760, Two Propanol, UltraViolet, UnicornNamedSheldon, Unknown10, UnknownLife, unusedaccount, VanishingActs, vanityxwax, vc85, Venitia, Vicereine Killbride, watykins, WeepingPrincess, whatamidoing, WhatDaFuq, Wildflower ♥, World, x-gothic-princess-x, XArticX13, xRTx, xxCookiiexMonsterxx, XxDreamerxX, xxinto-the-darkxx, YOUR.great.name, YoureMySublime, Zace, zeekool, Ziggy, ~Madam~
444 50.06%
No, I have not been diagnosed with a mental illness 59 6.65%
I think I may have a mental illness, but I have not been diagnosed
☪ ERIN JUDE ☪, *Faith*, *hippiepride*, *Rainbow*Rider*, -.-. .- - is the name, -Mind-Freak-, .:Peach_Out:., .:PrincessZelda:., 0akly, 19230, 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, abreacti0n, Ace*, Aestai, Agony, AkiliRose, AlenRose_XX, Alex95, alexandrish, Alexx, allow_me, Allyboo, alysaurus, amdisvampyre, AmethystDrew, Amorphous., AnaMZ, AngelOfTheFallen, AngelWithASecret, Anomaly, anomie, anongirlxox, Anonimous, anony mouse., anonymous24, Another Zombie, Anxiety101, Apollo, artlover13, Ashes2493, AshtrayHeart, Astéri, Asteria Polemoi, Azure., bailatyvm, BasicFacts, bayhorse321, be-the-change, Bean, Beautiful-Mess--x, BeautifulDisaster96, BeeAssassinator, Beth Jane, bex11, Blahblah129, blondiegirl, blumemusik♫, blurryface, Bmchandler, Boxy, BriLizyT, BrittanyBooze, brookesbeenbroken, BulletHoles, Cabbage Detective, Cairella, cant_hurry_love7, cardio, Cather, CaughtInMyHead, ceffyldwfr, Chaos Theory, Charlotte199, CherriesBlossom, Chey-Chey, chl97, chook14, Coal, Coffee., ColeF, Complicated'Me, coolkid98, corey1117, corpse., Crunchy Tots, Daivia, Dark Horse, DarkKristi, DearlyBeloved, Defying Gravity, depressed-all-the-time, depressed01, Des1615, Despair.., disaster117, DomoKay, Doodle., Dream, DreamerBA, DreamerPoet, DreamsUnderstood, Drenn, EJD, Ella., elmiry, EmiLily, emma01, EmoRaine, emo_qehs, Ender, Enjoy.Life ❤ ❤, epic., esacb, escape♥, estel, Evanesco, facemeetpavement, Fanatic, FastForward2012, Faye., Firefighter 48, Flixxs, Flora, ForeverAnna, ForeverTheSickestKid, FrankieBird200, freemefast, FriendZoneMayor, frison1313, Fucking Done, FunnyBunny, Gingerbread Latte, glittermist, Goodbye_Lullaby, Grasshopper, GrimZanna, Hana, Hannah., happyfacade, Harley Quinn, Headfirst-For-Halos, Henry Tyrell, Herald-Hero, Hey Nikki!, hidmemory, HisPrincess, Honey Muffin, hopeflower, HushedAtonement, I ♥ Jehovah Shalom!, icryrainbows, idkwhattosay, iggy, ihavenoidea, ILoveBlackVeilBrides, Imaginary, imogenlola, ineedhelp, inFAMOUS, Infinite Limit, InfiniteWishes, IntheDarkIseeLIGHTS, Irinya, isthisreallynecessary, ItalianBbae, ItsMagic, Jack Lowden, James-Caiden-Ray, Japhia, jenanigans, Jermbig, jessica97, Jess~, jkeller4000, jlam, Jocasta, Jolana, Jordansg, Jovial., juanita_zombie, JustACityBoy, justanothergirl, JustDanielle, justin14, Kaitlin, Kat1, Kate*, katierae47, KaYlA_jOe, kaytastrophie_xo, Kel, kgo446, kissthestarsgoodnight, Kokoro, kokorocks, krazymonkeyy77, Laina, lauren_160, Le Papillon, Libby_xo, liddy, lido, LillyImp, LiuLiu, Liz94, LlamaLlamaDuck, LMFAOsabrina, lolface, Lolita, lossweight, LostTeen011, lost_soul, Lotus Eater, lovechild777, LoveMeNot, Lugez, Lune, Lux, Machista, madimooo95, MadZFallen:), Maiden, mano95, Marionette., Marli Mint, Masked, maskofsanity6659, melancholicangel, mickeymouse0167, MikaAida, Millarw12, mindflower, mirandalogan2, Miss Violet Sparrow, Mittens The Cat, moggeletto, moltenmuse, Monkeys-GO-Bananas, Monnocle, morethanuseless, Morgan., morgan11506, MowLiao, Mr Bad, MrDirector, Music heals, musiclover, Mysfiction, naenae1616, NansScars, Naomi., NevermindMe, Nexttonormal, Nicole26, Nightblood., nirvanaroxmysox, no.ordinary.dreamer, noellenicole, nuskin1994, Nutmeg, NyanNyan, Nymous, Obliviate, Oddoneout, Oighearaois, OMH, one.songx3, OneMoreDay, onlyme, opportunities, orevem, Palmolive, Pandaloo, PandoraNeko, PhantomOfTheOpera, Pheonix, Philomath, pitawindstar, pologirl, problemchild, ProfessionalDreamer, Pyromania, Rainy.Eyes, Razek, RedRoseAngel, Reign., Renna, RetroFresh, Roflwaffle, roller♥coaster, Rosein, rox4braynz1025, SaferHarboursToShout, Samwise, sarak, sassygamer2, savealife723, ScaredandAlone, secretocean, senj, shahzadashraf30, Shattered_Girl, sheltering.sea, sherlock11, Shygirl., Sierrax, silent winter, SilentLucidity, Silently_Screaming, SillyEvee, silver, Sincerely Yours ♥, Six Feet Under The Stars, SloanSloth, SnowKitten, spockette, Star Crow, stefferz74, StokesieT, Strife, Sunshine☮, SuperBrunetteCutie4Ever, SweetLilStar, s_tor_m, Tara., Taylah, Temperance, terris, ThatpersonIusedtobe, The Dread Pirate Roberts, the.real, theinfatuatedpanda, TheMisunderstoodPirate, TheNumber42, ThePunkAlien, thesunalsorises, thethatgirl, Tigereyes, tinybitfake, Tirevo92, TomRiddleMeThis, torturing_myself, TrustingThePain, TruthInMe, TwilightDwells, Twinge, twistedhazard, udontno, Unlucky Guy, Verità, ViceOverVirtue, Victoria ♥, violet, Voei, Voldemort, vrgtfvgt4vg, WashoutThePain, Whitesparrows_blackarrows, Who am i?, whoopy4, WhySoSerious?, WillO'Wisp, xGinsx, xHollyx, xIDontKnowx, xoxtammixox, xpaigexo3, xrawritskalix, xxpaigiexx, xxStaceyLeaxx, Xx_ally_xX, Yakult, youareunstoppable, YoungK9, zebiddybing, zer0, Zero., Zeta, Zyzz, _sunsets64., _void, ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
384 43.29%
Voters: 887.

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