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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
Lovehatelife23 Offline
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Name: Leslie
Age: 33
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I've already tried - February 12th 2022, 12:53 AM

I've already tried but can't proceed.

CJ Collins 1993-2008
He was a Awesome Kid
I Love you n Miss you

You learn at a certain pace. Then that pace goes away. Then

you try and try to do everything you can. Then it gets harder.

Then you give up. Then its all over.

  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: I've already tried - February 12th 2022, 08:32 PM

I am so sorry to hear you're struggling and are at a low point in your life right now. I'm glad you're still here with us and I hope you continue to reach out for support when you need to. Is there anyone you can speak? Such as a friend or a trusted adult or family member? While it's great you have us to provide support, it seems like you're needing longer-term support in a face-to-face setting.

Definitely reach out again if you need to, we're here to listen and provide any advice you're looking for.
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