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Name: Hollie
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Re: Useful tips to over come from depression...? -
July 28th 2017, 06:14 PM
Hey there,
Thank you for reaching out here! It's really brave to ask for support so you should be proud of yourself for taking that step. Depression is something which can't just be cured with some quick tips, however there are things that can help you gradually overcome feelings of depression. For example, I find that looking for the positives can be quite useful in making me feel a bit better on days where I'm feeling really low. For instance, if you're out an about, look for things which make you smile! This could be the weather that day, or the colours of the trees, or just something a stranger did for someone else which made you realise there are still kind people left in the world. If it helps, write these down somewhere. Keep a journal or a scrap book of positive memories and then you can look back at this in the future when you need a reminder of positive things too.
Keeping active is also said to be really good for you. Exercise triggers a positive response, and so you could take up walking or jogging, or join a gym too. This way you can get out and get some fresh air while also making a healthier choice for yourself too. People who have started running have reported feeling more positive in themselves, so it's something to consider!
Keeping in touch with friends and family is also important I think. With depression, there can sometimes be loneliness or a tendency to isolate yourself, so arranging some time to be around other people on a regular basis can stop this from being quite so overwhelming. This could be film nights or dinners, or even just a chat and a coffee! You could get together and do a hobby together, like a craft or a sport, and have a catch up or something. It helps to make you feel like you're not quite so alone.
Finally, if you're suffering from depression, never be afraid to speak to a professional. Therapists or doctors are so important, and they can really make a difference. Someone to listen to you in an impartial way can make you feel like you're being heard, and even help you straighten out your own thoughts so that you can come to conclusions and decisions better on your own. As well as this, doctors may or may not recommend medication, however this is obviously up to them and nobody here can say whether they will or will not prescribe anything. The best thing to do is chat with them about the options available to you and take it from there. They're usually really patient people and want what is best for you, so don't be too worried about speaking to them!
I hope this has helped a bit. I'm sure many other people will have loads more to add, so I hope you find something that helps from this.
Take care.
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Matt Haig - The Midnight Library