Originally Posted by Ragamuffin
I’m so sick of trying to reach out to people and just being ignored. I don’t know why I bother anymore. Every time I try to make plans with ‘friends’, they either cancel last minute or completely ignore my messages. I hate it when I ask someone if they want to hang out and they say “I’ll text you” because I know it won’t happen. I know they haven’t forgotten as I will remind them if I haven’t heard back for a while and will get nothing in response. I feel completely alone and undesirable and it hurts so much. No one wants me so what is the point of living if I’m just going to spend my life alone.
So don't adjust to them, if you want to go out, do you need friends for that? I never rely on them, although sometimes it seems that they use me, but I am not discouraged because I do not rely on them, I am totally independent and their opinion is not very interesting to me, as I have an ideal to which I aspire, and it is tomorrow's I