i was about 6 my sister was 13 when my uncle started going into my sisters room at night trying too touch her. she spoke out and told my parents. he begged my sister too forgive him. when i was about 8 he started touching me . i never spoke out to anyone, i was being threatened by his words. i was scared to say anything. he went into my room everynight and try too touch me he was a different person throughout the day, He was the bestest uncle, the cool uncle everyone thought was the nice guy.the one that took me eveywhere without a hesitation. But at night the devil came out. IT WAS HORRIBLE ! i realized when i got oldder he wasnt being nice. when i was about 11, my brother saw him one day but didnt say nothing . one day my brother started arguing with my uncle and he said cmon tell my parents you go in at night and touch my little sister and he stayed quiet. they pulled me into the room where there was my mother on my right my dad holding me and my brother right infront of me asking me too tell my parents what he does too me , begging me too talk but i couldnt .. i was speechless, there staring at me was my uncle i broke down and i said he never has touched me !! we moved houses after that year. i hated that house. but i loved my nights! my uncle started working throughout the nights & i hated the house because our rooms were right next too eachother and our bathroom was in the middle. he would lock the bathroom and go too my bathroom . always found a way too hurt me :/ .... i hate coming home from school knowing he was home during the day ! i tryed my best too not be home when he was home, i took afterschool programing, i was in middle school 7 grade. i was shy, insecure! we moved that summer again :/, too a bigger house . me and my sisters rooms were right next too eachothers i started 8th grade at a new school, new friends, NEW BESTFRIEND! he would still go in my room at night his shirfts from work changed. made a friend across the street, i spent most of my time there, while my parents got home. Sooner me and that friend became closer, i turned 13 .. meet a boy couple months later .. me and my friend would play outside everyday she was almost 14 and she meet this guy named TJ , he and the boy made it official, my mother knew , also did my unlce. he tryed his best too seperate us and tell lies too my mother. so one day i told my friend from across that he was sexually abusing me not even 2 days pass and i wake up from a hug from my mom saying why i never said anything too her

, i broke down and i automatically knew what she was talking about, we cried for hours and i told her i was scared. i didnt knoe what too say or who too tell. She told me she was sorry, i looked at her and said you have nothing too be sorry about! we cried and cried ! im 17 now and have insecurity problems. i dont let men or boys besides my boyfriend hug or touch me. i have hard time sleeping, i get frusterated and angry with myself, no one should stay quiet . dont be afriad too speak out and say something! - CS