OMFG!You'reActuallySmart! |
April 16th 2011 09:15 AM |
Re: Is this rape?
Originally Posted by Lil'TeppyLala
(Post 620625)
I think people are too quick to report a guy. It seems like they don't realize the absolute devastation they can cause to a guy's life just by accusing them of rape.
Sure, if they rape you, go ahead and report them. I hope they rot in jail.
But experiencing regret after sex is not a reason for calling the police on a guy.
I was in one of the discussions on here once on ''Unwanted sexual advances.'' In it, one person said ''What do you do if a guy looks at you in a way you don't like?'' and I swear to god, half the chat room said ''You report him to the police or school authorities.'' I was shocked. Reporting a guy because he LOOKED at you because he was attracted to you and you didn't feel the same way back? Insanity.
I just got through finishing an upper-year criminology course that basically was showing how for the most part, the penal system sucks in North America. Part of the reason for this idea to report a guy from just staring at you is politicians and the media construe encourage people to call the cops whenever they don't like something and that criminals deserve very hard punishment delivered very quickly. I think it's ridiculous to call the cops because some guy looks at you in a wrong way. Problem is society has this view that only men rape other people and commit sexual violence or domestic violence. At least for domestic violence, in Canada there's a "zero-tolerance policy" so officers are legally required to make an arrest of at least 1 party without having to see any shred of evidence or hearing any detailed reasoning or accounts. Legally, the person calls domestic violence, the cops come and arrest the guy. Most cops however don't arrest them right away, they try to figure things out but at the end, they're legally required. Once the men get booked, they're effectively screwed because even if the woman raped the man, she's far less likely to get charged with rape, she may walk free while the guy (who was the rape victim) gets booked for rape or domestic violence, etc... .
A main issue around rape is what is consent? Some say if the victim is badgered enough, they may then agree to have sex but weren't really consenting. According to such views, they consented out of fear for what would happen if they didn't. Others would say it's consent because even though the person was badgered, they consented and didn't put up a fight while the sex was going on, so they obviously were accepting of it.
Legally it mentions context analysis but the problem is re-generating an accurate description of the context and some people may be dull as a rock when it comes to understanding certain contexts.