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molliegym March 10th 2009 06:25 PM

"Rape Simulator" Video Game
Here's the article- http://www.slate.com/id/2213073/

Basically, Rapelay is a Japanese video game in which the player, well, simulates a rape- the player sees a girl standing on a train platform, and has to corner and attack her. It's not available on Amazon or Ebay, and it's not in any brick-and-mortar stores in the US. However, it's pretty easy to find it online.

So, what do you all think of this video game? Should it be banned, or should it be allowed?

My first instinct was that this game is absolutely horrible, and should be completely banned. But, there are SO MANY violent video games that involve shooting and killing people- if those are okay, then shouldn't a game involving rape be okay, took? Killing someone and rape are both crimes- if one (killing) is okay in a video game, then should they both be okay? Or is one (killing vs. rape), in the context of video games, worse than the other? Do video games like this, that showcase crime of some sort (whether they involve killing, shooting, theft, or rape) encourage children to partake in crime?

Gaia March 10th 2009 06:30 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
I think this is terrible.
I'm not a fan of the death sentence, but in my eyes, a rapist deserves it far more than a murderer, it's such a violation, and with death, you don't get flashbacks, have fear of leaving your house, you're dead... I mean there's nothing else to it.
I think this should be banned, and the creators punished for inventing such a sick sick game.

NuHalo March 10th 2009 06:32 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
There is a difference between the two I think.
Usually, when killing something in a video game, there is a deeper purpose, and usually some form of plot involved with the act.
This is basically just... rape for the sake of raping. =\

Rickeo March 10th 2009 06:35 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
To be completely honest I am horrified at this I seriously am.
The question what is this world coming to springs to mind.
I thought games like GTA (Grand Theft Auto) were bad enough but now a game that revolves around the theme of rape and glorifies it.
I actually think the developers of the game should be jailed or have a prison sentence and I don't think that's to harsh to say.
I also think anyone who buys this game should have to speak to a Psychologist and get help fast.

I am honestly shocked.


Grizabella March 10th 2009 06:55 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
At first I was disgusted...but then I got to thinking that I often have fairly brutal rape fantasies myself, and I tend to read and write a lot of stories along those lines...so I'm not sure how to feel.

Jack March 10th 2009 06:57 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
Meh, who cares? People have all sorts of sexual fantasies, why not give them an outlet via a computer game rather than having them go out and actually rape people?

Studies show that the more liberal a societies laws regarding pornography the less sex crimes there are in the society, so hey I guess it should be allowed. While I would never buy it it might be helpful for the people who would.

Fucking Done March 10th 2009 07:06 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
Thought there was already a thread on this but oh well, again i'll say I don't really care and it's not much different from the GTA games.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 07:15 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78202)
I think this is terrible.
I'm not a fan of the death sentence, but in my eyes, a rapist deserves it far more than a murderer, it's such a violation, and with death, you don't get flashbacks, have fear of leaving your house, you're dead... I mean there's nothing else to it.
I think this should be banned, and the creators punished for inventing such a sick sick game.

I'm very sorry, but I COMPLETELY disagree with you. This game should not be banned. Read Jack's post as to why. It's the same with drawn child porn (lolicon). Studies have shown that when there is easy access to (lolicon) , sexual abuse against children goes down. It's the same with video games.

Not only that, but some people have brutal fantasies that they know is wrong. It's a video game, no one is hurt while playing this game.

Also, no game should be outright BANNED, this game definitely should be rated AT LEAST M. I'd rather it be AO (Adults Only), but... if GTA is only M, then this game should be too.

Gaia March 10th 2009 07:26 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by DoesThisLookInfected? (Post 78237)
I'm very sorry, but I COMPLETELY disagree with you. This game should not be banned. Read Jack's post as to why. It's the same with drawn child porn (lolicon). Studies have shown that when there is easy access to (lolicon) , sexual abuse against children goes down. It's the same with video games.

Not only that, but some people have brutal fantasies that they know is wrong. It's a video game, no one is hurt while playing this game.

Also, no game should be outright BANNED, this game definitely should be rated AT LEAST M. I'd rather it be AO (Adults Only), but... if GTA is only M, then this game should be too.

I think for rape victims it should be banned, from stores definitely, internet, perhaps not. People could get triggered by it very easily, and its almost like porn, child porn is not tolerated, so why should a rape game be?

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 07:41 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78244)
I think for rape victims it should be banned, from stores definitely, internet, perhaps not. People could get triggered by it very easily, and its almost like porn, child porn is not tolerated, so why should a rape game be?

Because it's not actual rape. That's the main thing. It's a video game, no one is actually hurt when they make this game.
As I said before, if it's not actual child porn, like drawings (lolicon), then it should be and is legal in the US and UK.

R.K. March 10th 2009 07:46 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
huh? I'm pretty sure I had a thread about it up before.

EDIT: Found it - http://teenhelp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4810

Gaia March 10th 2009 07:48 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
There is actually.

Clicky ^^

R.K. March 10th 2009 07:51 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78244)
I think for rape victims it should be banned, from stores definitely, internet, perhaps not. People could get triggered by it very easily, and its almost like porn, child porn is not tolerated, so why should a rape game be?

Murder is intolerable, let's ban... oh shit... that's lots of stuff to ban, basically almost every single video game, excluding those for -6 AGE kiddies...

Acheron March 10th 2009 07:53 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78244)
I think for rape victims it should be banned, from stores definitely, internet, perhaps not. People could get triggered by it very easily, and its almost like porn, child porn is not tolerated, so why should a rape game be?

Because child porn requires that a child be harmed in order to make it. No women were raped in the making of this game. And yes, people could be triggered by it, and I sympathise. But people could be just as easily triggered by the often graphic violence in other games, and people who call for those to be banned are (rightly) opposed.

Gaia March 10th 2009 07:57 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
Well maybe I just have strong feelings on this subject, frankly, it can make people worse, video games make people violent, that has been proven, so this could make people into rapists.
I'm not saying everyone, but some sick kid could play it, then think, oh that looks like fun, and try it in the real world.
Murder is more tolerable than rape in my opinion. And this is my opinion, you can hate it if you want, but I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm merely stating mine.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 08:22 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78279)
Well maybe I just have strong feelings on this subject, frankly, it can make people worse, video games make people violent, that has been proven, so this could make people into rapists.
I'm not saying everyone, but some sick kid could play it, then think, oh that looks like fun, and try it in the real world.
Murder is more tolerable than rape in my opinion. And this is my opinion, you can hate it if you want, but I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm merely stating mine.

Kay, but we shouldn't have it banned because of your beliefs. If that were the case, then most things in this country would be banned.

Gaia March 10th 2009 08:34 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
Oh sheesh, you take things too literal. I said I think it should be banned, do I think its going to happen? No. Because the world is a sick place, people actually want to play things like this, and as long as there is a market for it, it will go ahead.

And I don't want everything banned, so your statement is incorrect.

losing touch. March 10th 2009 08:36 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
It's pretty distasteful, sure, but it is just a video game. I would question why anyone would want to play such a video game, but does this mean it should be banned? No, not really.

Ellie March 10th 2009 08:53 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
The thing is, something like this could go both ways. As Jack said, it could stop someone from playing out their fantasies. But just as likely it could give someone ideas. Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't there been experiments done, and even cases when people have copied what they've seen on video games and on TV etc? If that is the case then surely the same could happen in this instance.

Personally, I don't like the idea of the game. At all.

A March 10th 2009 09:00 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78202)
I think this is terrible.
I'm not a fan of the death sentence, but in my eyes, a rapist deserves it far more than a murderer, it's such a violation, and with death, you don't get flashbacks, have fear of leaving your house, you're dead... I mean there's nothing else to it.
I think this should be banned, and the creators punished for inventing such a sick sick game.

You are such a fascist.


Originally Posted by Rickeo (Post 78206)
To be completely honest I am horrified at this I seriously am.
The question what is this world coming to springs to mind.
I thought games like GTA (Grand Theft Auto) were bad enough but now a game that revolves around the theme of rape and glorifies it.
I actually think the developers of the game should be jailed or have a prison sentence and I don't think that's to harsh to say.
I also think anyone who buys this game should have to speak to a Psychologist and get help fast.

I am honestly shocked.


As above, fascist. Sounds like you want to live in North Korea where everything potentially controversial just gets banned. If you want to psychologically assess people because they have rape fantasies, you'd be assessing a lot of people.


Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78244)
I think for rape victims it should be banned, from stores definitely, internet, perhaps not. People could get triggered by it very easily, and its almost like porn, child porn is not tolerated, so why should a rape game be?

Because it's not real, should all books which talk about rape or murder also be banned?


Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78279)
Well maybe I just have strong feelings on this subject, frankly, it can make people worse, video games make people violent, that has been proven, so this could make people into rapists.
I'm not saying everyone, but some sick kid could play it, then think, oh that looks like fun, and try it in the real world.
Murder is more tolerable than rape in my opinion. And this is my opinion, you can hate it if you want, but I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm merely stating mine.

What statistics have you got which prove that "video games make people violent"?


Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78341)
Oh sheesh, you take things too literal. I said I think it should be banned, do I think its going to happen? No. Because the world is a sick place, people actually want to play things like this, and as long as there is a market for it, it will go ahead.

And I don't want everything banned, so your statement is incorrect.

You are very intolerant of what other people find sexually arousing. Just because you think it's "sick" doesn't mean everyone does, you have nothing which proves that simulations of rape will make people actually rape others. Until you attain evidence, please refrain from making such ridiculous statements. You're very judgemental, and you need to understand that people don't choose what they're attracted to; some people like rape and that's just a fact. They should have the right to see simulations of it which hurt no one.

Gaia March 10th 2009 09:07 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
Facist? Please, I am a rape victim, terribly sorry for being offended.
Books encouraging rape and murder, yes.
I am not intolerant, when I am being told I'm wrong for an opinion that cannot be right nor wrong, then I get irritated.
I know people don't choose, but the world need not be subjected to having a video game such as that. They can find their fixes online, and read erotic stories if they so wish.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:16 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78387)
Facist? Please, I am a rape victim, terribly sorry for being offended.
Books encouraging rape and murder, yes.
I am not intolerant, when I am being told I'm wrong for an opinion that cannot be right nor wrong, then I get irritated.
I know people don't choose, but the world need not be subjected to having a video game such as that. They can find their fixes online, and read erotic stories if they so wish.

Some people would like to do so.

... Again, this game would be rated AO, AO games are not at game rental places.

(also, in the last post, I meant if things were illegal because a single person wanted them illegal, most things would be)

A, that's not fascism, I might agree with you for saying it shouldn't be banned, but that was a bit harsh for calling them fascists.

iamverybeautiful March 10th 2009 09:18 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
I think it's interesting that the girls are against it and guys are for it.....
Think about it. Girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than guys. The guys don't make such a big deal because they probably haven't or will never be sexually assaulted, therefore, they can't emotionally connect with this issue...

I'm not saying to ban it or sell it. What I'm saying is that guys should see this issue through a woman's eyes, since it affects us most. Imagine being a rape victim and coming across this video game.

losing touch. March 10th 2009 09:23 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by iamverybeautiful (Post 78400)
I think it's interesting that the girls are against it and guys are for it.....
Think about it. Girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than guys. The guys don't make such a big deal because they probably haven't or will never be sexually assaulted, therefore, they can't emotionally connect with this issue...

I'm not saying to ban it or sell it. What I'm saying is that guys should see this issue through a woman's eyes, since it affects us most. Imagine being a rape victim and coming across this video game.

I'm a girl, and i don't think it should be banned. I think people need to understand that this is JUST a video game and not real life. Although i can understand that a rape victim coming across this video game would be affected by it, i don't think that's reason enough for it to be banned. ANYTHING can trigger people, so if we're going to go around banning anything that could upset or offend, we'd be banning everything, and that's obviously ridiculous.

Of course, i don't think this game is particularly tasteful or pleasant, but nor are a lot of things in this world. Maybe my opinions would be different if i was a rape victim, i don't know.

Tericon March 10th 2009 09:24 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by iamverybeautiful (Post 78400)
I think it's interesting that the girls are against it and guys are for it.....
Think about it. Girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than guys. The guys don't make such a big deal because they probably haven't or will never be sexually assaulted, therefore, they can't emotionally connect with this issue...

I'm not saying to ban it or sell it. What I'm saying is that guys should see this issue through a woman's eyes, since it affects us most. Imagine being a rape victim and coming across this video game.

I'm female and I wouldn't say I was against it. I know a fair few people who have been victims of rape, including close family members so I have a pretty good idea how it can affect people.

I quite agree that using this as an outlet rather than a physical person is of course much prefered, if this game allows someone who has these kind of thoughts to 'satisfy' this need and in turn saves just one physical being from being the outlet, then I'm all for it.

But i can see the other side of the coin, i.e, this might not be enough 'satisfaction' or might even encourage them to try it out 'for real.'

Just my two cents :D

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:25 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by iamverybeautiful (Post 78400)
I think it's interesting that the girls are against it and guys are for it.....
Think about it. Girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than guys. The guys don't make such a big deal because they probably haven't or will never be sexually assaulted, therefore, they can't emotionally connect with this issue...

I'm not saying to ban it or sell it. What I'm saying is that guys should see this issue through a woman's eyes, since it affects us most. Imagine being a rape victim and coming across this video game.

Then don't associate yourself with the game. I understand it can be a sensitive subject, but you don't have to play this game. Plus, if we ban this, we could ban more things. Freedom of Speech was implemented for a reason, so the government can't become over controlling. Banning this would just be a step in the wrong direction.

A March 10th 2009 09:26 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78387)
Facist? Please, I am a rape victim, terribly sorry for being offended.
Books encouraging rape and murder, yes.
I am not intolerant, when I am being told I'm wrong for an opinion that cannot be right nor wrong, then I get irritated.
I know people don't choose, but the world need not be subjected to having a video game such as that. They can find their fixes online, and read erotic stories if they so wish.

It doesn't encourage rape or murder, it just portrays it.

You just want to subjugate people with different tastes than your own, you are supremely intolerant and ignorant. It's aggravating. If you don't like it, don't play it. It's as simple as that.


Originally Posted by iamverybeautiful (Post 78400)
I think it's interesting that the girls are against it and guys are for it.....
Think about it. Girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than guys. The guys don't make such a big deal because they probably haven't or will never be sexually assaulted, therefore, they can't emotionally connect with this issue...

I'm not saying to ban it or sell it. What I'm saying is that guys should see this issue through a woman's eyes, since it affects us most. Imagine being a rape victim and coming across this video game.

It's better to have clarity than to make decisions based on capricious emotions, decisions should be made logically.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:28 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by A (Post 78416)
It's better to have clarity than to make decisions based on capricious emotions, decisions should be made logically.

This part, I agree with you on.

Gaia March 10th 2009 09:28 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
This is only appealing to a niche market, and could encourage disregard and possible acceptance of rape
Video games are used to educate and entertain, not excite people sexually, so really, there isn't need for it.
What other video games are there that are sexual stimulants?

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:30 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78421)
This is only appealing to a niche market, and could encourage disregard and possible acceptance of rape
Video games are used to educate and entertain, not excite people sexually, so really, there isn't need for it.
What other video games are there that are sexual stimulants?

Just because it's a first, doesn't mean that it should be banned. Some people may love this, and the interactivity, they feel, is better than just watching it.

Again, I'll repeat, it doesn't actually hurt anyone... As long as it's rated AO, then I have no problem with it.

Work_In_Progress March 10th 2009 09:30 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
That's just like the Japanese to come up with yet another crazy idea for a video game. This is not a racist comment, this is 100% fact. Japanese video game designers always seem to take their fantasies a bit too far and try to incorporate it into reality.

A March 10th 2009 09:31 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78421)
This is only appealing to a niche market, and could encourage disregard and possible acceptance of rape
Video games are used to educate and entertain, not excite people sexually, so really, there isn't need for it.
What other video games are there that are sexual stimulants?

There's already staged rape in the pornography industry. And no, it couldn't. The majority of people understand the difference between real and fake and would not rape someone just because they find it arousing. It doesn't make them completely immoral to be sexually aroused by rape.

Also, do you want to ban everything which is not necessary just because there's "no need for it"?


Originally Posted by Phillips_Screwdriver (Post 78427)
That's just like the Japanese to come up with yet another crazy idea for a video game. This is not a racist comment, this is 100% fact. Japanese video game designers always seem to take their fantasies a bit too far and try to incorporate it into reality.

Video game =/= reality.

Grizabella March 10th 2009 09:31 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat (Post 78421)
This is only appealing to a niche market, and could encourage disregard and possible acceptance of rape
Video games are used to educate and entertain, not excite people sexually, so really, there isn't need for it.
What other video games are there that are sexual stimulants?

There are a LOT of BDSM games online.

What needs to be done is make this only available to an adult market, so that it doesn't affect more impressionable young children, causing them to disregard and accept rape, as you say.

Gingerbread Latte March 10th 2009 09:31 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game
I heard about a game like this about 5 years ago, I don't really know whether that one got banned or not though.
I agree with Ellie about it going both ways. I'd say fine let it be released but if an increase in rapes does happen then maybe they should rethink about the game.
Also, I do see Lou's point about it being triggering for rape victims, I mean some people can get triggered really easily.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:32 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by Phillips_Screwdriver (Post 78427)
That's just like the Japanese to come up with yet another crazy idea for a video game. This is not a racist comment, this is 100% fact. Japanese video game designers always seem to take their fantasies a bit too far and try to incorporate it into reality.

Yet, the crime rate in Japan is WAY lower than in America. They know how take these things in moderation...

Ellie March 10th 2009 09:33 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by iamverybeautiful (Post 78400)
I think it's interesting that the girls are against it and guys are for it.....
Think about it. Girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than guys. The guys don't make such a big deal because they probably haven't or will never be sexually assaulted, therefore, they can't emotionally connect with this issue...

I'm not saying to ban it or sell it. What I'm saying is that guys should see this issue through a woman's eyes, since it affects us most. Imagine being a rape victim and coming across this video game.

This isn't necessarily be true. Males are just as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted as females.

Grizabella March 10th 2009 09:34 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by Boo Ghost (Post 78431)
I heard about a game like this about 5 years ago, I don't really know whether that one got banned or not though.
I agree with Ellie about it going both ways. I'd say fine let it be released but if an increase in rapes does happen then maybe they should rethink about the game.
Also, I do see Lou's point about it being triggering for rape victims, I mean some people can get triggered really easily.

But the thing is, anything could be triggering. People who have been in horrific car accidents could be triggered by seeing car accidents on the news or in the movies. I think it's more a matter of not seeking out what you know is going to make you angry.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:34 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by Ellie (Post 78434)
This isn't necessarily be true. Males are just as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted as females.

I disagree with that. Because there are more potential rapists interested in women than men, women are more at risk. Also, women do get raped more than men.

Gaia March 10th 2009 09:34 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by Grizabella (Post 78430)
There are a LOT of BDSM games online.

What needs to be done is make this only available to an adult market, so that it doesn't affect more impressionable young children, causing them to disregard and accept rape, as you say.

The difference is, its online, and it's controlled, whereas rape is not. In BDSM, you can stop when you need/want to, rape, obviously, you can't.

DoesThisLookInfected? March 10th 2009 09:35 PM

Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game

Originally Posted by Grizabella (Post 78436)
But the thing is, anything could be triggering. People who have been in horrific car accidents could be triggered by seeing car accidents on the news or in the movies. I think it's more a matter of not seeking out what you know is going to make you angry.

Exactly, which is why it shouldn't be illegal just because it triggers a group of people.

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