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Skie March 5th 2016 03:06 PM

Is this self harm?
I I hit myself, with fists or sometimes things like the blunt edge of a TV remote but it makes me feel better, and like I have control. I haven't really thought of it as a problem since I don't cut, but is it?

Palmolive March 5th 2016 03:44 PM

Re: Is this self harm?
I would say yes this is self harm.mself harm is anything you are doing on purpose to cause harm to yourself which sounds like what you're doing to me. Self harm can come in many forms, not just cutting.

If you want to talk to us about what's going on for you here,mere happy to listen :) I don't know you very well but I care about you and want you to be safe. If you ever feel at really high risk to yourself, make sure you contact someone who can help you such as a family member, crisis team or emergency services etc. But like I said, were here to listen and we're happy to help you.

Hope and wishes.

Sophrosyne March 6th 2016 03:12 AM

Re: Is this self harm?

I classify self harm as anything I do to purposefully hurt myself, so yes I would classify what you do as self harm. There are many forms of self harm which people can do, and hitting yourself is one that you can take. I know I have done that before just to leave bruises when I didn't have anything to cut myself with. Self harm does not always have to be cutting, that is the main one but it is in so many other forms as well.

As Jessie said, we care about you and want what is best for you, so if you ever need support with anything we are always here to help. There's also the list of hotlines that you can use as a second option, or in cases of emergencies. Talk to people around you and see if they can help you as well, it's always good to have support in real life as well as virtual help.

Taking a look at the alternatives list if you have not already is a good idea as it has plenty of options for what to do instead of hurting yourself, and it accounts for the fact there are other forms of self harm and includes ones for what you are feeling. Also having a look at the "is this self harm" thread would be beneficial, just so you can gain an understanding of why it would be self harm and how to stop it.

Take care.

DeletedAccount71 March 6th 2016 05:33 AM

Re: Is this self harm?
Hey there. I know we've talked a little bit though PM. I would say that what you're doing is indeed self-harm. Self-harm isn't just about cutting; there are many forms it can take, including hitting oneself, be it with one's fists or with other objects. Self-harm is simply causing yourself harm on purpose. Many times people self-harm to cope with emotional stress or upset, and sometimes to feel like they are "in control," as you say.

You are not alone. I believe that you can pull through this; you are making great strides in reaching out to us here on TeenHelp. I am always happy to talk to you as best I can, as are many other people here. My hope is that, in time, and with support, you'll be able to find healthy alternatives to cope with your emotions. There's a great alternatives list in the sticky section of this forum. Perhaps that could give you some ideas. It's a good place to start, at the very least.

Take care of yourself, okay? I'm happy to listen whenever you need someone to talk to.

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