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-   -   What have you accomplished today? (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f126-goals-ambitions/t157562-what-have-you-accomplished-today/)

DeletedAccount40 November 19th 2018 04:03 PM

What have you accomplished today?
I tried looking for this thread and it got locked a long time ago due to inactivity; so, I thought I'd bring it back.

So, what have you accomplished today?

Today, I have accomplished going on a 30 minute walk.

It's only noon here though, so I hope to accomplish more. :)

RORO November 19th 2018 04:04 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I have made it through half of my school day.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ November 19th 2018 06:56 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I met with my professor and got a lot of good feedback on my big assigmnent.

DeletedAccount69 November 22nd 2018 03:15 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I was able to get the Green Bean Casserole made and it's cooking in the crock pot. I am trying a new recipe for it and cooking it in the crock pot which should be exciting.

Mindfulness. November 28th 2018 07:35 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Getting through a 10 hour shift at work and not trying to get some paperwork done.

DeletedAccount40 November 28th 2018 07:55 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Yesterday, I had a very productive day!
Got what I needed to get done at work, was socially functionable at lunch and dinner.
It was a really good day. :)

Today, I made myself a smoothie. Think the biggest thing today was getting out of bed. Huge contrast to yesterday.

DeletedAccount69 December 1st 2018 05:13 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I got through a day of work and for the first time I realized I know more than I thought. I did a lot of stuff today without asking for help.

Celyn December 1st 2018 02:52 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I started decorating for Christmas and buying presents :)

Unchained Melody December 1st 2018 03:11 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I woke up and took a shower.

DeletedAccount40 December 1st 2018 03:38 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Filled out my application for the new ID.

Odyne December 17th 2018 02:54 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Relaxed :p

DeletedAccount69 December 17th 2018 07:27 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I made it to work and completed all the things I needed to get done by Wednesday.

Celyn December 17th 2018 07:36 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I wrapped all my Christmas presents :)

Perfectly~Imperfect December 17th 2018 07:52 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I went to school
Got laughed at by a couple of girls
I cried

Odyne December 17th 2018 08:00 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?

Originally Posted by Perfectly~Imperfect (Post 1335296)
I went to school
Got laughed at by a couple of girls
I cried

:console: <3

DeletedAccount40 December 18th 2018 10:26 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Got the work I needed to get done during my shift. There's still some left later on, but that's fine because it'll be my last day this year. :)

Odyne December 26th 2018 02:57 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Slept :nosweat:

DeletedAccount69 December 28th 2018 06:51 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I made it to work even though I was struggling with anxiety

DeletedAccount40 December 29th 2018 12:49 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I got my place cleaned up and everything.

DeletedAccount40 January 12th 2019 08:42 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I had a good third round at practice today.

Rivière January 12th 2019 09:30 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I managed to get a reasonable amount of night's sleep. Spoke with my flatmate about her noise habits. Did some exam revision.

udontno January 13th 2019 05:39 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
So far today, I've managed to eat lunch and watch a little TV. The weather here is gross, so I do suspect that my work will be closed tomorrow. I'm just waiting for them to make the decision. If they don't close work tomorrow, then I need to start making sure I have things prepared for Monday. I have a while longer to relax, however.

DeletedAccount40 January 14th 2019 06:12 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I took down my Christmas decorations.

Rivière January 22nd 2019 09:52 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I finally opened up to someone about what's been happening between he and I.

DeletedAccount40 January 22nd 2019 10:10 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I was able to make some progress at work with my responsibilities.

Yesterday, I completed my application despite having severe anxiety over it. I felt good about that.

Nala. February 6th 2019 06:10 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I was honest about my feelings and didn’t sugarcoat anything to avoid conflict. This is very hard for me to do so I feel accomplished.

DeletedAccount40 February 7th 2019 07:43 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Got my responsibilities at work completed.
Went out for a brief walk outide.
Managed my food intake appropriately.

Starseeker February 9th 2019 08:56 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I ordered coffee today. I believe it's a big accomplishment for me these days.

DeletedAccount40 February 12th 2019 01:30 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Ran a couple errands.
Managed food intake.
Did some research.

DeletedAccount69 February 12th 2019 02:00 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I got through my Monday.

DeletedAccount40 February 21st 2019 06:01 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Started working on my work-related project.

Arabesque- golfing girl. February 21st 2019 07:31 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Made cookies for my friend's bday.

DeletedAccount69 February 22nd 2019 01:35 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I was able to keep myself safe despite the triggers.

DeletedAccount40 February 23rd 2019 02:20 AM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Wrote a couple blog entries and went to practice even though I didn't want to.

Everglow. February 26th 2019 03:30 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Got a first draft done for my personal statement

Starseeker February 27th 2019 03:27 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I went on a gig alone and bought myself a cup of coke and then talked with a stranger for a while, which is quite an accomplishment for me.

DeletedAccount40 March 10th 2019 04:37 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Fixed the clocks, that's the only thing I plan on doing today.

DeletedAccount40 March 12th 2019 06:22 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Sent out important follow-up emails at work. I feel very adulted. :)

Also started transferring blog enries from WP to Google Docs.

DeletedAccount63 March 12th 2019 11:07 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
I actually got out of bed, and went grocery shopping. I will be taking a shower tonight as well.

Reggy777 April 10th 2019 12:19 PM

Re: What have you accomplished today?
Did exercises today, took a shower, poured flowers...

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