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Goals and Ambitions Share your goals and ambitions here, whether they are about your future career, recovery aims or anything else you're hoping to achieve.
Accomplishments of 2024 -
December 4th 2024, 07:53 AM
It's that time of year again, y'all! Share with everyone what you have been able to accomplish in 2024. Remember: It doesn't have to be anything remarkable!
I was finally able to get another paid job after almost a year of being unemployed, though I was a volunteer here the whole time.
Re: Accomplishments of 2024 -
December 4th 2024, 10:29 PM
I got on the pride committee for my local pride community center.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: Accomplishments of 2024 -
December 8th 2024, 04:12 AM
Eventually overcame my fear of cashiering, and successfully held 2 jobs for 6 months, before getting the only full-time, non-management position at my original job; which the manager uses for development into leadership roles.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Accomplishments of 2024 -
December 27th 2024, 09:49 PM
I danced in the Nutcracker on December 14th and it was a lot of fun.
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"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat,
It’s the rhythm
of your life.
It’s the expression
in time and movement,
in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
-Jacques d’Ambroise''