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Depression and Suicide If you or a loved one is feeling depressed or suicidal, you are not alone. Talk with other users about your feelings here.
I don't want to be here anymore -
December 15th 2022, 03:02 PM
[SIZE="a"]But I'm stuck here.
I have my children to think about and my partner. But lately, I just feel so depressed. I've had counselling and talked until Blue in the face, but I still feel like no-one understands my side.
I've attempted suicide in the past, and I'm not about to do it again. But life is so hard right now, I just feel like I can't cope anymore
Second hand suicide is probably something I would welcome right now.
Don't really want any response, just had to get it down.[/size]
Re: I don't want to be here anymore -
January 12th 2023, 05:01 PM
Hi there
Welcome to TeenHelp!
I am so sorry to hear you're not feeling/doing well. It's normal for us to feel depressed and go through times like this. It is important we seek healthy ways to cope and handle being depressed, however.
I understand you have attempted suicide before. I am glad to hear that you are not considering it again. I see you mentioned that life is hard for you right now. I also noticed you mentioned second hand suicide. I am sure you did this your children would be sad and miss you if you did it. I am sure your partner also would miss you and become sad if you did go through with it too.
Is there anything you have done in the past to help you feel less depressed and feeling suicidal? When I feel depressed I just watch YouTube videos, watch game streams, and listen to music.
Again, finding healthy ways to cope being depressed is something I'd advise doing. Maybe some distractions even too.
Re: I don't want to be here anymore -
January 12th 2023, 06:11 PM
Sorry for the late reply! It sounds like you are going through a pretty tough time right now and I'm sorry to hear that. It's tough when attempts to help the situation by talking haven't worked yet so I understand why you feel like you're at a bit of a dead end with it. I would say if you feel like you are not understood with your current therapist, it may be worth considering whether another therapist may be an option. Therapy can be amazing and helpful but some of the success relies on you feeling heard and understood. Maybe you could talk to your doctor about this to see if there is a solution available.
It sounds like your family are hugely important to you, and it's absolutely fine that right now you are hanging on for them. Perhaps you can find comfort and reason in them too? Maybe if you are struggling, you can arrange a family night and put on a comfort film, or you can do a family activity such as a game or craft. Being around people and also busy is really useful in distracting us but also cheering us up even for a small while.
I am glad you're not acting on the suicidal thoughts, but the fact you have them is still worth getting help for. You deserve to be here and I am rooting for you.