October 22nd 2024, 09:13 AM
I really to Talk my Grandparents and Father into Coloring My Hair Blonde and Red as soon as I turn 17 to be on The Safe Side and I will have Garage Sells. By 18 I plan on Moving out into a Group Home and then I will work as an Exotic Dancer under The Stagename Madame Shenoa. By then I will start my Own legal Callgirl/Escort Agency and Hotel/Legal Brothel and Gentleman's Club called The Red Anastasia and I will also get My Plastic Surgeries and Published My Horror Erotica Books. Then in Pahrump,Arizona also open up a gas Station and Mini Market and Convinance Store/Gas Station Next Door.
I plan on Moving Japan to find me a Rich Husband when I get Older but I might go to Other Parts Of Asia?Who knows.
Then I can finally Afford my own Flock of Doves and Peigions along with Cats in Their Cat Carriers.
I also plan adopting two Girls when I become of Age.
Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; October 22nd 2024 at 11:11 PM.
Reason: Merging four consecutive posts.