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swimmer92 January 28th 2015 10:45 PM

Self Harm
I just want to know if there are anyother young adult (18-25)ish on here that self harm. I feel like I should have "grown" out of it by now. I just feel so alone in this.

hocus pocus January 29th 2015 02:14 AM

Re: Self Harm

I'm sixteen and I struggle with self-harm, but I do know that a lot of people on here within the ages that you listed also struggle with self-harm. Hopefully some of those people will respond for you! I don't necessarily think recovering is about 'growing out of it'. I think it's a slow, but gradual process that's easier while working on things that cause you to self-harm. It can be easy to feel like you're alone, but you're never truly alone in what you're going through.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ January 29th 2015 02:57 AM

Re: Self Harm
Hey there,

I am eighteen years old and I still struggle with self harm. There isn't any sort of age limit on someone self harming, so know that you aren't alone in that sense and there isn't really a "Growing out of it." It's more of learning how to cope with what is going on so you DON'T self harm. You'd have coping mechanisms in place to solve what problems are going on and deal with your triggers.

As Cassie said, this is a slow and gradual process that takes time, so don't feel too bad about this! You will get there. :)


AnnaDaisy January 29th 2015 04:38 PM

Re: Self Harm
I'm 19 and I still self harm, and honestly it's got worse as I have got older. For me it isn't something you can just grow out of, so please don't make yourself feel bad thinking you should have grown out of it.

Lionheart January 29th 2015 05:19 PM

Re: Self Harm
Hey there, I'm 21 and still can't get away from SH.
I don't think you can grow out of it. It's not some bad habit you can just stopp. It's a coping mechanism and can be an addiction as well.
Stopping sh is more about finding different ways to cope and solving what brought you to it in the first place and that has nothing to do with age. Some problems solve themself while growing up, but some don't and you will always encounter new ones.
Well what I'm trying to get at, people selfharm at any age. Sure, it's more common or known among teenagers, but adulds selfharm as well. Even old people who are 60 or even older can self harm. It doesn't have an age limitation and you can't just grow out of it. It's a learning process that takes time and some people need more, some need less time.

If you ever want to talk with someone about this, feel free to pm me

Treble January 29th 2015 06:04 PM

Re: Self Harm
Hi, I know I'm a little out of that age range (15) but I just thought I'd let you know that anyone at any age can be affected by it, like anyone at any age can be affected by an eating disorder or depression.. Its just another mental health problem that doesn't have an age limit.
Yes there are the stereotypical people that self harm, being emo teenage girls, but that's not true at all.

People will probably hate me for saying this, but I think that there are a few girls that do it for attention, they post pictures on social media, do it in obvious places and don't cover it up, and tell everyone about it. I don't think people should take these people any less seriously, because they still need love and support... But they just self harm for a different reason. And these are probably the people that are more likely to 'grow out of it' But people that do it as a coping mechanism, and keep it to themselves or only tell a few people like parents or a doctor.. I'd say that these people are more likely to suffer from it for longer.

As I said, it affects anyone at any age, so don't worry. You're not 'abnormal' you're just a person going through a difficult time and trying to find a way to cope. Feel free to message me I you want :)

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