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Depression and Suicide If you or a loved one is feeling depressed or suicidal, you are not alone. Talk with other users about your feelings here.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 03:03 PM
I would only beat him if I had to...which won't happen...how about just yes...say it...you know you can...you can trust us...I pinky swear...I don't like promises either, that is why I pinky swear...no one breaks a pinky swear...I don't want you to let go...I want you to hold on...I want you to be back here tommorow and the next day, and all the days after that...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 03:13 PM
Faith, I would let her beat me with a stick every day if that was the price for you to be ok and happy. If you go, it will be worse than any physical pain I could ever endure. You will rip out a piece of my heart and take it with you, and I know it's the same for Siera. Please just hold on and try to trust us. I know that you're strong and you can do it.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 03:31 PM
I am not going to beat you with a stick!!! Gosh, around here people say that, like as a trust thing...I will beat so and so with a stick if they hurt you...it is common around here...lol...
Faith, it really will rip a piece of my heart out...it will rip my soul up too...you are really really really strong!!! You can trust us...if we were going to give up we would have already!!! We are here...hold on for us...please...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 03:35 PM
I really do care. I'm not trying to hurt you. Why would I have spent all day on here helping you, when I am probably going to get in a HUGE amount of trouble tonight for not having my schoolwork done, if I didn't care?
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 03:51 PM
I wouldn't be here trying to help if I didn't care...I know how hard it is to trust people...Please don't go...I am here to help...Cody is here to help...If we didn't care about you, we wouldn't be here...we want to help you...and Pinky swears are different...they weren't broken...promises were...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 04:08 PM
Faith look how much these people care...that is incredible. It takes some pretty amazing people to write for this long about someone, you must be pretty special. I know you can do this, I believe in you.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 04:14 PM
Tonight is all we need right now...I am happy you decided to stay...I am glad that you will try for tonight...that is all I am asking is for you to try...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 04:45 PM
We will be here...we will always be here..inless my internet dies...which would kill me...or if ninjas kidnap us...but I am a ninja...Y-YA
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 05:08 PM
I won't hit cody with a stick...much...jk...and a ninja, oh yeah, fear me and my skills of falling over flat surfaces...lol...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 05:56 PM
that's probably not the best combo, but if you are still living, I can't complain...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 06:19 PM
you know, 5 pages of posts is something of an achievement, but its still no closer to helping, is it? people obv care, inc myself believe it or not. i care too much i think, n im seriously considering getting an ambulance to you, you know. i called one for myself a min ago, im considering sending you one coz of the painkillers you've taken.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 20th 2009, 06:19 PM
as long as it is helping...
I'm so tired of pretending everything's okay, my tears are starting to show and my smile is fading away.
PM or VM me if you need me, I'm here if you need someone to talk to or to just listen. I also have most messangers if you want to talk on one of those.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 03:08 AM
but you know.. you should try something different... something more positive.
it'll be worth it!!
Those who have went through more pain than everyone else, and want to protect anyone and everyone they know and care for from that pain, are stronger than everyone.
we come, we help, we stick and never leave. pm me anytimeee!
Official member of the completely Unofficial free hugs Club !
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 10:33 AM
thinking of more positive things..maybe movies.. or a good book
i know its rather weird, but they help a lot.
Those who have went through more pain than everyone else, and want to protect anyone and everyone they know and care for from that pain, are stronger than everyone.
we come, we help, we stick and never leave. pm me anytimeee!
Official member of the completely Unofficial free hugs Club !
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 12:43 PM
but there's so much in store for you!!
promise me you'll try something positive.. positive changes will happen, and everything will change.. and hence afterwards life itself will change
trust my advice, faith!!
Those who have went through more pain than everyone else, and want to protect anyone and everyone they know and care for from that pain, are stronger than everyone.
we come, we help, we stick and never leave. pm me anytimeee!
Official member of the completely Unofficial free hugs Club !
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 12:58 PM
Darren's right. You know how the funny pictures make you feel better? Well, doing positive things like that really do work. And you have so much ahead of you, don't give up on it.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 01:04 PM
but you know, you gotta try something..
we're in and we're gonna support you to try and make everything better. we're both sure you can do it.. so does everyone else on here
you've got us behind your back!
Those who have went through more pain than everyone else, and want to protect anyone and everyone they know and care for from that pain, are stronger than everyone.
we come, we help, we stick and never leave. pm me anytimeee!
Official member of the completely Unofficial free hugs Club !
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 01:37 PM
Faith, I know you're strong and that you can do this. And you have the support of so many people in doing it. Use us as your strength when you don't feel you have enough alone. We're here for you.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 02:19 PM
Tonight? Faith, I know you want to let go, but theres things to stick around for, there are. I don't want to see you go. *hug* I see where you might want to do this, but honestly i don't think it's the best answer. PM me if you want to talk. I'm here for you. Just try to hang on, even if you don't want to. Try anyways please... ~with care and hope for you, Emily.
Rest In peace Monica, I miss you 1-3-10
I owe you my life, more than once over. And the only thing I can do, is 'Thank you.'
I last self harmed on June 9, 2009.
I'm always here. For anyone, who needs anything. No matter what.
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 02:26 PM
There's nothing to stay for, I can't explain why. There's just nothing to stay for. Everybody has somebody or something to stay for. I don't want to stay for anything, even if there was something here for me.
You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free
Re: Hurts Too Much To Breathe -
January 21st 2009, 02:41 PM
Well Faith, I'm here to offer you some of that nice constructive critisism that everyone else is bomarding me with, haha. You know, you're close to 200 posts, yet what has changed? You're ignoring everything everyone is saying, you aren't taking anything into account at all Faith. There's only so much people here can do for you, we can't do it for you, its something you have to do yourself. In these 200 posts what has been accomplished? Nothing hardly. You haven't taken anything into account, at all. You haven't listened when people told you that they care about you, or that they want to help you. You ignore them and push them away. You push them away Faith, you have all these millions of people posting on YOUR thread and yet you don't listen to them Faith, why not?! Why don't you listen to them? They're trying to help you.