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Exclamation Teen Mom Struggling With Stress and Cutting - July 17th 2012, 07:45 PM

This thread has been labeled as triggering, particularly on the subject of self harm, by the original poster or by a Moderator. The contents of this thread might therefore not be suitable for certain sensitive users. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.

Hey everyone, I'm Nicole. I'm 18 years old with a three month old baby girl. I live with my mom, dad, and sister but they provide no help and support. My parents are constantly fighting and are currently going through a divorce. My sister is 16 and wants nothing to do with me and only cares about getting high with her friends. Since my dad is moving to New York and my mom and sister are staying here, I have to decide where I want to go. My dad and I used to be close before I got pregnant and we are pretty close now but not the same as before. My mom and I do not get along and neither do my sister and I. If I move to New York, I will lose all of the supports I have in place here, my supports being my friends, therapist, case manager, and my boyfriend. But if I stay here with my mom and sister, I know I will resort back to cutting, isolating myself, and starving myself. I do not want to do that and I want to stay healthy and stable for my daughter. I also feel so alone and misunderstood. I need some friends with young children who actually understand.
Also my boyfriend is currently looking for an apartment and he told me I can move in with him once he gets a place. He doesn't know when that will be but he hopes soon. Until then what do you think I should do?
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Re: Teen Mom Struggling With Stress and Cutting - July 17th 2012, 08:49 PM

If your bf is your childs father, or if her father lives in the area, Id say stay. Every child deserves to have their father in their life.
If you can, try and help your bf get a place to live. Do what you can to help him financially since you and your child will be living there to. Thats only fair. And I know its hard to be a young mom struggling with your own problems, but remember that your child is you number one concern now. You have to do what is good for her, which means keeping yourself healthy. Find another way to vent your stress and get your feelings out that dont involve hurting yourself!
Check out this link! Its from the Self Harm board! http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f12-s...ves-self-harm/
You can always PM me if you want!

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Re: Teen Mom Struggling With Stress and Cutting - July 20th 2012, 02:41 AM

My boyfriend is not the father. Her father does not want to be part of her life.
  (#4 (permalink)) Old
Wildflower2009 Offline
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Re: Teen Mom Struggling With Stress and Cutting - July 20th 2012, 05:51 PM

Then staying or going would be up to you.
If you think you and your bf are going to move in together and that it will be a stable home for your daughter then thats certainly a possibility.
But if you want to stay with one of your parents, I would say try and reconnect with your dad and get your relationship back to the way it was and go with him. I know how it is to have a mom you dont get along with. Me and my mom rarely get along and its usually hard to be around her.

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cutting, divorce, mom, moving out, self harm, stress, struggling, teen, teen mom

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