Originally Posted by wobbrocker
lol no ur fine. In my mind it was rape and I swear to god if I ever meet that kid I will beat him so hard the cops will find mush. :@
I know it's easy to get angry, especially since you obviously care for this person a great deal. But what needs to be done is her choice. I fully believe that she will be able to determine what can and can't help her situation. The means by which you would like to go about this is probably much different from her own. At this stage, I think it's best to be there as support for her. Let her know you're here to talk to and she can find comfort with you. However, I agree with Chazzz. Taking care of this yourself can only make it hurt more for the victim. And she's what's most important right now. The fact that she can cope and overcome this, not beating up the boy who did this.