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Self Harm If you or someone you know is struggling with self harm and needs advice or alternatives, we're here to help.
I need ideas to help freind stop cutting. -
May 26th 2017, 04:19 AM
Today at lunch, I was talking with a freind, named Ian (not his real name), in downstairs B. He move his leg, and I saw red on his ankles. Ian has been seeming down lately, so I was looking for signs of depression. I asked If I could see his ankles, and told him they were bleeding. I have gauze wrap in my bag, so I told him that I could fix it. (I haave medical training-ish) after 10 miniutes of arguing, we got him to show us his ankles. There were cuts up past his thigh. we wrapped up the cuts.
Me and another of our freinds have been discussing how to help him. I don't want him to go through what I went through, so no school or parents.
Re: I need ideas to help freind stop cutting. -
May 26th 2017, 01:03 PM
Hi Keagan,
It's really kind of you to want to help your friend. Your friend is lucky to have you.
Do you know why your friend is harming himself? There aren't always particular reasons, but if they are, perhaps you and your friend can write a list of his triggers so he can find ways to cope with those triggers, thus decreasing the urges to self-harm.
You could also try suggesting distractions, such as taking walks, reading, talking to you or other friends, or listening to music to name a few. Distractions from self-harm can also be specific to what someone is trying to get from self-harm (e.g. they like the rush, or they like taking care of the injuries). For instance, if someone likes the rush, they may benefit from taking a run or finding other ways to release endorphins. If they like taking care of their injuries, they could find something else to care for. Here is a list of distractions to show your friend.
Something else you could do is suggest doing things to release his feelings. He could do this by talking to you or someone else when things feel overwhelming. He could also keep a blog, or a journal so he has a designated place to vent in. Many people on TeenHelp blog and find it helpful.
You said you don't want parents or the school involved and that is understandable. However, maybe you can encourage your friend to talk to someone he trusts about this whether that is you, another friend, or someone else.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first