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hocus pocus January 15th 2016 02:27 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been doing classwork.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ January 15th 2016 03:10 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I was on Skype with a very close friend, so I didn't leave Skype. Then I went back to bed since I also felt sick.

Palmolive January 15th 2016 12:37 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
im in bed watching friends.

Sophrosyne January 17th 2016 09:46 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been surprisingly going outside and socialising more, and then listening to music when I'm at home.

Storyteller. January 19th 2016 10:04 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
If my calculations are correct, this is the longest I've ever gone without SH, so that's pretty good motivation. ^.^

hocus pocus January 19th 2016 03:50 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I wrote a poem and I've been listening to music.

Not_here January 19th 2016 09:22 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Well honestly my day was me sleeping and crying and battling my thoughts, urges to destroy myself, and low mood but at one point I was cleaning and listening to a Oscar Wilde's short story "The Happy Prince" as an audio (mind you i should have read that story for class about a year ago but came unprepared that day and been curious to read it for real) also I was listening to the care bear song last night :?
"Who can keep you warm at night? The care bears caaaan, they care a lot about you)

Sophrosyne January 20th 2016 12:28 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been watching Jurassic Park.

obelus January 21st 2016 09:43 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
By looking on an adoption website for adoptable doggies. *heart eyes emoji*

Sophrosyne January 21st 2016 10:39 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been texting other people and coming on here.

hocus pocus January 24th 2016 04:47 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I wrote a poem and took a nap. I'm planning to do some things around the house and I also have a cold, so I guess that will keep me from doing anything. A funny reason but it works. :p

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ January 26th 2016 04:18 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I cried in front of my roommates. But it was nice because one of my roommates understood my frustration since she's frustrated about the same thing.

Kintsukuroi. January 26th 2016 04:50 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went outside and played tennis.

hocus pocus January 30th 2016 08:32 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I watched a movie and in a little bit I'm planning to get out of the house.

hocus pocus February 2nd 2016 05:52 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I did an assignment and read a novel.

Kintsukuroi. February 2nd 2016 06:08 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I took my dog for a run around the bay and threw the frisbee around for her.

hocus pocus February 7th 2016 11:09 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I read a book for school and I have also been listening to music.

hocus pocus February 17th 2016 05:00 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I talked to my therapist and took a nap.

Sophrosyne February 17th 2016 07:21 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I worked on my assignment and am watching youtube videos.

hocus pocus February 18th 2016 11:20 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I got out of the house earlier and I've been reading too.

hocus pocus February 24th 2016 01:13 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Cleaned up around the house a little bit and planning on starting a new book soon.

Rez February 24th 2016 01:44 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I played some Super Smash Bros. Then went to work on my Eagle Scout project.

Sophrosyne February 25th 2016 10:39 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I wrote reasons not to self harm where I wanted to do it. Now I'm covered in sharpie :D

Not_here February 27th 2016 03:14 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I left my blade at home

DeletedAccount71 February 27th 2016 08:15 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I've been blogging lately and spending time with my family/going out on dates.

hocus pocus March 1st 2016 08:30 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I read a novel, took a nap, painted my nails, and now I'm online. :)

Kintsukuroi. March 4th 2016 07:54 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went for a walk to get tea and then took the longest way home. As well as I stopped at the park to watch at the stars.

hocus pocus March 8th 2016 08:36 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I colored part of a coloring page, read a few books, got out of the house, and worked on some class assignments.

Sophrosyne March 10th 2016 09:54 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I wrote names of all the people that wouldn't want me to self harm where I would, including people from movies and real life. Whatever works right? :)

I'm also watching Doctor Who because when am I not?

hocus pocus March 15th 2016 02:25 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I started a word search and I'm planning on painting my nails.

......nobody March 15th 2016 02:43 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Playing an online site :hehe:

Kintsukuroi. March 15th 2016 06:18 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I went outside and played tennis with my dog. Or rather, I hit tennis balls for her to fetch.

EMOKId420 March 15th 2016 03:24 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
i ate a raw potatoe. felt lots bettr. mmmm

Lionheart March 15th 2016 07:35 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
continue writing my story and thinking of my girlfriend <3

hocus pocus March 18th 2016 12:27 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I talked to my therapist and took a nap.

Kintsukuroi. March 18th 2016 04:35 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I was drawing and listening to music.

hocus pocus March 21st 2016 09:24 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
I took a nap and marked textbook readings for my class.

Palmolive March 22nd 2016 06:21 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Going to blog.

Palmolive March 22nd 2016 08:50 PM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Writing letters to friends

hocus pocus March 23rd 2016 12:29 AM

Re: How are you beating Self Harm?
Read part of my book, and did reading and assignments for my class.

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