Ok im guessing you aint posting this for a depression question but a parent one? Well since my parents are pretty insane, Id say i know how you feel. When they found out i
SH they flipped and started dialing numbers to social services saying they dont want anything to do with my and shit. Not a really soothing gesture now is it eh?
Basically im pretty sure your parents are affraid and dont know what to do. Either that or they are just you know... Insane for getting a bedtime arrangement for a freakin 17 year old.
Bear in mind, i have a family member who is 22 years old and they are treated like they have 5 years less. Insane parents as i said.
But basically, im guessing they dont know what to do. So, for your depresion id either talk to them (ok i wouldnt if i were on your stop but thats just me and my negative family connection talking) or to a professional. Me personally, Im disgusted by psychiatrists. Idk why, they just make my skin crawl and downright make me sick. I mean i knew a lot of people who are fucking awesome but when i found out their profession... I was just like: NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE
Shrinks, even though they rummage around your head and shit, can help you. Even though a shrink never successfuly helped me (thats because i havent cooperated), ive met A LOT of people who cooperated and had a wonderful time. Why? I still dont know. But if youre not as insane as i am and have irrational fears and shit, go ahead a professional CAN help you. Also theres nothing to be affraid of, you said yourself that you will soon be 18, its completely normal for an adult to go to a psychiatrist.
Anyways mate, good luck and stuffs, I hope i havent sucked THAT much with the helping stuffs, its this easy:
Either talk to your parents about your situation and explain what they should do
Go to a professional who knows what they should do.
Good luck with anything you decide, even if its not something i proposed.

Stay strong mate!