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Self Harm If you or someone you know is struggling with self harm and needs advice or alternatives, we're here to help.
Is constant sit-ups self harm? -
February 12th 2018, 03:33 AM
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Sometimes I feel like I’m really fat and do so many sit-ups I throw up. Is this self harm?
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; February 12th 2018 at 04:42 AM.
Reason: Adding a prefix.
Re: Is constant sit-ups self harm? -
February 12th 2018, 04:35 AM
self harm is all about intent, not the actual act of being harmed. if you're cutting vegetables and accidentally cut your hand, it's not considered self harm. even though you did harm yourself, it was an accident, therefore you didn't mean to do it.
so with that being said, what is your purpose for doing sit ups? is it to get in shape because you feel fat, or is it to make yourself throw up? if you know it's going to make you throw up and keep doing it to that point on purpose, for the purpose of making yourself throw up, I would consider it to be self harm.
likewise, if you are absolutely pushing your limit with doing these so much so that you wish you could quit, but you force yourself to keep going with the intent of punishing yourself for being "fat", that would also be self harm. I think that if you intend or want to hurt or punish yourself, it is self harm.
Re: Is constant sit-ups self harm? -
February 12th 2018, 04:36 AM
I don't know if it counts a self-harm per say but it seems like you have issues with your body and are trying to fix it by over exercising, which can be really dangerous and can lead to an eating disorder. I would suggest that you talk to someone about this. If you don't have a therapist I would recommend you try and get one so this behavior doesn't continue and get out of control.
I hope this helped. Feel free to PM/VM if you ever need to talk.
Your Friend,
Re: Is constant sit-ups self harm? -
February 12th 2018, 04:41 AM
Hey there,
Jess brought up a great point, intent is really important when you are asking this question. If you are doing sit ups with the intent to harm yourself (maybe induce throwing up or cause discomfort from the exercise) or punish yourself than it would count as self harm. If you are not doing it to cause harm to yourself than it likely would not be considered self harm.
One thing though is that it does seem as if you have some self hatred and are trying to fix it by over exercising. Over exercising can be quite dangerous and I hope that you will be able to figure out a way to try and help yourself get through the desire to do so.
One suggestion I would make is that you try and find someone to talk to. Talking to a counselor would be ideal because they have the knowledge to help you figure out ways to cope. If counseling is not an option it might be worth looking into talking to another trusted adult.
I am wishing you the best and if you need anything please feel free to message me.