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Rape and Abuse If you or someone you know is being abused in any way and you need support or advice, don't hesitate to reach out to us here.
I'm wondering if anyone has ever been accused/accused someone of statutory rape and taken it to trial. I was forced into sex by this 19 year old guy for my first time and treated me like shit after and also ended up having a girlfriend. I was really emotional about it and told my parents and my dad is trying to take him to trial. I don't think it's necessary to take it that far but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this. Any help would be great...
Last edited by WashoutThePain; August 4th 2009 at 05:59 PM.
Reason: Moving to Rape and Abuse
no i haven't been in this situation fortunately, but i know of someone who has.. i definitely think you should consider going to trial though. i'm sorry this happened to you. :[
..and our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears..
I thought statutory rape was where you were in a relationship with someone older than you and you were underage but they weren't, and it was consentual? I dunno if that's true but if it is you'd probably have him done for full on rape. But either way it's definitly worth taking to court.
i was sexually abused by my dad as a child, but i had something called "infantile amnesia" where basically if something happenes to someone so young that is really traumatic your brain can just choose to erase it untill you are strong and healthy enough to remember. I always had flashbacks and hazy memories of him abusing me but as a 10 year old who adored her dad i convinced myself i had imagined it all.
At 16 after he went to prison for assaulting someone else, i decided it all had to have been true and went to the police, it IS the scariest thing you will ever do, and court is even scarier, but i was fortunate, because after a year of waiting for it to go to trial and him saying he was innocent, on the day i was due in court the coward pleaded guilty ONE HOUR before. He got sentenced that day and it still in prison - he is never allowed contact with me again. I advise you to go to trial, you must be finding it very easy for people to say " go! you cant let him get away with it" but please listen to someone who has been through it, if you can please try and keep others safe, if one person just one had had the courage to report my dad for assaulting them ( there were many others before and after me that he harmed) i maybe would have been spared what he did.
Court is not a plesent experience, but people will look after you, you are safe now and thats all that matters, believe me the amount of pride, and bravery you will feel after the trial is finished whether the verdict is guilty or not will reward you so much for all the trauma you have been through with this. Its not about revenge uts about justice.
First of all, I think this may belong in rape and abuse.
I'm sorry this happened to you. As far as persuing a trial goes, you ought to consider what you want out of it. Were you hurt or intimidated? What's the likelyhood if his doing it again, like is he a predator that should be stopped? Balance that against what it will do to you to get before a court and tell all the graphic details of what happened and have his lawyer pick apart your story. It won't be pleasant.
I guess what I'm trying to say is take care of yourself in this and get what you need out of it, after all you're the victim here.