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Goals and Ambitions Share your goals and ambitions here, whether they are about your future career, recovery aims or anything else you're hoping to achieve.
Re: Goal of the day! -
September 12th 2010, 04:56 PM
To do all of my homework
Let's see, I have geometry homework and I have to study for my geometry test we're taking tomorrow
I need to write a poem
And I need to finish a missing assignment
Sounds simple enough, I guess.
i have five possibly 6 goals for today maybe 8
1. to not cut
2. to not spend all day online
3. to go on the wii fit
4. to get to asdas and ask about job vaccancies
5. to get my work notes done
6. to get to b&q / homebase
7. to get my room tidy
8. to not shout at anyone
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
Re: Goal of the day! -
November 25th 2010, 02:28 PM
Today i want to enjoy thanksgiving with all my family at my grandmas.
"Flick a swith (*snap!) I want you to give yourself permission and the power to say (*Snap!) F IT! I'm going to be happy! i'm going to enjoy my life! and I'm not going to let anyone or anything ruin my day, and ruin my life!"
Re: Goal of the day! -
December 8th 2010, 11:37 PM
Lol... new day started 36 minutes ago, just got up.
Goal: Finish my 5000 word report which I've barely started. Due in Friday morning lol.
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.
Re: Goal of the day! -
December 29th 2010, 08:57 PM
I have a few goals today:
1. to throw away the blade I use for cutting
2. to sign up to newfaces.com
3. to find some form of acting classes
4. to learn some of the songs from Glee
Good luck to everyone who has yet to post their goals of the day on here! And Chess, I wish you the best of luck to not make excuses. :3
Re: Goal of the day! -
January 29th 2011, 10:18 AM
Not to get angry at my dad when he comes to visit me in 10 minutes.
Not to get angry as his *lovely* girlfriend.
To do the washing up, take the rubbish out and clean the kitchen.
Re: Goal of the day! -
January 29th 2011, 06:24 PM
My goal for today was to PB (personal best) on my 6k erg test.
And may I say I achieved this goal, surpassed my expectations even!!
New goal : actually manage to clean my room.
"Upon us all a little rain must fall..."
- Led Zeppelin