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hocus pocus March 25th 2016 11:09 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Reading, and cleaning around the house.

Kintsukuroi. March 27th 2016 09:15 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went for a drive on the back roads to clear my head.

Sophrosyne March 27th 2016 10:28 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I watched a movie. I don't know what to do now.

hocus pocus March 29th 2016 04:38 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I took care of my pets and watched TV instead.

hocus pocus April 7th 2016 06:02 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I wrote a poem and did some assignments.

hocus pocus April 11th 2016 06:05 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been doing some school stuff and cleaning.

hocus pocus April 15th 2016 11:23 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Working on school projects, spending time with my cats, reading, and getting out of the house.

Kintsukuroi. April 16th 2016 06:23 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Studying and going running.

hocus pocus April 20th 2016 04:50 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Reading and staying busy with school. The other day I painted my nails as a distraction and watched some TV.

DeletedAccount69 April 20th 2016 05:14 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I talked to my boyfriend.

Lotus Eater April 20th 2016 11:53 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been gaming a lot.

hocus pocus April 26th 2016 04:52 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I'm sick so I'm trying to focus on taking care of myself and getting better instead of hurting myself. I've been reading too.

Kintsukuroi. April 26th 2016 06:38 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Iève been buying music and making playlists.

hocus pocus April 29th 2016 04:29 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I cuddled with my kitten and hung out with my mom.

hocus pocus May 2nd 2016 04:59 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been watching TV.

Not_here May 2nd 2016 02:36 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Did not bring my blade to school. Keeping the will to survive my last 3 weeks of school going. Finding little things to appreciate and be joyful about like my wonderful cat. He is my good luck charm <3

JustSophie May 3rd 2016 12:05 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
:dance1::dance1:Journaling and poetry, although it is hard

hocus pocus May 3rd 2016 07:15 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Yesterday I wrote a poem and painted my nails instead. Today I got out of the house and then took a nap.

Not_here May 3rd 2016 08:01 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Cuddled with my cat although I'm struggling

DeletedAccount69 May 5th 2016 12:45 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Browsing things on my phone.

Kintsukuroi. May 5th 2016 08:11 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I browsed Tumblr and went for a run.

hocus pocus May 7th 2016 05:16 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I held my kitten and then did a project for school.

DeletedAccount69 May 7th 2016 09:05 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Going to the used bookstore. Cuddling with my cat.

hocus pocus May 10th 2016 05:34 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I cleaned, watched TV, walked my dog, and listened to music.

Kintsukuroi. May 11th 2016 08:52 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I took our dogs for a walk (it was supposed to be a run but that didn't work) and then hit tennis balls for one of our dogs.

Palmolive May 11th 2016 09:28 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I'm watching TV (for a change!) and I'm on here but might start my cross stitch.

Fanatic May 12th 2016 07:27 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Randomly dancing and exercise. Distracting myself with favorite tv shows. Drawing.

hocus pocus May 15th 2016 06:12 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Yesterday I did a lot of yard work and today I'm planning out some things to keep me busy.

DeletedAccount71 May 16th 2016 07:43 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I'm focusing on planning a birthday celebration for one of my family members.

hocus pocus May 18th 2016 08:09 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went to an appointment and walked around a few stores and I'm planning to watch TV and do some things from my to-do list.

DeletedAccount24 May 21st 2016 05:24 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Well, not physical self-harm, but mental/emotional self-harm...

I have begun to write a lot more and watch more TV programs. It helps keep my mind and emotions stable and not get self-destructive/loathing/depreciation. :)

hocus pocus May 24th 2016 02:44 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been doing school stuff and reading when I can.

Kintsukuroi. May 24th 2016 05:00 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been buying music and making playlists for vacation and running.

DeletedAccount69 May 24th 2016 06:21 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I took a shower. Not sure what I am going to do now though. Everyone is asleep and I feel the urge. Maybe I'll try and read.

hocus pocus May 26th 2016 10:08 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been trying to do school stuff, I've been exercising, watching TV, spending time with my cats, anything I can to keep busy.

Kintsukuroi. May 27th 2016 06:42 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been dejunking one of our storage rooms which takes forever because it's full of hundreds of dance costumes from the past 17 years, old dolls/accessories, build a bear stuff and other toys. :nosweat:

hocus pocus May 31st 2016 09:41 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I finished a class and I've been doing a lot of reading lately.

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