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Evanesco December 8th 2012 08:16 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?

Originally Posted by MovedByMercy (Post 974593)
Reading!!!! I tell myself that I need to get to page, say, 100, before I can SH, and by that point I'm too involved in the story to bother :D Slightly strange, but it works for me

I read as a distraction as well. :D I've got through so many books recently, it's crazy.

Validity December 8th 2012 09:13 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I used books the other nights, I have a stack of books beside my bed!


ElsatheDepressionSlayer December 8th 2012 10:00 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been asking for a butterfly every time I see Justine, and I don't want to kill them since they're always so pretty :).

oldaccount December 9th 2012 04:46 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I don't ever want to hear my boyfriend say he's not enough to make me stop. So I'm stopping, because he's so, so wrong...

Beautiful Lie December 9th 2012 06:30 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I made a promise to my friend that I wouldn't ans having him tell me how happy he is when I beat the urges keeps me going strong :) also I draw sing and dance to distract myself

keep strong everyone your all doing great :)

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ December 10th 2012 03:08 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I wrote the lyrics to "Rise Above This" by Seether on my arm. The part that goes "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this." and a blob of a butterfly. So now I am trying not to cut until the lyrics fade. :D I hope I can make it!

.:PrincessZelda:. December 19th 2012 03:03 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Doing some laundry and/or exercising

hopefuldreamer December 20th 2012 03:21 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Today when I was having bad urges thanks to stress at work I excused my self and stepped outside for some fresh air.

Thereishope December 20th 2012 03:39 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Talking to friends and watching awesome tv programs! :D

hopefuldreamer December 21st 2012 12:42 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Work causes most of my stress which cause my urges..so I applied for a new job XD

The Darkness December 21st 2012 01:06 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Love. I remind myself that I can love and that does not make me the monster I believe I am. I remind myself of this verse in a poem I once wrote:
As you draw that blade,
Across your skin,
He grows a scar,
Just the same as yours.

And I just sort of stop thinking.

Duet With Myself December 21st 2012 01:26 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I distract myself with writing, chilling with friends, drawing and painting... that kind of thing. If the urges get terrible, I band, not cut :)

ElsatheDepressionSlayer December 21st 2012 05:13 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
My friend will take me out to dinner to celebrate if I make it to a month SH free. I WILL get there because I'm worth it :).

Validity December 21st 2012 05:31 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Drawing inspirational quotes :)


oldaccount December 22nd 2012 04:21 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Currently experiencing a lack of tools, but it's working, so.

ElsatheDepressionSlayer December 23rd 2012 10:46 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
My friends covered my arms in butterflies. So beautiful.

Blahhhh101 December 25th 2012 02:48 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
-My Awesome TH Friends.

Eva (:

oldaccount December 27th 2012 04:07 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Enjoying not having to wear my wristband.

oldaccount January 2nd 2013 06:20 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
It's my new years resolution. :)

Evanesco January 3rd 2013 01:35 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I'm avoiding most of my triggers.

Validity January 4th 2013 09:52 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I remind myself J will write a message to me soon, or I remind myself of when I'm going to meet him. I'd rather not be covered in scars when I run into his arms.


shininglikefireworks January 12th 2013 05:41 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I like to work out. When it's light outside, I'll take a walk around campus. There's this really great alcove with these cool pillars and I like to go sit there or take pics of them because they're cool. I also listen to music.

Validity January 12th 2013 10:05 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went for a jog and then talked to him <3


DeletedAccount17 January 12th 2013 11:04 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been feeling sad sometimes through-out this week so when I want to cut, I think of my best friend and it stops me. :) It's helped me 14 days so far.

This is how strong love can be. <3

~ Christabel

Greenie January 22nd 2013 10:53 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Stretching, deep breathing and cuddling soft toys (:
I'm also thinking about how much I am looking forward to this year.

Validity January 25th 2013 10:16 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went to camp (made myself leav behind my blade) :)


Breathe~me January 25th 2013 11:03 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
instead of cutting; crying myself to sleep at night time.
I'm a freaking emotional wreck when it comes to dealing with the emotions that cause me to self harm.

Palmolive January 30th 2013 09:46 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I'm spending time with Nick Jordan. :)

Lumos. February 7th 2013 04:05 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
On here, and thinking of the person i like. :wub:

Celaena-Sardothian February 7th 2013 04:53 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Having my youth group friends remind me what happened on camp and the promises God has in store for me if the best way I'm beating it at the moment. And it's getting easier :D

Ella.x February 8th 2013 05:26 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I threw away my razorblades

Enjoy.Life ❤ ❤ February 8th 2013 09:14 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Instead of crying because of depression, i'll just gotta listen to cheerful music while your out of town with your family and friends. :) :)

oldaccount February 9th 2013 08:34 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I don't want my ex to blame himself. Since it's not his fault anyway.

Beautiful Disaster February 10th 2013 03:07 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Thinking that I don't deserve to hurt myself because of something they did. That every time I cut, they win. Every day I don't, I win.

oldaccount February 22nd 2013 12:44 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
It's gonna warm up soon and I can't be wearing long sleeves.

Oxytocin February 22nd 2013 05:07 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've hidden my blades under my bed in a box with a bunch of photographs of happy days in my life. That way when I feel tempted, I have to put myself through the effort of rummaging through photographs of myself and my friends. It makes me think more about why I feel the need to cut and it makes me stop :)

Beautiful Disaster February 22nd 2013 09:47 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Playing guitar till I get blisters.

oldaccount March 8th 2013 04:04 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Wanting him to not find anything if he checks when he gets back.

Palmolive March 8th 2013 06:11 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went to the gym and worked it out for 20 miles.

Nomophobia March 8th 2013 07:57 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Keeping myself busy by doing anything and everything that springs to mind. Over 3 weeks free :)

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