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Self Harm If you or someone you know is struggling with self harm and needs advice or alternatives, we're here to help.
What's wrong with careful cutting? -
December 8th 2010, 07:15 AM
Seriously. If they're just cuts. Nothing too deep. If you're careful not to hit veins and you clean out and bandage up the cuts. What's the problem? They'll heal up. It's not gonna cause any medical problems. I know you're probly thinking I'm a total blonde for asking something like 'what's wrong with cutting?', but actually think about it. It's a major stress and anxiety release, it causes (if you're careful about it) no permanent damage, and doesn't impair your judgement like drugs or alcohol. So, why is it so terribly wrong???
Re: What's wrong with careful cutting? -
December 8th 2010, 07:23 AM
I don't think there's such a thing as "careful" cutting. As hard as you try, the possibilities of hitting the veins and infections are still there. They always will be.
There are plenty of other ways to release stress and anxiety that pose absolutely no threat to your physical or mental state.
Honestly, I think that cutting does cloud your mental state a bit. Instead of getting rid of or coping with whatever is causing you the stress, pain, anger, anxiety, you're simply masking it, and making yourself believe that the pains of life no longer exist. The fact is, those problems don't go away just because you temporarily masked the pain. Cutting makes coping a lot more difficult.
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi
Re: What's wrong with careful cutting? -
December 8th 2010, 07:33 AM
It's not a healthy coping mechanism.
It's addictive and there's still always the chance of hitting a vein no matter how careful you are and like Emily said there's still the chance of infection.
I understand how you feel because I've questioned this myself. It's always harder to think of it as a problem if it's you doing it. If one of your close friends or a family member told you they were doing it, would you still think it wasn't a problem? I know I'd definitely be concerned.
Re: What's wrong with careful cutting? -
December 8th 2010, 11:07 AM
It's not healthy and like Emily and Cara said there is ALWAYS a chance of hitting a vein on accident and even if you are careful with taking care of the wound you could still get an infection. SHing starts as relief then it turns into an out of control addiction.
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
"For those who don't care, for those who can't see, never give up, always thrive to be free."
Re: What's wrong with careful cutting? -
December 8th 2010, 12:01 PM
My psychiatric nurse had no issues with cutting as long as I cut in 'safer' places and looked after my wounds. However, I thinkt that's a bit silly and you can't ever cut 'carefully'. There could always be accidents or infections. It's a much better idea to do something productive and that will actually help you in the long term rather than cutting yourself.
Re: What's wrong with careful cutting? -
December 8th 2010, 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
How is it not helpful? It's the truth.
It's not helpful because we already know that it's not going to solve our problems, at first it helps to get out your emotions but then it turns into an addiction and it's extremely difficult to stop, just like any other addiction. Telling us that it's a "stupid" way to deal with stress everyone deals with their problems in a different way. And with our scars being ugly, some people who self-harm like their scars because it shows what they have been through and that they got through it.
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
"For those who don't care, for those who can't see, never give up, always thrive to be free."