Self Harm If you or someone you know is struggling with self harm and needs advice or alternatives, we're here to help.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 17th 2012, 11:58 PM
One month, one week, six days.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
tumble <3
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 18th 2012, 01:35 AM
2 months 1 week 1 day 1 hour and 49 minutes
hah I won't go into seconds but I remember the time... 11:11 hah
I wanna fly. So I do gymnastics instead.
I'll just keep holding on to what i believe and oh I believe in you. Give me the strength for the fight and the heart to believe cause I've got to believe in you. I feel so alive.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 18th 2012, 03:54 AM
11 days!
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 18th 2012, 10:53 AM
Four days.
I hate milk.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 18th 2012, 07:37 PM
18 days
"You'll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You've got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them."
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 18th 2012, 08:29 PM
24 days.
stay strong.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 18th 2012, 11:20 PM
40 days.
From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How all my worst fears are letting out
He said, "Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
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She turned me into a newt!!
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 12:55 AM
The ticker says it all
Be proud of your place in the cosmos. It is small, and yet...
it IS
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 07:25 AM
Going on 94 days
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 09:45 AM
Five days.
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Living the dream.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 10:35 AM
One month, two weeks. If I make it through today, one month, two weeks, one day.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Previously Apple of your eye
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 10:36 AM
1.5 days
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it."
-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 06:49 PM
13 hours and 40mins

When I'm sad I think, "I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt!"
You can't change fate, but you can change your attitude towards it.
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Last edited by Agony; June 20th 2012 at 06:35 AM.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 06:50 PM
After 3 days of trying so flippin hard not to . . . I cut. Big time. I am such an idiot. So, um, 8 hours SH free . . .
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 06:54 PM
78 days I think.
"Why want another universe if this one has dogs?"
Matt Haig - The Midnight Library
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 07:15 PM
6 days so far
I hate milk.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 07:43 PM
19 days
"You'll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You've got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them."
Used to be Don'tForget
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 07:53 PM
5 weeks 6 days.
From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How all my worst fears are letting out
He said, "Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
Crazy Penguin Lady
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 19th 2012, 08:02 PM
Something like a year and two months
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Living the dream.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 20th 2012, 04:45 AM
Zero. Here's to starting ove.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 20th 2012, 12:04 PM
Been six days.
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I'm cool...i think
Not a n00b **
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 20th 2012, 12:07 PM
4 months and 20 days
It takes more courage to suffer than to die.
I'm here for you, no madder what happens. PM/email me anytime:
WE DECIDED MY BEST INTEREST, how can you know, how can you say what MY BEST INTEREST is? What are you trying to say, I'm crazy? Well, I went to your schools, I went to your Churches, I went to your institutional learning facility, so how can you say that I'M crazy? (Suicidal Tendencies)
<3 <3 <3
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a secret you can keep
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 20th 2012, 07:47 PM
about 16 hours. go figure :\
formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love Repose en Paix, Grandad/mom H., Sito, Nay, Mary, Aunt S., Peter, Katie, Lexi, Mrs. Radoye, Mandii, Trevor, Megan, Uncle T., Erika, Aunt R., Braxton, Connie, Adam, Grandpa, Buttons, Aunt Barb, Pi, Grandma ♥ The world will bleed its bloody tale. People will throw their stones. But the one thing you must always remember is: You no longer walk alone. -Blake Bliss
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 20th 2012, 07:54 PM
79 days...
"Why want another universe if this one has dogs?"
Matt Haig - The Midnight Library
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 01:02 AM
Tonight will make 17 days
"Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..." ~Sixx:A.M.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 01:07 AM
Tonight will be 14 days= 2 weeks!
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I hate milk.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 01:28 AM
20 days
"You'll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You've got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them."
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Used to be Don'tForget
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 02:44 AM
6 weeks or 1 month 4 days.
From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How all my worst fears are letting out
He said, "Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
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Linguistics geek
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 09:56 AM
Twelve days.
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 11:07 AM
One week now.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 21st 2012, 07:59 PM
Today is day 27.
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Living the dream.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 02:44 AM
One day soon. But struggling again.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Outside, huh? **********
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 02:50 AM
15 days!
Member Since 1/15/2012
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Living the dream.
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Name: Dez
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 04:05 AM
Zero now. >>
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Used to be Don'tForget
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 04:21 AM
43 days 
Stay strong everyone
From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How all my worst fears are letting out
He said, "Why put a new address on the same old loneliness?"
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
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Soakin' up the way of life
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 06:09 PM
6 days.
I will not relapse before my birthday. I will NOT relapse before my birthday. I will begin my 20th year in this hell of a world with just faded scars on my wrist. 5 more days. And if I don't make's not the end of the world, just one more thing to add to my long list of failed goals. *shrug*
I hate milk.
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 06:11 PM
22 days! Yesterday was tough though
"You'll have to decide for yourself. Walk on your own. Move forward. You've got a strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use them."
Did you miss me?
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 06:33 PM
This is day 81. I can't believe how long I've gone...
"Why want another universe if this one has dogs?"
Matt Haig - The Midnight Library
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 08:14 PM
28 days = 4 weeks
survivor. :)
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Re: Self harm free! -
June 22nd 2012, 09:39 PM
Since whenever I last posted in here? xD
Maybe a couple of weeks, bit more.
You have to have the negative things in life to be able to appreciate the positives. TG 05/04/2013
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