Hey, well the first thing I want to say is well done on reaching 2 years, that's an amazing achievement. I'm sorry you had to go through such a terrible break up, it's a horrible thing to have to go through

I know it sounds cliche but how about going out with your friends, spending time doing things that you couldn't do when you were with him? Maybe it'll try and distract you for long enough. If there are certain times of the day that are worse for you, I'd say definitely plan something for those times, even if it's something as simple as a planned phone call to a mate or something.
I know it's hard but you have to stop all contact with your ex. That's the only way you're going to get over him. I bet you're thinking, wtf, all you want to do is find out why. But will that really help anything? Surely rejection one is bad enough but for him to keep ignoring your emails, wouldn't you rather just try and forget about him?
Have you checked out the alternatives thread? Personally I've never really got on with it but everyone's different and you may find a few things on there that help you. Also, tell yourself that you've gone two years, what's another day without doing it? And then tell yourself the same thing the next day. Or if a day is too long, how about saying well what's another few hours if it's been this long already and take things one step at a time.
Break ups are hard enough as it is hun without putting yourself through even more pain. You CAN do this and we'll be there every step of the way with you