Am I the problem? -
February 3rd 2025, 06:23 AM
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[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I know this hasn't been used since I was born but it might still feel nice to get this off my chest. I have been self-harming for a minute now, even tried to kill myself once or twice. I opened up to my stepmom, a few of my close friends, and my boyfriend. They helped me through it and I stopped but I've gotten to a point where I've relapsed but I find it more comfortable than when I had stopped. I can't want to stop again so I haven't told them, knowing they'd want me to stop again, but now I just feel dishonest. The breaking point that led me to relapse was my friend's boyfriend making several inappropriate jokes about the topic in class. He doesn't know that I have a personal connection to the topic but he still knows his girlfriend does, so he should understand the seriousness of the subject, especially when I had told him to stop many times. I feel more ashamed of it than anything. I feel as if it would ruin my appearance of being untouchable and strong if people knew I had this weakness. It also makes me feel like being like that is useless if I'm destroying myself. But you also have to consider it might not be destroying me, I'm much more productive and overall feel better as a person and in general after self-harming. Like I said the only problem I have with it is the shame I feel and being worried about someone finding out. Does that make me the problem and weak for letting others' opinions change how I feel about myself and my activities or are others the problem for judging my methods even though they work?[/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]