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View Poll Results: Research Survey, just mark the ones that you agree with
I have been raped
11 |
33.33% |
I have not been raped
18 |
54.55% |
I have been sexually abuse (by anyone)
18 |
54.55% |
I have not been sexually (by anyone)
9 |
27.27% |
I reported the rape/abuse
2 |
6.06% |
I didn't report the rape/abuse
21 |
63.64% |
I know someone who has been raped/abused
23 |
69.70% |
I do not know anyone who has been raped/abused
7 |
21.21% |
I believe that the sentence of a rapist/abuser is too low
28 |
84.85% |
I have no opinion on the sentence of a rapist/abuser
1 |
3.03% |
I do not know what the sentence of a rapist/abuser is
4 |
12.12% |
I believe that the sentence of a rapist/abuser is alright.
2 |
6.06% |
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Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 02:59 AM
I'm doing a final project for my speech class, my goal being to make my classmates think and to convince the of something.I decided to do a speech on whether we should increase the minimum sentence for rape, which varies in most places.
It would really help if anyone who felt like it, whether or not you have been raped or sexually abuse in anyway, would not only do the poll, but also give me your opinions on the minimum sentence of jail time, and anything else you would like to add.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 03:43 AM
I think that for repeat offenders, the sentence should be one hell of a long time, but someone who has done it ONLY ONCE should have a shorter sentence with several years of parole afterwards, as well as frequent pysike annayises to make sure that they won't do it again.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 05:22 AM
I don't really know too much about what the sentences are but from the cases I've heard, they are deffinitly too low. It's really such a terrible crime, I don't see why they can often get off so easily. I myself haven't been sexually abused or raped and don't personally know anyone who has, but I know how awful it is and it's inexcusable really. It really makes me mad when they get so little punishment for doing stuff like that!
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 08:42 AM
i believe the sentence depends on what the rapist did to the victiml
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 10:06 AM
I personally would be against raising the minimum sentence, as this would make it harder to convict small-time rapists. However I agree that the average sentence is far to short. I'm all for short sentences if followed by psychiatric help, but that just isn't happening.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 10:54 AM
I'm not entirely sure what the specific length a person must remain in prison for if they commit the crime but I think they should have to stay in there forever.
A close friend of mine went through rape. She was in bits about it, and still is. This was about 4 years ago. The sick thing is there was not enough evidence to get the man that did it. She's in therapy and he's roaming free.
Lock them all up forever.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 2nd 2009, 03:29 PM
I was raped and sexually abused for a while. Honestly? It can ruin lives. It takes away the sense of innocence and when you feel you've lost that, you don't care about doing much else to yourself. I've seen many of my friends fall down the wrong paths after rape. Either by SH or drugs or suicide, it didn't get better. Their whole life was changed completely around. It took me a long time to even consider continuing to live because everything that I had in me was taken. No one has the right to do that. So, while victims are left picking up the pieces and dealing with flashbacks for years later, these men are in jail for periods of time and released? No. It isn't fair. I'm not saying we should kill them, but life in prison is a darn good way to start. They don't realize how they take away someones life and leave them like that. They leave them broken. It almost hurts more because he left me alive you know? To suffer more, in a way?
Anyway, with rape they completely take away the victims right and self. It changes someone and it can change someone forever. Victims are left suffering for years while the rapist is released in a few years. It's just wrong. They shouldn't be allowed to be released. Why do they still have more rights that those of who they hurt?
Gah, I could go on forever. But, I do think it should be increased. Especially in Canada.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 3rd 2009, 12:27 AM
Rape is a heinous crime. Many times rapists are repeat offenders whereas 'crime of passion' murders are highly unlikely to kill again. What's more is I would rather be murdered than raped again. I not only believe that their sentence should be increased but I also believe conviction rates should be much higher. Personally, the fact that there was a high chance the man who raped me would get away even if I did take him to court discouraged me enough that I never reported it. Keep in mind that only 1% of those charged with sex crimes goes to jail. That is a sickening statistic. No matter how long the sentence I don't think it fits the crime. In my opinion no amount of years served can make up for what they did. It just isn't that easy to make amends for something like this. I honestly can't think of a way a rapist could ever make up for their crime. I realize that some victims are able to forgive their assailants I just have a hard time comprehending how they are able to reach this peace.
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Last edited by soul; May 3rd 2009 at 03:12 AM.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 3rd 2009, 01:11 AM
I honestly believe, and not only from my own experience but from others' also, that rape is the worst crime that can be commited. Other crimes are obviously terrible, I'm not trying to say they aren't in any way. But the thing is, those who are raped live with it forever and it eats away at you. It kills you inside. I was raped and sometimes I honestly wish he would have just killed me that night... It has hurt my family, it's hurt my close friends, and it's hurt me. Therefore, I believe the sentence on rapists should be a lot higher because those who rape are also killing the innocence, killing the life, killing the trust within the victim. They physically may not be dead but on the inside can be a whole nother story... And so many people get away with it... It's sick. Those who do those kind of things to people aren't right and i believe they don't deserve to live a normal life, a free life, or a happy life at that.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 4th 2009, 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by activeessence
i believe the sentence depends on what the rapist did to the victiml
with all do respect the rapist obviously forced unwanted sex with the person
in my opinion unwanted and forced sex is enough to put them in jail for the rest of their lives to rot and die
yes i do have some twisted views on this but they did some twisted things to me
this is coming from a 14 year old whos been pregnant 3 times since grade 5 from rape
but this is just my opinion and i respect everyone else who has a different view on this than me
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 4th 2009, 11:15 PM
It's upsetting to hear about how few rapists actually get convicted. Quite a lot of the time it's a 'their word against theirs' as they can't be proved enough. The ones that do get put in jail should definately be put away for at LEAST 10 years, though even that sounds too low. I think you have different opinions on it when you've been raped yourself, especially when you haven't reported the person who did it to you.
I wish more than anything that more people actually get sent to jail because of it, a lot of those people are walking free and getting on with their lives. The victims? They're suffering and trying to come to terms with what happened, knowing that that person is out there and could do it again.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 5th 2009, 02:33 PM
Thank you guys so much.You really helped with my project.It touched my classmates in a way I never dreamed. So thank you. This can be closed now.
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 5th 2009, 09:05 PM
I think that even when serving a sentence for rape, the rapist gets it to easy. The prison system has alot of money speant on it apparantly a large ammount of cells have there own tvs etc and they also recieve prevelidges. Whilst the victim feels like dirt, even if the person who commited the crime is locked up they get it to easy. So yes the minimum sentance should be increased but prison shouldn't be a place for the rapist to earn privelidges, they should be punished and had psycotherapy or something to fins out why, and so they don't hurt any more people.
This may not be the right place to write this but i also believe the victim should be given more support
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Re: Research Survey on Rape and whether we should increase the sentence for rapist -
May 5th 2009, 09:07 PM
Closing on user request. [Glad to hear your project turned out well!]
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