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[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I am struggling. I am afraid my classes are going down hill. I really want to be a therapist. Should I just stay in school and push through? Why do people never want to be my friend? Why do I never belong any where?[/size][/color][/font]
Last edited by Rob; February 6th 2021 at 08:03 PM.
Re: Low need some tips -
February 6th 2021, 09:19 PM
Hello there,
I am sorry that you are struggling so much that it is affecting your schoolwork. Are you able to email or set up an appointment (in-person or virtual) with your instructors about how you need more support in order to be able to pass your classes? You might be able to look into if you can withdrawal from a class if you are finding it too much right now.
Belonging somewhere is very hard, I am sorry you are dealing with this. It must be extra hard right now during the pandemic were making friends in-person is harder to do. It can be harder to keep and make friendships online; the other person might be busy with work, or even schoolwork of their own and may not always be able to chat.
Don't give up, you do belong, you will find your place somewhere, it takes time. It took me time to find where I belong in life. It wasn't an easy road to find, I did find it; I know you will also find that for yourself.
Re: Low need some tips -
February 6th 2021, 11:33 PM
Hey, I want you to know that you do belong! You're a person with a life to live and lots of things to offer to the world. It's amazing that you're going to school for a career that will allow you to help people. That really makes a difference. Relationships are hard, and it can be difficult to meet the right people especially when you have so much to focus on in your own life. Don't let it get you down on yourself. Keep pushing through and I believe you can accomplish the things that you want to and that you will meet the right people along the way!
Re: Low need some tips -
February 7th 2021, 03:45 PM
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear you are struggling right now. I know what it's like to not feel like I belong and believing I have no friends or that nobody cares about me. But I want to let you know: that is not true at all! There are people out there — who may not express it directly to you — who care about you and you're an important part of their lives.
I think if going to school to pursue the career of your dreams is something you really want and are able to put your focus on without any other distractions, then I say go for it. It doesn't matter how old you get or how much time passes, it's never too late to earn a degree and start a career.
If you need any more support, feel free to reach out again. Take care of yourself.