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Pets Whether you prefer four-legged creatures, reptiles, or any animal in between, use this forum for any questions you have about your pets or pets you would like to have.
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
February 14th 2010, 05:01 PM
my ridgeback he's called Benson, he's beautiful but big lol
Darlin' don't leave me out here in the cold
I'm begging you baby don't leave me out here on my own I'll die, If you don't hold me tight Tonight, I couldn't make it outside If I tried, So please let me in lover,
Be kind ♥
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 19th 2010, 09:24 PM
My wonderful unusual pets!
The Lizard - Jubb Jubb
The Green Budgie - Chirpy
The Yellow Budgie - Sunshine
The Cockatiel - Pepper
The Cockatiel that look like a panda - Panda
The Parrot - Tango (Won't upload picture sorry!)
Hugs to everyone
Reach for the moon,
If you fall you'll land among the stars
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 31st 2010, 11:54 PM
Docker (Golden, four years old but acts like he's one, may or may not be due to the fact that he OD'd on pills three years ago )
Mara (11 year old Border Collie/Shepherd mix. She was a rescue and we almost took her back to the pound because of her strong resemblance to Satan, but we kept her and she eventually settled down -- probably because of her arthritis but definitely still a blessing. She believes she is smarter than all of the human race and obeys commands only when they are to her benefit.)
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 1st 2010, 01:04 AM
Oh my freakkin' gosh!
All these pets are soooo adorable
oh btw,James.I love the picture of the golden retriever.And are you a photographer because
you taken an amazing pictures there?.
Here mine :
I hope you have the strength to start all over again.- F.Scott Fitzgerald
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 13th 2010, 10:50 PM
They're all SOOO cute. I want them all
Angelina, Your Rottie looks like my spaniel did when she was a pup. lol
I'm still alive.
Must have been a miracle
It's been one hell of a ride
Destination still unkown
It's a fact of life: If you make one wrong move with a gun to your head
You better walk the line or you'll be left for dead.
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 25th 2010, 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Ghost On The Highway
Docker (Golden, four years old but acts like he's one, may or may not be due to the fact that he OD'd on pills three years ago )
Mara (11 year old Border Collie/Shepherd mix. She was a rescue and we almost took her back to the pound because of her strong resemblance to Satan, but we kept her and she eventually settled down -- probably because of her arthritis but definitely still a blessing. She believes she is smarter than all of the human race and obeys commands only when they are to her benefit.)
Your Golden retriever looks like mine. She was a great dog. How did he OD on pills?
And the comment you made about his age was hilarious. My Golden Retriever acted like she was a puppy till she reached the age of 7 and then she calmed down immensely. But she was still wild! I think Golden retrievers are just crazy like that! Haha but they are really loyal dogs and loving and totally worth it all.
I noticed that if I took my golden retriever for a 15-30 minute walk everyday she would be a little more calm. She got all tuckered out. I also noticed that if I skipped a walk she would be extra hyper. Maybe you could try that with yours?
And, my golden retriever had separation anxiety which made things complicated! Haha the Christmas of the year we first got her we left to go to a family members house, and because we had just gotten her the previous week we didn't have the backyard set up for her etc, well we left her inside and we came home two or three hours later and she had 'unwrapped' some of the presents. She was really excited about it and wanted to show all of us her handy work. It was quite funny. We told the vet about this and some other things she did and he mentioned the separation anxiety. He told us to get another dog. We got a cat and Angel, my dog, loved us for that.
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 26th 2010, 03:19 PM
Gawd Julz, your white cat pyscho..could be my cat alba.they look like twins.......I swear you could not get 2 cats looking the exact same unless they were related....
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 26th 2010, 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by i_am_me_again
Gawd Julz, your white cat pyscho..could be my cat alba.they look like twins.......I swear you could not get 2 cats looking the exact same unless they were related....
Geeko is the white one, actually. My captions were badly placed.
But yeah, my friend in Australia has a cat that looks almost identical to Geeko, except hers has a tail.
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 27th 2010, 09:16 AM
Here's my dear sweet baby pit bull. His name was Buddy. He died only about a month ago...He was the sweetest dog ever and wasn't that old at all. Only about 6 or 7.
And here's my sweet baby kitty. Her name's Kitty, but she has about a million nicknames. She was a stray who befriended my cat that died 5 years ago. She just came into the house one day and became part of the family. Now she rules the house and she knows it.:
R.I.P. my sweet baby boy. I miss you so much more than you could have ever imagined.
"There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. . . . But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.”-Gerard Way
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
May 3rd 2010, 07:05 PM
This cat helped me get out of some sticky problems with depression and suicide... sadly, when me and my ex decided to break up, we decided that Sakura (my kitty) would stay with her... I miss Sakura
Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
May 21st 2010, 04:59 AM
More of my first snakey, Astra =)
Those were taken just there, and now compare to how big she was when I got her:
Just for scale, that thing to the left is an upside down take-away plastic box that I filled with moss and cut a hole in to serve as wee cave.
"My one desire is for peace -- peace for everyone"