I understand how you feel completely... and I want you to know that you deserve happiness. I'm here for you too, and you can tell me anything and everything on your mind... because... I know how dark that world is, and no one deserves to feel that pain.
I also know how dark that world is.. because... I'm currently experiencing the same thoughts .
My sadness is caused by a lost friendship, but thats a story for another time. For now, focus on yourself.. and focus on how you can talk to me to help you out... because I know that you deserve to be out of that world... its a dark, dark world.. and its scary how those dark thoughts can take control of you.
Rant to me anytime.

I want to be that friend who helps you out of this because .... you deserve to smile and be happy again. I don't know how to help myself, but I can certainly help you.