Originally Posted by Invert
In the UK we have one of the lowest rape conviction rates in Europe I believe, so I highly doubt its actually particularly abused, and if it is, rarely successfully. And the police handle rape cases infamously poorly. They basically intergergate the victim (I've personally witnessed the police basically telling my friend it was her fault she got raped, and that it really was consentual and she was just feeling regret.), and make it really hard to press charges, if they dont simply brush it off (here's one you should care about, as it probably effects male rape victims). There was meant to be a huge investigation in the way in which our police force investigate rape and handle potential victims, but that got cut by the LibDems.
In defence of the police and criminal justice system, a fair number of complaints are also dropped by victims (will look up the statistics when I can find my old textbook), and if a case does reach trial the conviction rate is on a par with other serious offences. That said, if your friend was treated in such a way by the police I would ask that you please make that known to the IPCC as that is a quite serious breach of police protocol and should be dealt with - there is no excuse for that attitude by investigators anymore.
Anyway, I'm reserving judgement until the actual bill is published, but suffice it to say any amendment to the definition of rape which would remove incidents where drugging or any other means of removing consent is used would be a huge backwards step in my mind.