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Sleepwalker November 2nd 2010 06:42 AM

Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I'm just wondering how everyone here feels about "emo" jokes?

My little sister accused me of being "emo" when I accidently cut my arm today. She was making a joke out of it, but she doesn't know that I really do cut myself on purpose. It made me feel terrible though. And it was awkward when she laughed at her joke, and I didn't laugh in return. I felt sick to my stomach. I mean, I consider it an actual problem, and I'm not proud of it. And when people make jokes about it, it makes me both angry and sick. They have no idea what they're talking about. It's not funny.

So far, no one knows I cut. And I wonder if they'd make the same jokes if they knew or if they themselves cut... Personally, I will/have never made jokes about it. I don't think it's a subject to be taken lightly.

How do you feel when you hear someone make jokes/comments about it though? Do you say anything to them about it? Do you make jokes yourself?

Just wondering if I'm the only one who finds this a problem.

Jesus Christ. November 2nd 2010 08:55 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I can understand why people might get offended but I think people need to be able to laugh at it, not because it's not a serious subject but just because a good laugh is healthy for everyone.
I used to SH myself, and I've always laughed at the jokes, and made them myself.
If you're not comfortable with them then telln your sister to not be offensive, but you can't really stop everyone from making jokes =/

WhisperingSilence November 2nd 2010 09:18 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
my sisters like this i dress emo and she often says things like ' why dress emo all they do is cut' and she makes remarks about how i choose to dress. i also cut, and when my sister starts going on and on about emos and cutting, it pisses me off, yes im emo, yes i cut, my sister doesnt know that i cut either. i hate all the emo and self harm jokes people make. i cut for reasons i have my reasons why i cut and i dont cut because i dress emo like the emo and self harm jokes always seem to make out, i cut because i real reasons !

Prozac November 2nd 2010 11:34 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?

Originally Posted by 3.14159265358979323846264 (Post 511551)
I can understand why people might get offended but I think people need to be able to laugh at it, not because it's not a serious subject but just because a good laugh is healthy for everyone.
I used to SH myself, and I've always laughed at the jokes, and made them myself.
If you're not comfortable with them then telln your sister to not be offensive, but you can't really stop everyone from making jokes =/

I agree with this. You've honestly got to learn to take a joke and have some fun. I've self harmed in the past, but now I can sit and laugh about it. When people are making jokes, they're not meant to be taken seriously. I can laugh and joke about self harm, but I could also sit down and talk about it seriously if needed.
I've had quite a bit of a backlash from people thinking a certain joke wasn't funny (When i'm sad, I cut myself a slice of cheesecake - honestly, it's about cheesecake!). It's not meant to be offensive, it's meant to cheer people up. I think you need to relax a bit and just allow yourself to laugh. :)

Doodle. November 2nd 2010 12:59 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I remember back in high school I would dress "emo" One day this guy from my class grabbed my arm just to see if I had any cuts on it to see if I was a "real emo" he said I wasn't as I had no scars.

The whole emo phase has seemed to have died down where I live now :/ at least with people my age. There are a lot less jokes now anyway.

noise94 November 2nd 2010 06:22 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I cut from the age of 12 to 17. I now really enjoy jokes about SH. :p They're called jokes for a reason: they're not supposed to be taken seriously.

xxprincessxx November 2nd 2010 06:50 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I agree, it doesn't really bother me that much anymore. I think people know that it's a serious subject, but it's always good to be able to laugh too. I cut, and I still make jokes, but I also know the seriousness of it, so yeah. :) I just find it's not worth it to get mad or hurt about anymore.

Anomaly November 2nd 2010 08:31 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I dont like emo/cutting jokes but I do just laugh around with them. I've learned its better to just laugh then get offensive because people start to wonder if you really do cut.

One time a guy called me emo and a cutter because I had a cat scratch on my arm. I was like haha you know it but im really thinking if only you know.

I try not to take them personally though. i dotn think they mean any harm by it well atleast that guy didnt so I dont see any reason to get mad about it.

llamasliketoparty November 2nd 2010 08:56 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I feel awkward when someone makes a joke about it. Not because I don't recognize that it is all in good fun. I just don't know how I should respond. At the mention of self harm in real life I don't really know what to say unless it is a serious conversation. I'm afraid that I'll say something where everyone will be like "OMG, she cuts doesn't she?" even though I haven't for over a year now. Idk haha. That's just me.

DarkSeph November 2nd 2010 09:55 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?

Originally Posted by 3.14159265358979323846264 (Post 511551)
I can understand why people might get offended but I think people need to be able to laugh at it, not because it's not a serious subject but just because a good laugh is healthy for everyone.
I used to SH myself, and I've always laughed at the jokes, and made them myself.
If you're not comfortable with them then telln your sister to not be offensive, but you can't really stop everyone from making jokes =/

There are some things you just don't joke about tbh. -.- SH is usually an indication that the sufferer is literally on the edge and barely coping from being so miserable. If someone makes an "emo joke" or makes fun of SH, it automatically puts them in my bad books, no questions asked. And if it's regarding a friend or a joke made directly to someone who suffers from SH/depression, I will say something, or take action.

Just for the record, I've never SH'd myself. But there are plenty of other things you can make a joke out of besides another persons misery. There's nothing funny about it whatsoever.

Doodle. November 2nd 2010 10:20 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
To be fair I do find jokes a lot would find offensive funny. I just know there's a time and a place where to say those things. I make sure the person I'm talking to won't be offended. I actually told my sister a joke I heard about rape a few days ago (I won't repeat it here for obvious reasons) I knew she wouldn't be upset by it as she has never been raped or abused.

Prozac November 3rd 2010 12:58 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?

Originally Posted by DarkSeph (Post 511883)
There are some things you just don't joke about tbh. -.- SH is usually an indication that the sufferer is literally on the edge and barely coping from being so miserable. If someone makes an "emo joke" or makes fun of SH, it automatically puts them in my bad books, no questions asked. And if it's regarding a friend or a joke made directly to someone who suffers from SH/depression, I will say something, or take action.

Just for the record, I've never SH'd myself. But there are plenty of other things you can make a joke out of besides another persons misery. There's nothing funny about it whatsoever.

Joking about things can make people a lot happier. I'm sure that talking about them as a
sufferer or someone who is on the edge of whatever could also be offensive to some people. I don't understand why you'd immediately judge someone for making a joke about self harm. I make jokes about self harm but I can also be serious about it. People who joke about it aren't always trying to be offensive. I suffer from depression and have self harmed but if someone said something or took action after someones tried to lighten me up or have a joke, I'd be very annoyed. People don't always need to be defended or treated like a victim.

The sad one. November 3rd 2010 06:03 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
Since I wear all black and DO cut myself yes people make jokes.
I ignore them , but if they get to far and really bug me I say something back. That rarely happens though.

Anonymity November 3rd 2010 08:38 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I haven't cut in years, but my body is riddled with scars regardless. Sometimes I feel like wearing a short sleeved shirt, and people will see them and not realize what they are, make a joke about cutting, and there I am thinking "Laugh it up, jack ass, that's what they're really from." I'm not going to deny that it stings a bit, but in all reality, you need to be able to laugh at yourself. It's definitely not a laughing matter, but what else can you do? If there's anything I've learned from Family Guy, it's that someone is always making fun of someone, and someone is always going to be hurt by that. So if you've ever made or laughed at a joke at someone else's expense (and admit it, we all have) you have to be ready to see the humor when someone does the same to us.

DeletedAccount71 November 3rd 2010 11:25 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I am not really offended about those jokes, because more often than not they come from a harmless place. It's about a caricature and a stereotype, not a malicious attack of an actual person. I make those jokes myself sometimes. I don't really have a problem with it, unless someone really is making a dig at people who cut themselves.

Batman. November 4th 2010 12:02 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?

Originally Posted by Superstar (Post 512666)
I am not really offended about those jokes, because more often than not they come from a harmless place. It's about a caricature and a stereotype, not a malicious attack of an actual person. I make those jokes myself sometimes. I don't really have a problem with it, unless someone really is making a dig at people who cut themselves.

Very true. I mean, I self-harm, but my friends and I have made "Emo" jokes. Like, when something silly goes wrong, we'll jokingly say "Oh, my life is over! I'm gonna go cut myself!" or something, just because the emo stereotype is going WAY overboard without justification for such.

Like, I know someone who was being Emo (though he'd deny it) and started complaining how his life wasn't worth living because his girlfriend of like, 2 or 3 weeks dumped him. Seriously, after that short of time? Pffft, stop whining. THATS the kind of person I'd make a joke out of.

Oh, and the joke thing "I wish my lawn was emo so it'd cut itself" amuses me.

So, I think it really depends on the context. If, for example, my friend made a joke about someone who actually does cut out of pain, I'd be disappointed. But well, we knew someone who would just barely scratch themselves and show it off for attention (he was trying to shock people like Marilyn Manson does), THATS someone who would be a good punchline. :bleh:

LlamaLlamaDuck November 4th 2010 02:59 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I hate 'emo' jokes. People in my class before have said things like 'I swear if she gives us another essay to do I'll end up cutting my wrists!' and it really frustrates me because they have no idea what they're really saying. >.<
People should think more before they speak.

iMuse November 4th 2010 03:06 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I always get called emo too :/ and one day at drama, a boy said "What are those cuts on your hand, emo? Haha! Self harm cuts I guess!"
I almost cried at it, but I tried to laugh. Yeah, the jokes hurt, but you just have to try to get over it :(

Maloo November 4th 2010 03:31 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I don't even know what "emo" IS. It's a made-up word and I have no idea what it means. Yes, the jokes suck, but they're jokes. Sometimes I think they're funny, sometimes I don't.

inactiveprofile November 4th 2010 03:52 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I cut too.And I hate SH joke but you cant do anything about them.If your sister makes emo and/or SH jokes and you dont like them then just ask her not to make them. Hope I've bean a help

WhoAmI? November 7th 2010 05:59 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
Eh I don't pay them any attention, they're only jokes. People make jokes about homeless people, physical ailments, mental illnesses, etc. and nobody is going to stop making those jokes not because they're ignorant, but because "behind every joke there is truth."
I'm not saying that every cutter is a stereotypical "emo" who whines all day and cuts for attention - but I'm not, nor have I ever met another cutter who was happy and you can't deny that.

Commiseration November 7th 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
"Emo" refers to a type of rock music called Emotional Hardcore or Emocore, which eventually lead into screamo. It in no way ties in with self harm, therefore if anyone calls you emo just look at them and say "thanks, I do enjoy that type of music!" Unless you dont, then just look at them like they're crazy *)

Aside from that, jokes about self harm, as with other disorders, are just distasteful and insensitive. They're also hurtful. It can make people who secretly self harm not want to ask for help. And it can actually make people self harm just to get laughs or attention. We all need to start thinking a little more before we speak. You never know what the person next to you is going through.

And if you find someone who insists on making jokes about such things sarcastically tell them "Oh you're so witty and creative, I've never heard that before..." Emo jokes are getting really old and over-used so challenge them to come up with something new for a change. Most people don't like when you insult their jokes or flat out tell them they're lame. They usually move on to something else then.

And as always, remember that no matter how many people make jokes about it, there's plenty of us who understand and care so you're never alone and will always have someone to turn to when you need help. :hug:

westitchthesewounds November 7th 2010 05:42 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I have a friend who usedto cut and the other day in our yearbook class these two girls were joking around about emos. One of the girls was sitting in the corner with her hood pulled over her head, pretending to be depressed, and the other girl was practially screaming "omg!!! sammies emo!!!!" my friend got pissed off and yelled "Don't joke around about that stuff!!! I've been there, and let me tell you, it's not fun!!!" Then they backed off and went to the other side of the room. I cut, well used to, and I know its not fun, I get a little offended when people joke about it, but I laugh along with them, cause I used to make jokes about them before I cut. I'll laugh at the jokes, but I don't make them.

DeletedAccount69 November 7th 2010 06:37 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I admit that when I hear an emo joke it stings and makes me uncomfortable. However, I have learned to live with them and I can accept that the jokes come from harmless people. Most the people who make those jokes do not mean to be offensive. It just is one of those things that is. Some people are going to make jokes about self harm and others aren't. In the end it is important to take it for what it is and move on. Most people don't realize they are being offensive and if you were to tell them they would, most likely, stop.

LastRedAppleStanding November 9th 2010 07:48 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
It makes me sick to the stomach. People know at school after a horrible experiance that ended me in hospital and they go around saying emo jokes about me. I give them this look that says 'you really shouldn't have said that asswipe'
They kinda back off then. Except for a few people....But i think they are just really nasty people. Karma will get them back.

JapaneeseLove November 10th 2010 12:12 AM

cutting is terrible

i understand u'd be offended

but i do think it's rude to joke

hope i answered ur question

bye for now if u need help message me

Stargazed. November 12th 2010 01:21 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I take jokes of this sort very offensively.

DeletedAccount63 November 12th 2010 02:10 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I hate when they make jokes and I will tell them it's not funny and that its a problem. And actually yes people will make the jokes even if they know you cut or used to and there even worse because they will make the motion and derect it straight at you. No I do not joke about cuttting but i do find myself saying things like "I hate my life" Kill me now" or make a gun and put it to my head with my hand with a smile on my face but the reality is I'm not joking but everyone else thinks I am.

Kitty. November 12th 2010 06:12 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
The jokes don't offend me. I understand that they aren't malicious at all.

I do, however, see how they can effect others.

Eyes on Fire-Xx November 12th 2010 07:50 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
It bothers me a bit :/ I mean, I know it's a joke, and it's okay sometimes? But it's more the fact they joke people make about being emo and cutting, it's not the jokes themselfs rather the fact they see it as somthing stupid and attention seeking, or as somthing only "stupid emo kids" do. My family will make jokes like 'oh why don't you just go cry in the corner and cut emo kid' and things like that. When it's my little siblings, I tell them that's not nice and try to get them out of that habit... I cut, so, it bugs me a bit if I told them they wouldn't take me seriously...

kitkat_kate November 13th 2010 03:04 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I've read through this and I have so many differing ideas. I hate those jokes. As someone who has struggled with self harm for several years, it's hard to hear the comments made. While I can't change the fact that people make those jokes, it's definitely a sensitive subject and something I think should be avoided.

What hurts me more is when friends who KNOW that's an issue make a joke that involves it. I can see your struggle.

Maybe one day I will laugh about it and make the jokes myself, but with as much pain as it has caused me, I can't see that being a joke I'll make. It doesn't seem fair.

It's like making gay jokes, or jokes about someone crying rape. That's an issue for me. I think our society needs a little lesson in sensitivity.

lost_soul November 13th 2010 03:42 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
When people pull out jokes about cutting, it can be quite awkward, seeing as I cut.
I just want to shrink into the ground and disappear, everybody laughs but I never can and i feel like everybody is staring at me, when, in reality they aren't.

Self harm shouldn't be taken lightly, and I would never joke about it, but the people that joke just don't understand it. And, it's not their fault really, it's just a joke to them. But, it's not nice for the people who genuinely know how it is to struggle with self harm.

Marnie November 13th 2010 11:42 PM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I'm with llamasliketoparty

I don't like emo/cutting jokes they are really offensive to me, they aren't funny. I do think they are mean, if you ask me it is a way of bullying to some people. i am also with Sleepwalker I don't know how to respond when people say them as I do SH.

a few weeks ago one of my fiends got a cut on her arm from cooking and another friend was joking about how she must have cut herself, and they both found that very entertaining.. that disturbed me.

Philomath November 14th 2010 12:37 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I can't stand it when people joke about cutting or killing themselves. Like in my school some kids will say things like "If I have to sit next to that person every day I'm going to go kill myself." or they say to someone else "What, are you going to become all emo and cut yourself now." I usually don't say anything, though I have before, I don't find the jokes funny, but at the same time I don't find them offenseive, I know somewhere inside me I know they don't know I cut and that I struggle with my thoughts at times, so I can't say they are offending me if they don't intend to do such a thing. I got upset though when this one kid told me he watched a ten minute video on Youtube of a girl cutting herself and then he started demonstrated the cutting with a styrophom tray and a plastic knife...
I asked him why he'd watch a video like that and he said "Becuase I thought it was funny." I didn't know what to say to him, what should someone that cuts say to someone that finds watching videos of cutting amusing? I just think that society has to many stereotypes and that it's sad that there are so much labels out there and offensive names out there, I think it will take time, but eventually, self harm will get recognized more as something not to joke about and as something that when brought up, is a serious thing that needs help getting through. Just my oppinions, not that anyone would agree with them, most people don't, but I felt like I should put them here...

SaveMe November 14th 2010 12:58 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I personally can't stand jokes about cutting. I know they're jokes, but I've seen so many people become so hurt by them. They do offend me, a lot actually. However most of the time I just pretend to laugh it off, unless they direct it at a person. That's when I step up and know this needs to be dealt with. There was a situation I witnessed a girl making fun of another saying "Oh look I'm *namehere* and I cut myself!" She took a pencil and pretended to cut herself. I thought this was horrible.. so of course I said something.

Another type of joke that seems to be pretty common is people saying things like "Kill me" or putting their fingers up against their head resembling a gun, I personally do it myself sometimes. I don't find this is much of an issue in a way it's become more of a way of complaining I guess you could say. I've been suicidal in the past, and personally I don't find this offensive at all. It's something that people have done for so long. Though when people are mocking other people, or making fun of other people, then I find that it is an issue. But if it's simply a "Why me" type thing, I don't see too much harm in it.

BasicFacts November 27th 2010 07:14 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
Making jokes about emo people is like... my hobby.
However, making jokes about people who self-harm for valid reasons (I worded that as well as I could, and I meant for reasons other than attention) is... only okay in certain contexts. I don't like them personally because I'm one of those people and I don't like joking about my issues, but to each his own.

jduck November 27th 2010 07:58 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
Sometimes when I'm talking about things like that with someone I'll laugh at their joke, or even make a joke, just to cover up the fact that I do it...

WhisperingSilence November 27th 2010 09:03 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?

Originally Posted by Marnie (Post 519496)
I'm with llamasliketoparty

I don't like emo/cutting jokes they are really offensive to me, they aren't funny. I do think they are mean, if you ask me it is a way of bullying to some people. i am also with Sleepwalker I don't know how to respond when people say them as I do SH.

a few weeks ago one of my fiends got a cut on her arm from cooking and another friend was joking about how she must have cut herself, and they both found that very entertaining.. that disturbed me.

i know what you mean where i work and when we're packing the cuboard and someone drops a pair of scissorcs on thier foot or something the person whos dropped them will say oww i dropped scissorcs on my foot or something like that theen people i work with will say ' your not self harming in that cuboard are you'. people where i work do not know i s/h but i do not like theese sort of jokes never have never will, i find thesse sort of jokes rather triggering.

~Mr. Self Destruct~ November 27th 2010 10:33 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I believe it to be irresponsible.
It basically commercializes SH and puts a label on people who need genuine help, so that they deserve abuse.
It is horrible.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ November 28th 2010 02:32 AM

Re: Cutting/"Emo" jokes?
I personally don't like cutting/emo jokes and get offended when they are told. They're still thrown around quite a bit here and I really wish I could tell them that they are wrong. I've experienced SH before and my friends don't know, but I still feel secretly hurt that they make those sort of jokes. However, I end up trying to ignore them.
I remember one joke where a kid was joking around out of the blue saying that he was going to kill himself and then was all saying "No, no, I'm joking, life is a beautiful thing." It got me mad.

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