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Goals and Ambitions Share your goals and ambitions here, whether they are about your future career, recovery aims or anything else you're hoping to achieve.
-Complete homework.
-Clean room.
-Laundry (maybe move to Monday).
"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
-Clean the kitchen
-Definitely clean the bathroom
-Send an email to the seamstress who's making my wedding dress (I have some important questions to ask.)
I love my Big Sleepy Bear.
I still fill my panties; do YOU?
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. -Oscar Wilde
Buddy since 12/25/11 Self Expressions mod since 4/23/12 Helplink mentor since 5/9/12 . . . . . .Skittlify.
I was blessed by your companionship from 12/24/01-6/27/13
-Sleep in.
-Do homework.
-Do not attend workshops.
.-Prepare for exam.
-Complete applications for internships (and email/mail them out).
"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."