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can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 07:45 AM
 ok i have no shame i am a self harmer. ive tried cuttingng burning bruising pills ect. i've beenfine for the past 2 months not a scratch till just recently, the depression and urges have come back. i don't know how long i can go on. it's got to the point where i've passed out because of blood lose. i start having to fight myself to put the knife down and away from my wrists. I hide my cuts with wristbands and sometimes there not full covered so I start cutting my legs, stomach and=ywhere i can. I think i have a really big problem. HELP ME!
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 12:05 PM
Yes, it can be addictive.
Just think though, you went those 2 months before without doing anything, has anything changed recently that's made the urges come back again?
This guide can be helpful to some people so when you feel the urges coming on take a look at some of the suggestions on there. Although, if it's getting this bad then I think you should consider professional help, speak to a doctor and they can offer you support.
You went those 2 months before and you can do it again if you really put your mind to it, stay strong and don't give up.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 12:17 PM
It can certainly be addictive. There were times when I would just cut myself because I was bored and the more I did it the more I wanted.
Going to therapy has helped me though.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 01:20 PM
I definitely do think that cutting can be addictive..
for me it got to the point even when i wasnt depressed/ upset i had to cut.. even if i didnt think i needed to..
I just felt the urge and HAD to.. So yes i definitely think its addictive..
I am better now and havent done it in a very long time.. almost a year =)
best of luck to you and if you ever need to talk im here =)
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 02:15 PM
Speaking from experience, SH is an addictive behavior. There's the science side of it - where the brain releases chemicals that put the person in a state that is almost like a natural "high." And just the emotional addiction of the pain seeming more real because it's visible.
As a long-time cutter, I know how hard it is. It sounds like your to the point where your SH is pretty serious and might be life-threatening. While I know that SH is not a suicide attempt (been there, done that), it can still be a fatal action.
Do you trust a teacher, counselor, parent, or other adult enough to go to them with your concerns? They want only the best for you and sometimes are the direct gateway to professional help that can provide you with the resources you need to start to heal.
Two months is a huge step! I know you can do it again! I'm totally behind you. 110%!
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 09:43 PM
that you all your so helpful i will hopefully try and stop again as i don't want to get back into my old ways
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 10:42 PM
yes it is addicting im addicted its the only way to take my pain away and i tried to stop and its not easy i still cut and i have the same prob with passing out to and i know u can do it i never made it to stop for 2 months so i know ur a strong person and u can completly stop the longest for me was a week so i know u can go longer than 2 months u can do it just keep trying
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 9th 2010, 11:21 PM
Hey there,
I went ahead and moved this to the self harm forum because I thought it was better suited for that category.
As the others have said self harm can become addictive but you can overcome that. Like any addiction you have to realize you have a problem and slowly work on getting to a better place. I think it is very important that you figure out what your triggers are. If you know what triggers you you can slowly work on coping with those triggers and finding better alternatives.
I am also going to suggest that you look into the list of alternatives. They can really help you fight the urges and they give you positive coping skills.
Here is the link:
I really hope this helped and best of luck.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 10th 2010, 12:21 AM
Cutting can absolutely be addictive. If you feel it's getting to the point where you can't stop, you may want to look into getting some help for yourself. It CAN be overcome.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 10th 2010, 12:41 AM
As many of the others here have said, cutting can definatley be addictive. I myself am a cutter, and I was hooked within the first few cuts I made on myself. Before I started, I thought that I wouldn't become addicted like the others and I chose to ignore the warnings that were given to me by various people. Now that I have made that mistake, I regret ever starting because the urges grow so strong sometimes.
However, like ~CourageousSurvivor~ said, you can overcome that addiction. I am here whenever you need to talk to somebody.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 10th 2010, 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by cyberfairy
that you all your so helpful i will hopefully try and stop again as i don't want to get back into my old ways
I wish you only the best. If you ever need an ear, don't hesitate to grab my attention! I've been there and, while no two situations are exactly the same, it helps when someone can come close to understanding.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 10th 2010, 05:15 AM
Heyy there tash.
I have to say that I'm very happy to hear that you havent SHed in two months héroes starting again. I know how hard it is to stop and I know how frustrating it is when you think that your done with it and a couple of day latter you start again. Try seeing a sepcialist and putting all your SH tools in to a box and them celetaping it closed ! Hope I've been a help...
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 16th 2010, 08:44 PM
Yes, it can be very addicting!
Trust me, it's the most horrible feeling you can get. When you try to stop and you can't even bring yourself to thjrow the blade away or put it down. Or when you have 6 blades, just beacause you need to know you have at least one. Or when almost every night you reopen a cut or make new ones. You just, watch the blood run down your arm and the feeling isnt even worth much anymore.
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Re: can cutting become addictive? -
November 16th 2010, 08:52 PM
Yes self-harm can be VERY addictive, I've been dealing with my self-harm addiction for 8 years and while I am trying my best in therapy to get better, it is a difficult process but it does help. I think that it would be beneficial for you to see a therapist. Until then try some of the things on the alternatives thread, if you find that something on there doesn't work for you throw it out and try something else. Good luck. If you ever want to talk feel free to PM me.
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