Goals and Ambitions Share your goals and ambitions here, whether they are about your future career, recovery aims or anything else you're hoping to achieve.
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 11th 2016, 11:20 PM
Backup my phone and laptop, reply to some messages, make more definite plans for the next few days.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
The Cute Half
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 11th 2016, 11:52 PM
- Unpack from moving to dads
- Text my cell group leader
Senior HelpLINK Mentor | Forum Moderator Clothed in strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 12th 2016, 01:28 PM
My goal for the day is to make it to this interview, and hopefully get a job.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Love is > your mistakes
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 13th 2016, 01:22 AM
--Finish RA application.
--Read for Thursday classes and answer questions.
--Pack for tomorrow.
"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
I have the Millennium Puzzle
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 13th 2016, 08:56 PM
My goal for the day is to try and relax a bit more. I've been feeling very anxious lately.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 15th 2016, 04:26 PM
My goal today is to make headway in my kitchen and pantry, it's such a mess and so unorganized.
Have questions or would like to chat send me a PM
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 16th 2016, 01:19 AM
My goal for the day was to survive the trips we've had to make today, and I did.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 16th 2016, 05:28 AM
Relax and finish the week strong; I relapsed for a day or two into depression.
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 17th 2016, 08:46 PM
My goal for the day is to get the house totally cleaned. Ava is about to go to Joan's house for the night, so I will have the chance to clean. Now or never it seems like.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 17th 2016, 11:21 PM
Go shopping and subsequently start packing. Sigh.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
I have the Millennium Puzzle
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 21st 2016, 02:30 PM
My goal for the day is to take advantage of the fact that Jordan is stuck at home with us, and have him help me get the 'deep cleaning' about the house done.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 21st 2016, 10:35 PM
Look for that product key, plan tomorrow, do some research into courses, sort out finances, reply to an email or two.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
The Cute Half
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Raven
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 21st 2016, 11:01 PM
- Start planning for going back to school
- Find uniform, well the skirt
Senior HelpLINK Mentor | Forum Moderator Clothed in strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.
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Name: Harrison (or Harri)
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 22nd 2016, 09:48 AM
Finish my assignment
Maintain my streak on duolingo
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
I have the Millennium Puzzle
I've been here a while ********
Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 22nd 2016, 03:38 PM
My goal for the day is to clean the house up and just relax. We aren't going out anywhere today, so might as well do chores around here and then take a lot of naps.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 27th 2016, 10:23 PM
Actually go shopping like I said I would yesterday.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
I have the Millennium Puzzle
I've been here a while ********
Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
January 28th 2016, 02:36 PM
My goal for the day is to keep in mind that we are only going to the pet store for a fish, and to not come back with a bird, turtle, and bearded dragon as well.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Love is > your mistakes
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Name: Christina
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 8th 2016, 12:33 AM
-Finish studying (I mean cramming) for tomorrow's exam.
-Get to sleep at a decent hour.
-Put away rest of clothes.
-Put unclean clothes in hamper.
-Get out things for tomorrow.
-Take vitamins.
"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
Linguistics geek
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Name: Harrison (or Harri)
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 8th 2016, 01:39 PM
Go to my lecture
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
I have the Millennium Puzzle
I've been here a while ********
Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 8th 2016, 03:09 PM
My goal for the day is to simply make it though the day. I didn't get any sleep last night, and I feel like the walking dead. Dx Bleh.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 9th 2016, 10:14 PM
Clear out my inboxes. It's just a little bit overdue.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
I have the Millennium Puzzle
I've been here a while ********
Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 10th 2016, 01:18 PM
My goal for the day is to get the house clean before our friends come over for Friend's Day.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Linguistics geek
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Name: Harrison (or Harri)
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 11th 2016, 10:28 AM
Go to bawls and pay for my con ticket
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
I have the Millennium Puzzle
I've been here a while ********
Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 11th 2016, 02:34 PM
My goal for the day is to make some yummy treats and get the house picked up.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 21st 2016, 10:54 PM
Go grocery shopping. Sort out my account. Backup my phone and laptop. Clean the dog's bedding.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
I have the Millennium Puzzle
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 22nd 2016, 09:17 PM
My goal for the day was to get the house all cleaned up.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Outside, huh? **********
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 22nd 2016, 09:21 PM
I want to get those sent out today, but I'm okay if it doesn't happen.
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"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
I have the Millennium Puzzle
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
February 23rd 2016, 04:13 PM
My goal for the day is to get some odds and ends finished around the house.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 7th 2016, 10:16 AM
My two goals today are:
- do a 10 minute workout
- find more paperwork for taxes and get it all ready
I have the Millennium Puzzle
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 7th 2016, 02:44 PM
My goal is to do something productive around the house.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 11th 2016, 12:30 PM
My goal is to finish all my tax papers and go to the library and print what I need to then file all my taxes this afternoon with a tax lady. 
So excited for all this to be done.
Have questions or would like to chat send me a PM
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Name: Calaer
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 12th 2016, 03:16 PM
My goal for the day is to get the house clean, and to clean out the car as well.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 12th 2016, 11:06 PM
Do the washing up and vacuuming, send out a couple of emails, do a bit of plotting.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
I have the Millennium Puzzle
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 13th 2016, 04:02 PM
My goal for the day is to finish cleaning the house, and to do some laundry.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Doing fine by design.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Charlie
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 14th 2016, 11:20 PM
Do a load of washing (at least), take the rubbish out, fix up finances.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 14th 2016, 11:43 PM
Look into gifts for some upcoming birthdays
Work on my online management course (I'm two weeks behind eek  )
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Until every last star in the galaxy dies.
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 15th 2016, 02:01 PM
My goal for the day is to get things ready for the Missionaries tomorrow! I'm going to pick up the house and make some cookies, also Friend's Day is tomorrow! So I have a lot to prepare for there as well.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 16th 2016, 12:21 PM
Go outside and grab a coffee (craving coffee)
Exercise before I drink the coffee
Finish DBT homework
Relax with a movie or show before needing to leave for DBT
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 16th 2016, 05:28 PM
Actually work on my online management course
Email my provider about withdrawing from my paid course
Go for a walk
Get some sleep
You have me.
Until every last star in the galaxy dies.
You have me.
- Amie Kaufman
Never forget, you are not alone. ♥
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Re: Goal of the day! -
March 16th 2016, 09:05 PM
Not stuff my face when I next eat.... Not stuff my face when I next eat... Not stuff my face when I next eat.. Not stuff my face when I next eat.
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