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Re: Hey :/ I've got some Depression -
August 14th 2015, 10:05 PM
Hey there. 
I'm sorry you're going through this situation with your girlfriend and that you were not able to talk to her. I can see how that'd be really upsetting. Have you been able to talk to her since you posted this thread? I hope so, and I also hope you were able to work things out with her.
Have you struggled with depression in the past or have you been diagnosed? You mentioned that your depression was bad 4 hours ago from when you posted the thread, and that made me wonder if you've just now started feeling this way accompanied with the suicidal thoughts due to the situation with your girlfriend just today? Or is it something you've been struggling with for quite awhile now? I'm not a professional so obviously I can't diagnose you but I just wanted to point out that depression is different than temporary sadness over a particular situation or event. Depression lingers and begins affecting other parts of your life, whereas sadness eventually goes away within a shorter period of time. With certain situation such as a break-up, it's understandable to be dealing with intense and difficult feelings. (I really hope what I just said didn't upset you or make you feel as I was belittling your feelings, I just felt it was worth bringing up as some people have trouble distinguishing sadness from depression or end up self-diagnosing which can lead to more confusion and issues. Hope this made sense.)
Have you opened up to anyone about this? Having support from a friend or family member could help you quite a lot, so don't be afraid to reach out to those in your life. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to listen. Experiencing this break-up must be really hard for you, so just try not to go through it alone. Let people in and distract yourself with what makes you happy such as hobbies and resorting to healthy emotional outlets.
Especially with the issue between you and your girlfriend, it's understandable that you'd feel so low but with time, these feelings will pass, okay? I know it must be so hard for you right now but the whole rest of your life is important and worth living for. Think of your future and all that you want to live for. I imagine you have lots of dreams and experiences you want to have in your life, so live for that, live for what drives you and for your hopes and dreams, you know? Right now, you're more than welcome to express your emotions and thoughts but I really hope you don't act on them. There will be brighter days ahead of all the difficult ones so hold on.
Hope you feel better soon and let me know if you need anything. Stay strong, you can do this.
Last edited by DeletedAccount11; August 14th 2015 at 10:27 PM.