Hello there!
I think that depression is something that's worse when it's kept within and not told out. But I do know that the truly considerate, the truly nice won't hesitate to help you out for no reason... they just want to see you happy. But definitely tell someone you know you can trust.. that'll definitely help you out more because it's more likely to be kept secret, the way you want it. I also wanna know what you went through because the sooner we overcome and beat the source of your depression, the more you will recover and the faster the process will be. Also, there's many ways to rant out your depression.... besides talking to someone,
You could write a diary or rant your problems out over here... that might be a good way to go about it in the beginning if you're still uncomfortable with telling other people. That will slowly allow you to come to terms with the fact that your depression is something you'll eventually let someone else know, in order to receive advice and improve and pave a road towards the creation of a happy atmosphere that you definitely deserve.
There's many forms of releases... there's music, there's graphic design, pottery, dance and many more. You will be able to express your feelings out in many, many different ways. The first thing to do when it comes to depression is the fact that there's plenty of ways for you to express it out, and let out your feelings. The sooner you allow yourself a form of safe, non-harmful release for your feelings, the better things will be and the happier you'll feel...

I know that for sure because feelings kept inside are just like a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

It's better to slowly express yourself via positive activities and eventually, once you're ready to do it... a counselor or someone who'll be ready to offer positive advice and listen to you through thick and thin.

Btw, if you want someone to rant to or just need a friend, I'll always be around. Always!

I'll be around!