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Allyson Wood December 14th 2020 06:43 AM

How do you deal your depression right now?
I am depressed right now and I don't know what to do. This pandemic brings so many problems for me. Can you help me? How do you deal with your depression during these uncertain times?

DeletedAccount53 December 15th 2020 03:08 PM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Allyson Wood (Post 1359332)
I am depressed right now and I don't know what to do. This pandemic brings so many problems for me. Can you help me? How do you deal with your depression during these uncertain times?

I can only sympathize that today's news is no better than previously. But take heart. I have a few suggestions that might help. :)
It's easy to slip into the habit of sleeping late, spending all day in your pajamas and eating junk food, but looking after yourself is essential for your mental health. Even simple tasks such as showering can feel difficult sometimes, but they can make a big difference to the way you feel.

Ensure you are in a well-ventilated room and following basic self-care, sleeping, eating and drinking water - flavoured water such as orange squash relieves the tasteless boredom of water. Consider getting food delivered or asking a friend to drop food off for you. Being at home all the time can affect your appetite. Talking to your doctor would help, so arrange a telephone consultation, but keep your time with them short. Make a note of two, but no more than three major concerns. If you are on depression medication your doctor might adjust it.

If feeling anxious or low or both, taking a brisk walk can boost your mood. If you have a garden go out to it and get some sunshine if the weather allows. Taking a supplement such as Vitabiotics 'Ultra Vitamin D3 50ug would be beneficial, but it is important that ask your doctor's advice first.

Exercise can be simple if you have stairs, a few walks up and down will increase cardiac strength and breathing and make you feel good, because your body will release feel-good endorphins that brighten our mood.

Write down any thoughts and feelings into a journal or notebook really helps. Pen or pencil-to-paper, written down is as good as spoken out loud. Reaffirm yourself out loud: "I am going to win this! I will not allow anxiety to grind me down!"

Limit watching TV news, especially before bedtime. Because it can take are a few negative comments from an idiot politician to let us take their doom and gloom to bed. That is neither helpful of TV news or the person who said it. Try reading a book before bedtime, maybe a re-read of a favourite author.

Be kind to friend and call them, see how they are. Talk about anything, ask what they've been doing.

Be kind to yourself. If you don't feel up to doing anything, though, that's fine too. It's important to be kind to yourself and recognise when you need a break.

There will always be hard news on TV. But we can be in control of that by not listening except to important government announcements. Then turn the telly over to a cartoon program. You will always smile seeing Donald Duck or one of your favourite cartoon characters. Because it is laughter in
life that can be so healing, even when you don’t feel like laughing but seeing cartoon characters fool around can't stop making us smile. :)

I get through difficult times by deep thinking, sometimes critical thinking if the problem will not go away, then for that I'll go walking in nature, making a gratitude list, petting our stray cat, treating myself to things, self care, and friends, such as helping a friend or volunteering while bearing in mind social distancing, or when in heavy traffic, forgiving a driver in traffic that cuts you off, or saying something nice to a shop assistant.

Make an instant gratitude list right now. I am grateful I could walk 2 miles today, I am productively writing this piece, and I have friends who support me. If you have none of these, be grateful for the sun shining, the Indian takeaway down the street or that you have your eyesight. Or go walking in the woods, mindfulness, Zoom or You Tube topics of interest.

Wishing you all my best :)


Allyson Wood December 18th 2020 02:06 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Pork Chops (Post 1359384)

I can only sympathize that today's news is no better than previously. But take heart. I have a few suggestions that might help. :)
It's easy to slip into the habit of sleeping late, spending all day in your pajamas and eating junk food, but looking after yourself is essential for your mental health. Even simple tasks such as showering can feel difficult sometimes, but they can make a big difference to the way you feel.

Ensure you are in a well-ventilated room and following basic self-care, sleeping, eating and drinking water - flavoured water such as orange squash relieves the tasteless boredom of water. Consider getting food delivered or asking a friend to drop food off for you. Being at home all the time can affect your appetite. Talking to your doctor would help, so arrange a telephone consultation, but keep your time with them short. Make a note of two, but no more than three major concerns. If you are on depression medication your doctor might adjust it.

If feeling anxious or low or both, taking a brisk walk can boost your mood. If you have a garden go out to it and get some sunshine if the weather allows. Taking a supplement such as Vitabiotics 'Ultra Vitamin D3 50ug would be beneficial, but it is important that ask your doctor's advice first.

Exercise can be simple if you have stairs, a few walks up and down will increase cardiac strength and breathing and make you feel good, because your body will release feel-good endorphins that brighten our mood.

Write down any thoughts and feelings into a journal or notebook really helps. Pen or pencil-to-paper, written down is as good as spoken out loud. Reaffirm yourself out loud: "I am going to win this! I will not allow anxiety to grind me down!"

Limit watching TV news, especially before bedtime. Because it can take are a few negative comments from an idiot politician to let us take their doom and gloom to bed. That is neither helpful of TV news or the person who said it. Try reading a book before bedtime, maybe a re-read of a favourite author.

Be kind to friend and call them, see how they are. Talk about anything, ask what they've been doing.

Be kind to yourself. If you don't feel up to doing anything, though, that's fine too. It's important to be kind to yourself and recognise when you need a break.

There will always be hard news on TV. But we can be in control of that by not listening except to important government announcements. Then turn the telly over to a cartoon program. You will always smile seeing Donald Duck or one of your favourite cartoon characters. Because it is laughter in
life that can be so healing, even when you don’t feel like laughing but seeing cartoon characters fool around can't stop making us smile. :)

I get through difficult times by deep thinking, sometimes critical thinking if the problem will not go away, then for that I'll go walking in nature, making a gratitude list, petting our stray cat, treating myself to things, self care, and friends, such as helping a friend or volunteering while bearing in mind social distancing, or when in heavy traffic, forgiving a driver in traffic that cuts you off, or saying something nice to a shop assistant.

Make an instant gratitude list right now. I am grateful I could walk 2 miles today, I am productively writing this piece, and I have friends who support me. If you have none of these, be grateful for the sun shining, the Indian takeaway down the street or that you have your eyesight. Or go walking in the woods, mindfulness, Zoom or You Tube topics of interest.

Wishing you all my best :)


Thank you for thinking of me and taking the time to be kind. I appreciate your concern and I'll do my best to keep strong.

DeletedAccount53 December 18th 2020 11:46 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Allyson Wood (Post 1359505)
Thank you for thinking of me and taking the time to be kind. I appreciate your concern and I'll do my best to keep strong.

Allyson, you have your doctor to discuss your worries with over the phone. Even I took advice from mine and she thanked me. She said "'Take a day at a time, and be strong throughout it. Be strong for your family and friends and to self-care.'"

Thank you for appreciation. Try not to watch TV national news except for essential government announcements. The nations are going through a rough time as we head into winter. But take time looking after yourself so the depression cannot 'feed' on your anxiety.

I knit; it concentrates my mind. I knit hats and have an antique sock making contraption, and take orders for winter socks for income. And jumpers. I look out for my twin, make sure she's comfy and cared for. I like being busy so my addled mind doesn't better me.

We have You Tube to entertain us. Legs for taking walks around the park. I've learnt lots about bushcraft from You Tube. There's always something to do, Allyson, if we seek it. :)

Allyson Wood December 23rd 2020 06:17 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Pork Chops (Post 1359538)

Allyson, you have your doctor to discuss your worries with over the phone. Even I took advice from mine and she thanked me. She said "'Take a day at a time, and be strong throughout it. Be strong for your family and friends and to self-care.'"

Thank you for appreciation. Try not to watch TV national news except for essential government announcements. The nations are going through a rough time as we head into winter. But take time looking after yourself so the depression cannot 'feed' on your anxiety.

I knit; it concentrates my mind. I knit hats and have an antique sock making contraption, and take orders for winter socks for income. And jumpers. I look out for my twin, make sure she's comfy and cared for. I like being busy so my addled mind doesn't better me.

We have You Tube to entertain us. Legs for taking walks around the park. I've learnt lots about bushcraft from You Tube. There's always something to do, Allyson, if we seek it. :)

Yes, I'll remember what you said. I also read books or some random articles on the internet. I found this recently https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7458054/ this helps me to lessen the depression that I currently have right now.

DeletedAccount53 December 23rd 2020 09:36 PM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Allyson Wood (Post 1359780)
Yes, I'll remember what you said. I also read books or some random articles on the internet. I found this recently https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7458054/ this helps me to lessen the depression that I currently have right now.

You beat me to recommending that link! I've already saved it and intended sharing how very it is!

I'm presently reading Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Dennis Greenberger PhD. It's the 2nd edition though I have the 1st that went into print 3 years ago. It's an easy read with useful worksheets to plot and plan one's actions.

The book details about our moods and anger (if any) and how our thoughts tend to be the reason of feeling the way we do. In this 2nd edition is a chapter on anxiety that has been updated, although I would have wanted more details on Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Though I don't suffer anxiety very much these days, only recently since Covid has become more prevalent, I've felt a general sense of unease, but recognised my worry to be more localized as this virus continues spreading. I don't allow anxiety to feature, more with thanks to this book for helping me work through a problem and take the guidance so to allow myself to feel so much better.

This book has been beneficial to me to work through issues rather that allow myself to be stuck in a rut, thereby allowing the root of anxiety to take hold again. Not flipping likely! So Mind Over Mood has been very effective indeed!

Allyson Wood December 28th 2020 07:16 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Pork Chops (Post 1359792)

You beat me to recommending that link! I've already saved it and intended sharing how very it is!

I'm presently reading Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Dennis Greenberger PhD. It's the 2nd edition though I have the 1st that went into print 3 years ago. It's an easy read with useful worksheets to plot and plan one's actions.

The book details about our moods and anger (if any) and how our thoughts tend to be the reason of feeling the way we do. In this 2nd edition is a chapter on anxiety that has been updated, although I would have wanted more details on Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Though I don't suffer anxiety very much these days, only recently since Covid has become more prevalent, I've felt a general sense of unease, but recognised my worry to be more localized as this virus continues spreading. I don't allow anxiety to feature, more with thanks to this book for helping me work through a problem and take the guidance so to allow myself to feel so much better.

This book has been beneficial to me to work through issues rather that allow myself to be stuck in a rut, thereby allowing the root of anxiety to take hold again. Not flipping likely! So Mind Over Mood has been very effective indeed!

Oh, I don't know that you will actually give me some links also. I am amazed at my self :dance1:

startangle December 30th 2020 02:15 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Allyson Wood (Post 1360081)
Oh, I don't know that you will actually give me some links also. I am amazed at my self :dance1:

You can see the future? When will this pandemic end? Jk :D

Allyson Wood December 31st 2020 05:12 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by startangle (Post 1360304)
You can see the future? When will this pandemic end? Jk :D

I can't see :nosweat: just a premonition. BTW, how are you right now? Feeling okay?

startangle January 1st 2021 01:50 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Allyson Wood (Post 1360376)
I can't see :nosweat: just a premonition. BTW, how are you right now? Feeling okay?

I'm feeling great, but do you know that premonition is a sign of depression? Gotta pay attention to that. *)*)*)

Celyn January 2nd 2021 08:14 PM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by startangle (Post 1360404)
I'm feeling great, but do you know that premonition is a sign of depression? Gotta pay attention to that. *)*)*)

Just dropping by to clarify that sometimes we can fall into negative thinking patterns (a.k.a cognitive distortions) where we believe we can predict the future (often in a negative way), which can be known as 'fortune telling'. There are also many similar negative thinking patterns that could be signs of mental distress, including depression and anxiety. For more information on the types of cognitive distortions that you can experience, feel free to check out this.

BackingErlking January 18th 2021 06:56 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by Allyson Wood (Post 1359332)
I am depressed right now and I don't know what to do. This pandemic brings so many problems for me. Can you help me? How do you deal with your depression during these uncertain times?

Don't withdraw from life. Socialising can improve your mood. Keeping in touch with friends and family means you have someone to talk to when you feel low.

Allyson Wood January 20th 2021 12:13 AM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?

Originally Posted by BackingErlking (Post 1361380)
Don't withdraw from life. Socialising can improve your mood. Keeping in touch with friends and family means you have someone to talk to when you feel low.

Yes, I always talk to my family when I am feeling down or something that I need to share with them recently, and indeed it's a great help in all aspects.

HowrdJns89 March 26th 2021 05:34 PM

Re: How do you deal your depression right now?
I just can't cope with her and it makes me very bad

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