So I'm addicted to self harm, I've tried the alternatives...but well I just loose interest and turn to cutting or burning. Or punching trees til my hands bleed. I've talked to my friends about it and my youth leader about it, they give me distraction by talking to me...but id get bored and turn to cutting. My parents nor family knows..nor would I tell them...there's enough going on right now, my sister with her life threatening uncureable disease...has her bday tomorrow...woot :/ my other sister treating me like shit and yelling at her child. And fighting with my mother all the time. Everyone else too busy or doesn't notice.
So yeah I've been cutting for the past 3 months now, and yeah I don't want to stop...but people say I'm doing damage to my yeah. Also, I'm not cutting my wrist or anything, just my legs, arms, and my tongue. Also I love the sight of blood trickling down my arm as I make a fresh cut, just makes me smile.