So,I don't really know what to do..
My best friend started to cut and I finally,after 7 years,stopped. Whatever I tell him,he just says he can't stop. I really know the feeling,but I do NOT understand why he even started. He wondered how it'd feel like.. He was the one who helped me to stop. Everything's so wrong.. I am desperate,don't know what I should do. It hurts me and makes me angry.. It's even triggering but I have to stay strong.
I told him about the butterfly project but it failed. I showed him all the other things he can do when he feels like cutting. When he's sad I try to make him laugh.
Nothing works and I am honestly just tired,I want him to stop so badly. Maybe I am not trying hard enough ?
Once he said he wants to go.. meaning killing himself. I cried for hours,talked to him and he didn't do it. But now, every time he's sad I kinda freak out :/
The weird thing is that when he's around me,everything's just normal.. Back home he gets sad.
Can anyone tell me what I should do ?

Thanks x