Pets Whether you prefer four-legged creatures, reptiles, or any animal in between, use this forum for any questions you have about your pets or pets you would like to have.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 12th 2011, 01:03 AM
Polly Pixie<3
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 12th 2011, 12:20 PM
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 14th 2011, 01:06 PM
I posted pictures before, but I may as well post some more recent ones. 

This adorable little bugger is Foose, and he's actually my sister's puppy. Though, they both seem to spend a lot of time here. 

This is Dagger. He's one of my mom's babies. Though, he'll be 8 in January (which is quite old for bulldogs), so he's not much of a baby.

My mom's other baby, Aesa. She's an English Mastiff, she'll be a year old in December. It's not as obvious in this picture, but she's a pretty big dog. More tall than anything.

My kitty, Psycho. She's not a big fan of pictures. Psycho used to be a lot less social, but now she spends a fair bit of time with Griffyn and I. She will be 5 in March.

Though not actually a pet, this spider has been living outside my room door for over a month. He's alive, yes. He doesn't bite, doesn't try to spook us, and eats any annoying bugs that come his way. I don't know his age, and I haven't thought of a name for him yet.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 15th 2011, 01:32 PM
Lol @ the spider. It looks like an orb-weaver of some kind...though that's only a rough, educated guess at most >.>. Depends on the shape of it's web amongst other things.
I also realise you must have a decent camera to get such a shot of it xD. That or it's a LOT bigger than I thought >.>.
Here's a pic of my juvenile milksnake, Harley, outgrowing his favourite toilet roll tube and not realising:
Apologies for the awful quality, it was taken on my phone (and this is post-colour-touch-up-via-Photoshop).
And since I don't think I've posted about her much, here's a few old ones of my one-eyed chubby frog/Asian painted frog, Nutmeg. I took these pictures during a tank cleaning, just since it's really hard to get a clear picture of her inside the tank since she's very much camoflaged and likes to stay buried with just her head sticking out.

That's just some of the earth from her enclosure she's covered in btw =P

This is her inflating due to me accidentally casting a shadow over her whilst taking this picture (she hates that >.> )

You can see her one-eyed-ness quite clearly here. Her right eye is sealed over after it had to get taken out due to it getting infected.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 16th 2011, 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Power Cosmic
Lol @ the spider. It looks like an orb-weaver of some kind...though that's only a rough, educated guess at most >.>. Depends on the shape of it's web amongst other things.
I also realise you must have a decent camera to get such a shot of it xD. That or it's a LOT bigger than I thought >.>.
Yeah, I don't know what kind it is, to be honest. I have a better picture of a spider that looks just like it here.
I have a pretty awesome camera, it's a Sony a390. Got it last Christmas.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 16th 2011, 04:40 AM
About time I post in this thread.
This is my dog, his name is Argus. He is 7 years old, we aren't actually sure what he is. He is the best dog.
This is Jack, one of our cats. He is about 10 years old. Yes, he has one eye. Before we got him, he was hit by two cars. He was rescued by our local animal shelter, and they took care of him. He lost an eye, and has a crooked jaw. But he is alive and happy.
Not the best picture, but this is Heidi. She is our oldest cat, she is about 17 years old now. We have had her since she was a kitten. She is a odd ball.
And now the kittens. These are my 6 month old kittens. They are handfuls, but I love them. I have had them for two months now.
This is Joker (He is my baby, he is attached to me already)
And this silly one is Riddly, who is pretty much crazy.
And this is them together right after I got them
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
November 4th 2011, 12:24 AM
My Puppy Zeus, just got him.
Half pit bull, half german shepherd ... looks like a lab though.
Almost 3 months now.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
November 15th 2011, 08:39 PM
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
November 15th 2011, 10:26 PM
My hampster, Geddy  
My kitty cat Fritz  he likes to give me love bites

AAANNNDDD my doggie Bailey  (hes a turd) <3
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
November 22nd 2011, 06:15 PM

A new picture of my kitty that I took today. 

A spider that was on my mom's random plant on the kitchen table.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
November 24th 2011, 03:07 PM
This is my dog, a purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He's the most awesome dog ever, incredibly smart and is a complete daddies boy. I always wanted a dog that was very attached to me and my favorite breed was the Pembroke. So when I saw the chance to get one, I took it. And it turned out to be one the best decisions I ever made.
The first pic is about a week after I got him and the second was in February.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
November 25th 2011, 04:53 PM

That's Jenny. She's cross eyed xD
Smokey my cat. He's a bengal cross Siamese!
Tommy my doggy

My cat smokey with one of our two tortoises!
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
December 4th 2011, 06:20 AM
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
December 4th 2011, 10:08 PM

Max. He's now nearly 6 months old! Ah how time flies by! He's still a weird cat, always biting and wanting to play. but very cuddly. <3 I love him. Oh, & this is his sexy face.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
December 5th 2011, 03:34 AM
My chicken:

My parakeet:
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
December 7th 2011, 10:11 AM
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
December 7th 2011, 02:44 PM
I have too many pets and too mant pics so instead I'll link you to my Pets album on Facebook open to the public.
Ferrets, degu, parrots, and dog included. Don't have many pics of my cats I no longer own my kitties
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
January 2nd 2012, 11:08 AM
my pet rabbits! <3
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
February 11th 2012, 07:12 AM
This is my dog Phoebe. She is the best dog ever, it would be so amazing to have her here in Boston.
And here are my cats, Julia on top and Shadow on bottom.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
February 14th 2012, 06:17 AM
Well, my dog just died, and my rat, and got rid of my rabbit.
So I have my two cats!

My baby Annabelle, who I adopted just a few months ago as my graduation/christmas present. So she is officially MY cat.
Then the family cat. Catalina a.k.a. Kitty Kat

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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
February 16th 2012, 09:54 AM
My dog Chicken Tika! (aka Molly)
Purr Purr Purr.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 1st 2012, 03:48 PM
This is my ickle baby woo woo. <3
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 13th 2012, 06:01 PM
♥~ Hold On, Stay Stong, This Won't Last For Long~♥
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 14th 2012, 08:08 PM
My baby Iggy :3
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 14th 2012, 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by abandonedships
My baby Iggy :3

OMG! Man, that puppy is adorable. I now understand the meaning of 'puppy dog face'.
I'm trying to find pictures of my baby girls -- Esme and Sia, the chocolate point almost-twins -- but I can't find any anywhere.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 15th 2012, 04:01 AM
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
March 16th 2012, 09:34 PM
These are my pets  I have a couple more, but I couldn't get all of the pics in. More coming later  .
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 12th 2012, 02:33 AM
[/IMG]That's angel, she is about 5-6 this year.
[/IMG]Beauty, she is going to be 15 in September.
[/IMG]Bluey...he is 5 or 6.
[/IMG]Cleopatra, or Cleo. She is 2 this year.
[/IMG]Delilah, she is 4 this year.
[/IMG]Hercules, he is 9 this year.
[/IMG]Lucy, she is 4 this year.
[/IMG]Samson, he's 9 this year.
[/IMG]Serena she's my baby and turning 1 this year.
I also have a rat named Gru, a rabbit named Darla and a cockatiel named Oz...
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 13th 2012, 10:26 AM
[IMG] [/IMG]
My lovely guinea piggy.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
April 30th 2012, 07:44 AM
This is my babygirl, Amelia. C: She just turned 17 weeks on Saturday! I love her to death, I never thought a hedgehog could be such a fun and loving pet. But still, I'm a little jealous of all of you with puppies and kittens and bunnies! They have less of a tendency to stick you with razor sharp quills when you piss them off!!! ;D
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
May 14th 2012, 11:20 AM

my baby Berty, he's a cockapoo (cocker spaniel cross poodle) pedigree, and i absolutely love him! <3
wake me up, when september ends ♥
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
May 17th 2012, 06:07 PM
My cat Elvis.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
May 24th 2012, 11:12 AM

My cats Ringo (tabby) and Neko (bloppy)

Just Neko being puurty

My cat Gram being all adorable.

All three in the bathtub, which I posted a few months ago, but the link stopped working.
something burning?

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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
August 9th 2012, 11:15 PM
My New Puppy Ellie <3
Little Ellie again
Ellie again and she is 9 weeks old!
My kitty Bella she is 1.5 years and we have had her for a year now
Bella when she was small <3
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
August 10th 2012, 01:34 AM
Our cat Santa Clause (aka Clause) he was born on Halloween
Our male pomeranian, Deacon. He is 8
Our female pomeranian, Missy. Shes 2
Our baby pomeranian, a little boy named Toby. Sire=Deacon. Dam= Missy. 11 weeks.
Our cat Meeko.... I havent seen him for a few days though so i am worried.
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
August 15th 2012, 10:50 PM
all of them r very cute
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
August 17th 2012, 04:04 AM
My baby. I call her Apache, because she has a patch shaven on her front left leg from an I.V. drip she recently had inserted. She's a ruthless cat, too.
She's a black British Shorthair (which is apparently pretty rare where I'm from, I wouldn't know personally).
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
September 12th 2012, 01:42 PM

My puppy Ellie on her first camping trip and she loved it! She is exactly 3 months old to the day in this picture.
Chewing on a stick  I love her soo much!
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 14th 2012, 12:57 PM
The Shih-tzu is my late Riley.
I can't talk about him without crying.
We lost him to old age last January. He was 12.
He helped me through more moments than anyone.
I had him for almost the whole 12 years of his life.
I will never forget him and am always grateful for him finding his way into my life.
The other dog is my new dog Loki. He's a Chihuahua x Sheltie
I couldn't handle being alone and despite my parents saying no I got Loki.
I could not not get him. He has become my everything.
He follows me everywhere and I take him almost everywhere with me.
He's my baby boy. <3 He's one and a half years old. Born Feb 1st. (:
"Into the night
I hear your sorrows
I want it to be alright [to be alright]
Our worlds are changing
The stars are gone
This can't be a lover's goodbye..."
"...Take me home
Where all the sorrows melt away
Our bodies entwined
A lover's menagerie
Let the world pass us on by..."
"...You're all I know
This can't be good bye
It's too late to lose you tonight
But this is no happy ending..."
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
October 14th 2012, 03:06 PM
This is Aiko
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