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Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 13th 2009, 07:22 PM
Oh man… Japanese… What the hell kind of game is that??? Has anyone played this stuff???
Massive online retailer Amazon.com has dropped its listing for a controversial Japanese video game called Rapelay that involves raping women and forcing them to have abortions.
Gaming web sites that have reviewed the simulation describe the "tears glistening in the young girl's eyes" as the player attacks her in graphic detail.
Owners of the game begin it by assuming the role of a man who stalks a mother on a subway in Japan before violently sexually assaulting her. They eventually move on to attacking two daughters described a virgin schoolgirls.
The Rapelay game, made for the Microsoft Windows platfform, also includes a "freeform mode" where the player can rape any woman and get friends to join in on the attacks. [*jaw drops*]
According to a post in a gaming forum, the game also includes abortions. Every time a rape is committed there is a chance the victim could become pregnant.
"If she does become pregnant you're supposed to force her to get an abortion, otherwise she gets more and more visibly pregnant each time you have sex. If you allow the child to be born then the woman will throw you in front of a train," the post explains. "Take that pro-life movement!"[@_@; has anyone tried this game?]
“It is intolerable that anyone would purchase a game that simulates the criminal offence of rape," he told the Telegraph.
"To know that this widely available through a major online retailer is utterly shocking, I do not see how this can be allowed. I will be raising this matter in Parliament and hope that action is taken to prevent the game from being sold," Vaz added.
Illusion, creators, is a company based in Yokohama, Japan that also makes an offensive series of games called Battle Raper and Battle Raper 2 that feature sexual assaults but no abortions.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 13th 2009, 07:39 PM
o.o eh? Who lets people make these things o.0? Dont they already have enough old men touching up women in Japan... Its a sick game.
Though I want to outline one line from that:
“It is intolerable that anyone would purchase a game that simulates the criminal offence of rape,"
I agree with this, I do. But I'm just wondering, why isnt this ok, but murder and GBH is? Like murder and brutual beatings in games doesnt bother me like this does, but surely they should too? As they are all horrific.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 13th 2009, 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Jack
That's insane. :confused:
Who the hell plays that sort of thing?
I would like to... but just out of a sick curiousity.
I agree with this, I do. But I'm just wondering, why isnt this ok, but murder and GBH is? Like murder and brutual beatings in games doesnt bother me like this does, but surely they should too? As they are all horrific.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 13th 2009, 11:55 PM
You can think of this in 2 ways
1. What a sick pile of S**t, Who would ever play that kind of a game, and who could think of creating it
2. What about if someone was thinking about rapeing, This may take there mind off of it and give them the rush, Not saying its right, but rather on a game than in real life.......
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 13th 2009, 11:59 PM
Hahahah holy shit, leave it to the Japanese to create the craziest, most offensive video game ever. I sort of want to get a copy. I already have Bible Black for the PC, but I doubt it's as morally challenging as this, uh, piece of work here.
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When you whisper, you must be absolutely as sincere as when you scream.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 12:10 AM
that is really sick. how could somebody even form the idea of makeing a game out of rape????? its reallly just sad that this game has gotten sold at all.
~There's a 30% chance that it's already raining!~
Official member of the completely Unofficial free hugs Club !
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 12:24 AM
Wow, that's extremely sick. And I like games where you just kill people.
Invert: I think part of the reason is because this is extremely offensive, where murder isn't. This implies that women are objects and unequal. Although I like the part about getting thrown in front of a train....
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 12:27 AM
Awesome, I want a copy of this. It'd be much better than any GTA game, plus it in a way teaches a valuable life lesson (which I do agree with or else it wouldn't be a life lesson I'd like): if you get a girl, and then you bang her and make her pregnant, you cant keep banging her while she's getting closer to giving birth, hence, a need for an abortion. Then, either you get someone else or keep her and start over. However, my beliefs for this don't apply to men because men cant get pregnant so that doesn't work.
As for the beatings, that's purely physical damage. Rape involves physical and emotional damage so it lasts longer. Murder, well that's physical but once it's done to that person, it's done. I guess it also would make some women angry and beat them down as it targets only women, whereas murder doesn't matter on gender, so this game promotes inequality. But, then again so do a bunch of things and people. Oh well, doesn't really matter.
It's not really that bad. I mean, the people who made it didn't use real girls to rape, so it's harmless pixels. Although I certainly can see this being used as a scapegoat by many critics.
Um. If you've seen japanese horror, it's kind of like this. I believe a movie I saw was called Nurses, a guy fell in love with his best friend, who was male, and the movie is mostly about him changing gender so he'll fall in love with him while japanese nurses get ravaged.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 12:34 AM
I laughed. I actually laughed out loud when I read that. That's just....wow. xD I actually find that game hilarious, and am mildly tempted to play it just to see if its actually that bad.
"For is it not death nor dying that I fear. But lack of life and purpose."
Love what is mortal; hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, let it go.
-Mary Oliver
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by xHolyValorx
Um. If you've seen japanese horror, it's kind of like this. I believe a movie I saw was called Nurses, a guy fell in love with his best friend, who was male, and the movie is mostly about him changing gender so he'll fall in love with him while japanese nurses get ravaged.
I was thinking more RAPEMAN comix but oh well
Thanks for the reference
Its a game if you don't like it don't buy it.
I couldn't even if I would like to, not sold outside Japan, or at least it's harder to get it.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 05:28 PM
If you haven't noticed, Japan's violence rate is much lower than America's. They can enjoy these without acting out. Just goes to show you that video games and violent movies aren't the reason why people become violent. It comes from the upbringing.
(Oh, and I actually kind of would like to play this game...)
(little thanks to Just.Tegan for showing me these guys)
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 05:34 PM
Thats sick. Its just sick. Its glorifying something which is absolutely horrific.
faith is a bluebird that you see from afar
it is real and as sure as the first evening star
can't touch it, or buy it, or lock it up tight
but its there just the same
making things turn out right
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 05:58 PM
It's not real rape or violence, therefore it should most definitely be available to buy. I don't see what's wrong with it being that no one's actually being hurt by it.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Gram Negative
There's already plenty of games where you can murder, steal, rob, etc...
murdering and stealing and robbign are nothing like as bad as rape.
faith is a bluebird that you see from afar
it is real and as sure as the first evening star
can't touch it, or buy it, or lock it up tight
but its there just the same
making things turn out right
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by thecryingangel
murdering and stealing and robbign are nothing like as bad as rape.
But who cares? It's a gamer commanding pixels on a screen to murder, steal, rob and rape - who's hurt by that except other pixels? The answer is no one. This is censorship, and it's unacceptable and unnecessary. Just because you, or the general public, think something is distasteful or disgusting does not mean it should be censored or banned.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by A
It's not real rape or violence, therefore it should most definitely be available to buy. I don't see what's wrong with it being that no one's actually being hurt by it.
Similar case can be made with DRAWN or fully CG child pornography, it doesn't really physically hurt children, but I've noticed it's not allowed in most places, as well, just like real child porn (I don't know about it being illegal or not, but on most websites those kind of images are taken off).
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by R.K.
Similar case can be made with DRAWN or fully CG child pornography, it doesn't really physically hurt children, but I've noticed it's not allowed in most places, as well.
Not sure if you're arguing against me or just making comparisons.
Anyway, I think it should be, it isn't real either. I oppose any and all suppression of freedom of expression. Drawing something should by no means, ever, ever be illegal.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 07:02 PM
When I first saw this I was alarmed, then I was weirdly astonished at what a gamer of any kind would get out of this?
so I went and looked it up on wikipeidia, and this is less of a game then more of a interactive hentai porn with some kind of weird storyline.
Also in both the endings it ends with the woman getting vengeance and the man ends up murdered.
I mean this conflicts with my belief of free speech and well a game is a game, and obviously its geared towards the large market of "gropers" inside of Japan.
If you look at it from a porn perspective does it make it any more acceptable to you?
The game is working on a fantasy basis and for me, I personally would find it distasteful.
I mean I have played games where murder and mutilation is glorified, but its escapology a thrill, I think this game is just playing t peoples fantasy...
In any respect I don't think it should be censored? I mean, its the whole thing about what people think. if a person thinks about rape should it be a crime? if he fantasises about it in his own home is it a crime? and if he purchases a game using cartoon or animated pictures? is it a crime.... because then we start prosecuting people about what they think... and that's where it gets dangerous.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by ShadeOfSolitude
When I first saw this I was alarmed, then I was weirdly astonished at what a gamer of any kind would get out of this?
so I went and looked it up on wikipeidia, and this is less of a game then more of a interactive hentai porn with some kind of weird storyline.
Also in both the endings it ends with the woman getting vengeance and the man ends up murdered.
I mean this conflicts with my belief of free speech and well a game is a game, and obviously its geared towards the large market of "gropers" inside of Japan.
If you look at it from a porn perspective does it make it any more acceptable to you?
The game is working on a fantasy basis and for me, I personally would find it distasteful.
I mean I have played games where murder and mutilation is glorified, but its escapology a thrill, I think this game is just playing t peoples fantasy...
In any respect I don't think it should be censored? I mean, its the whole thing about what people think. if a person thinks about rape should it be a crime? if he fantasises about it in his own home is it a crime? and if he purchases a game using cartoon or animated pictures? is it a crime.... because then we start prosecuting people about what they think... and that's where it gets dangerous.
Prosecuting people for what they think is pretty stupid. Thoughts are harmless, actions are harmful, so why prosecute the harmless? Also, how do you even know what a person is actually thinking? Everyone has their own fantasies and prosecuting for those fantasies is idiotic.
If I look at it for what it is about, it's very appealing to me. Looking at it from a porn perspective it's also appealing, so either way, it sounds like a fun and interesting game.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Robin
You can think of this in 2 ways
2. What about if someone was thinking about rapeing, This may take there mind off of it and give them the rush, Not saying its right, but rather on a game than in real life.......
This is totally sick and f***ed up, but I think you have a point, if someone was planning to do this for real, then this could be beneficial. Giving them the rush and helping to sort of.. take their mind off of it, it's much better to rape pretend-girls in a game than it is to rape real girls in real life.
I don't think it should be banned... it's just a game, sick as it is. Just as long as they have a restriction not allowing children to buy it or anything...
~Where death is I am not, where I am death is not, so we never meet~
I'd rather die terrified
than live forever.
We will all die so gloriously, that having ever lived will seem like folly.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by thecryingangel
murdering and stealing and robbign are nothing like as bad as rape.
Well that is opinion. I find murder to be worse than rape, even some other crimes I consider to be way worse than rape.
If a person wants to play a game like this, I say let them play, just like I say any other game. As long as a person does not go out and do anything against the law, they hey, go ahead.
"For is it not death nor dying that I fear. But lack of life and purpose."
Love what is mortal; hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, let it go.
-Mary Oliver
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by thecryingangel murdering and stealing and robbign are nothing like as bad as rape.
So um... would you rather I rape somebody & let them live or murder them?
People can live good lives even after being raped & not be a mental wreck over it for the rest of their time.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 14th 2009, 11:24 PM
it would take the japanese to come up with a game like this. dude, if anybody forced me to have sex with them, then tried to make me get an abortion, i'd throw them in front of a train.
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 15th 2009, 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by thecryingangel
murdering and stealing and robbign are nothing like as bad as rape.
Why exactly is murder not as bad?
So, am I right to say that if there is a person who has killed 5 people and a person who has raped 5 people, the rapist should be punished more than the murderer?
Re: Amazon Drops Japanese Video Game Featuring Rape, Abortion -
February 15th 2009, 08:32 AM
someone a bit earlier in this thread made the comment it's more like porn with a storyline. at first i was kinda put off when i read the OP but after reading that comment, about it being more like porn, i kinda got it. im not a gamer haha i can't play games at all i just suck ahha. buttt
i'm into rape fantasys, and like hell would i want to be raped in real life, there is a v big difference here. i can fantasise all i like about a gangbang, and in real life, i would NEVER and cannot stress that enough, EVER do anything of the sort or enjoy it if it was forced on me. and i feel for those who have experienced anything of that sort.
so to my main point, if i played this game, id probs get turned on! hardly means im keen on being raped, (or haha obv as i'm straight, i'm not keen on raping other women)..i mean maybe it's for the guys out there who get turned on by that stuff, but wouldn't actually rape women, just like the fantasy. there is plenty of rape porn, bondage porn etc and shitloads of porn where women have cocks forced down there throat until they are crying (and these are real women, not cartoons!!)
i agree the creators of this game are a little twisted, but i hardly think the game is more disgusting then anything else out there.