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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by asyoulikeit
I've read through this entire thread, and I'm a little disgusted at the personal attacks over a thread that is simply asking for people to state their opinions. Lou and the others weren't "playing a card", they were showing their experience which not everyone has; just like those who liked the game were throwing in their opinions. It adds variety to the debate, which is the point. Name-calling isn't the purpose here.
I'm pretty disgusted about that, too... but you have to remember that if someone resorts to personal attacks at all, then their opinion wasn't worth a damn to begin with. :-)
I even saw Godwin's Law being breached.
While I resentfully agree that the game should not be banned, I'm Pissed that people have allowed it to come to market. I'm not referring to the ethics behind it, I'm referring to the damage that the release will do to most rape victims. I'm fully aware that there are a few rape victims that haven't been scarred by the act, some of the above posters are prime examples of that. And If you aren't a rape victim, then don't even pretend to know how much, or little, damage the mere concept of this game being marketed can have for most rape victims. I don't pretend to know either. But because this thread was not, for a good while, marked as "triggering", I spent most of the day trying to wrench the horrors from my innocent lover's mind.
" 1 out of every 6 American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).1" -- rainn.org/get-information/statistics/sexual-assault-victims
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No name to be called 'Redeemer'
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by McGuff
I'm pretty disgusted about that, too... but you have to remember that if someone resorts to personal attacks at all, then their opinion wasn't worth a damn to begin with. :-)
I even saw Godwin's Law being breached.
While I resentfully agree that the game should not be banned, I'm Pissed that people have allowed it to come to market. I'm not referring to the ethics behind it, I'm referring to the damage that the release will do to most rape victims. I'm fully aware that there are a few rape victims that haven't been scarred by the act, some of the above posters are prime examples of that. And If you aren't a rape victim, then don't even pretend to know how much, or little, damage the mere concept of this game being marketed can have for most rape victims. I don't pretend to know either. But because this thread was not, for a good while, marked as "triggering", I spent most of the day trying to wrench the horrors from my innocent lover's mind.
" 1 out of every 6 American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).1" -- rainn.org/get-information/statistics/sexual-assault-victims
How would it damage rape victims if it came to market?
What would it do to people who DON'T ASSOCIATE THEMSELVES WITH THIS GAME? It's a game that won't be like sold at Wal-Mart... You'd have to go to an Adult store or something to get it. Rape victims won't have to play this game, or even think about it...
(little thanks to Just.Tegan for showing me these guys)
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 01:22 AM
I think, Cameron, that the whole damage-done-to-rape-victims thing is less a matter of *can you just not think about it* then just knowing that it's out there. That people are playacting and taking enjoyment out of something that ripped your life into pieces; any traumatizing experience made into a game is a sort of insult to the victims. Fantasies are fantasies, and I don't pretend to want to limit those but making a video game that can be bought (about the adult rating, previous posters have shown that it's not that hard of a restriction) is going a bit far in my opinion.
You're entitled to what you think, though, and I hope that like you said most rape victims won't ever have to know the game exists or at least be able to get it off their minds.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by asyoulikeit
I think, Cameron, that the whole damage-done-to-rape-victims thing is less a matter of *can you just not think about it* then just knowing that it's out there. That people are playacting and taking enjoyment out of something that ripped your life into pieces; any traumatizing experience made into a game is a sort of insult to the victims. Fantasies are fantasies, and I don't pretend to want to limit those but making a video game that can be bought (about the adult rating, previous posters have shown that it's not that hard of a restriction) is going a bit far in my opinion.
You're entitled to what you think, though, and I hope that like you said most rape victims won't ever have to know the game exists or at least be able to get it off their minds.
I realize that, sorry. And how is an Adult rating easy to get around? AO games can not be sold/rented at normal stores. You'd have to have a parent that'd get it for you. Adult stores wouldn't just allow a random young person in.
Again, I never said that rape is okay, I know rape is horrible, and can/will traumatize the victim (I have fantasies, and believe me, the only reason I don't is because of the trauma it'd cause the victim). But pixels raping pixels is not hurting anyone.
(little thanks to Just.Tegan for showing me these guys)
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by DoesThisLookInfected?
And how is an Adult rating easy to get around? AO games can not be sold/rented at normal stores. You'd have to have a parent that'd get it for you. Adult stores wouldn't just allow a random young person in.
Like every other illicit entity in the universe, though, RapeLay is available online. Thanks to an elaborate network of software pirates, persistent copy-protection hackers, and devoted fan translators, a free, fully functioning English-language version of the game turns up after 30 seconds of Googling.
Any person who is even slightly computer-literate can get a hold of this game. Which means that this game is accessible by children as young as thirteen, even younger in some cases. While pirating is indeed illegal, little action is taken against those who download software. An AO rating isn't doing much at all.
[/url] "For the first time
in a long time,
I can say that I wanna try.
I feel helpless for the most part,
but I'm learning to open my eyes.
And the sad truth of the matter is,
I'll never get over it,
but I'm gonna try
to get better and overcome each moment
in my own way"
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat
That's a terrible comparison to make. Car accidents are far less horrific than rape.
I've experienced both, cars, car accidents do not scare me.
Perhaps someone types in rape to google, to get help, and that game comes up? Hardly seeking something to make them angry, and they get a terrible reminder, that people want to do this, people find what happened to them just a game. That people would want to rape them again.
I'd like to point out, that while for YOU this may be true, but not for others. I've gone through both and to be 100% honest, I am more afraid of cars than anything. Also, anything can be triggering for anyone. So you really shouldn't judge unless you know. Personally I am not for or against this game
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 02:12 AM
I'm sorry, I'm a tad confused. A lot of people are making this seem like such a huge deal, but really, how is it? What is the difference between this game and the heaps of sim hentai rape porn or staged rape porn or erotic rape mangas or novels? None of you seem to have a problem with any of those, hell ghostlyheartbeat, who is one of the greatest contributors to the opposition of said game in this thread, even said herself erotic rape novels were alright, but the game is not.
Originally Posted by ghostlyheartbeat
Facist? Please, I am a rape victim, terribly sorry for being offended.
Books encouraging rape and murder, yes.
I am not intolerant, when I am being told I'm wrong for an opinion that cannot be right nor wrong, then I get irritated.
I know people don't choose, but the world need not be subjected to having a video game such as that. They can find their fixes online, and read erotic stories if they so wish.
How exactly is this not the same thing?
Erotic novels, manga, and hentai that center around the theme of rape can just as easily be found online with simple google searchs. If the whole problem is the theme of this sexual outlet (RAPE) you'd think that some of you would have had something to say about any of the rest.
Rape as a sexual fantasy is nothing new, and erotic media displaying it is also nothing new. Where the hell did this arguement come from?
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Last edited by Rican Roll; March 12th 2009 at 02:17 AM.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by asyoulikeit
I just overall think that it's an insult to anyone who has lived this game, that others would even pretend to play something so traumatizing. No, I'm not a rape/sexual assault victim, but you have to admit the game belittles something that has caused alot of people pain. That's why I don't like the fact that it's coming out.
yeah see i understand that to an extent...but i mean people have brothers/fathers killed in the war etc, and there are still war games that are very widley accepted. i don't think that being raped is any more or any less traumatic then losing a boyfriend, a husband or a brother to death and i have no personal experience of either, but it hink any rape vitctem who says they'd rather have their close family or friend killed rathaer than be raped is a little unusual and any person whose lost a family or friend who says they wouldn't rather be raped then lose their husband or brother to death is also unusual.
neither are fun, and both are still games and particularly the war games are very accepted. so i think it's unfair for people to say this game shouldnt be realeased based on the fact that it's hurtful to be raped unless those people stating that also think all games that show any form of death or extreme violence should also be removed, including road games etc where people might have lost mothers/brothers etc in car crashes.
if the people who think this should be banned also feel all of those other games should be banned too, well that's not my opinion, but at least their opinion becomes a bit more rational.
i understand rape is particlarly violating as oppsed to having a friend killed which doesnt violate you in the same way, but the hurt and the loss is still their and i think it's reasonable to compare them in this context.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Spazola
Any person who is even slightly computer-literate can get a hold of this game. Which means that this game is accessible by children as young as thirteen, even younger in some cases. While pirating is indeed illegal, little action is taken against those who download software. An AO rating isn't doing much at all.
yes well if a 13 year old is playing this game i think it becomes the parents responsibilty to be watching what they are downloading etc. the gaming corporation can't be in everyones house. besides you'd notice the download as it would be huge, so you think any adult would check it out. if i found out my 13 year old was playing a rape similator i'd be very quick to get rid of it and get an net nanny!
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 03:36 AM
a rape video game? what the hell is happening? i understand people have their "fantasies" but this is a bit far, i think if people are going to play this they'll be more likely to do it in real life rather than less.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by delilah
neither are fun, and both are still games and particularly the war games are very accepted. so i think it's unfair for people to say this game shouldnt be realeased based on the fact that it's hurtful to be raped unless those people stating that also think all games that show any form of death or extreme violence should also be removed, including road games etc where people might have lost mothers/brothers etc in car crashes.
if the people who think this should be banned also feel all of those other games should be banned too, well that's not my opinion, but at least their opinion becomes a bit more rational.
i understand rape is particlarly violating as oppsed to having a friend killed which doesnt violate you in the same way, but the hurt and the loss is still their and i think it's reasonable to compare them in this context.
I understand your point in that murder-based games can be just as traumatizing and so we can compare banning this to banning other violent games, and I think that's the main reason that calls to ban it aren't completely reasonable.
However, I'd like to point out that while a lot of posts express negative opinions about the game, few of us still want to ban it; first of all, because now that it's coming out that would be almost impossible to do so; second, because if it's blocked this time someone else will likely just make another version. I agree that if this was to be blocked, theoretically we would have to block every murder/theft game as well. However, we're allowed to dislike the idea of this game and express the wish to have this game limited with as many restrictions as possible. I still consider it as insulting towards rape victims as a murder game is to someone who's lost a loved one, and a really distasteful idea.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rican Roll
Erotic novels, manga, and hentai that center around the theme of rape can just as easily be found online with simple google searchs. If the whole problem is the theme of this sexual outlet (RAPE) you'd think that some of you would have had something to say about any of the rest.
Rape as a sexual fantasy is nothing new, and erotic media displaying it is also nothing new. Where the hell did this arguement come from?
i just think that it's sick. there is a line that has been crossed.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 12th 2009, 08:24 PM
I hate this just as much as I hate other rape/pedophilic stories...but there is desire and if no one is harmed, I guess it shouldn't be illegal. Some people have those urges I guess. I play GTA IV and I don't even think about real life murder-victim's families and how death tore the family apart...I wish this type of sexual deviancy didn't even exist.
Definitely AO though and parents need to warned against this.
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 13th 2009, 01:35 AM
Eh, you can't hold video games responsible for anything that a player may do. It is up to the player or the player's parents to ensure the game is suitable for them and what goes on in the game stays in the game
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Re: "Rape Simulator" Video Game -
March 13th 2009, 01:38 AM
that would mean anything would be allowed. and as far as rating go, games are like movies, they don't require a rating. so the AO thing wouldn't work if they released it as a non ESRB rated game.
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